Foto del docente

Fabrizio Passarini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHIM/12 CHIMICA DELL'AMBIENTE E DEI BENI CULTURALI


Ultime tesi seguite dal docente

Tesi di Laurea

  • Analisi chimica e microbiologica di alimenti e acque destinati al consumo umano
  • Analisi di elementi in traccia negli alimenti dell'infanzia: tra elementi nutrizionali essenziali ed elementi potenzialmente tossici.
  • Analisi di pesticidi in matrici ambientali mediante HPLC
  • Analisi granulometrica di terreni e sedimenti
  • Assessment on air quality of Dublin port
  • Determinazione dei principali parametri chimico-fisici e analisi Headspace per la ricerca di VOC in campioni di matrice solida.
  • Determinazione del potere calorifico
  • Determinazione di composti organostannici in sedimenti di un porto turistico
  • indagine sull’esposizione ad agenti chimici dei lavoratori operanti in una raffineria di biodiesel
  • Sostanze per- e polifluoroalchiliche (PFAS): validazione del metodo EPA 8327 mediante UHPLC-MS/MS
  • Valutazione dell'efficienza di abbattimento degli idrocarburi attraverso una tecnica di bioremediation
  • Valutazione dello stato di funzionamento di un impianto di depurazione. Caso di studio: "Ponte Metauro"
  • Verifica di ripetibilità e recupero di alcuni markers sui campioni di rifiuto

Tesi di Laurea Magistrale

  • "The European and Italian textile and footwear industries and their environmental implications. A carbon footprint of Italian textile waste generation flow"
  • “Circularity and environmental trade-offs in the construction sector: the case of mass timber”.
  • A Social Life Cycle Assessment study of Electric Vehicles Li-Ion Batteries
  • A tool to help industries in tackling plastic pollution. "The Plast-simulator" of Ampliphi GmbH
  • Almond byproducts as a substitute of wood in the manufacturing of Medium Density Fiberboards for non-construction purposes: LCA of the “Tablero Huella 0” and its market application.
  • An overview on the benefits of “reuse” as a tool to reduce GHG emissions: the Riusoo project case study by Camst Group.
  • Analysis of MSWM in Florence: an estimation of the carbon footprint of textiles management
  • Biochar’s agricultural and agronomical usage in soil; the socio-economic and business aspects
  • Biopolyester fibers for sustainable and biocompatible applications
  • Bridging the Gaps: Evaluating Discrepancies in Waste Management Treaties to Promote Circular Economy Goals
  • carbon capture technology: an analysis of theoretical frameworks and real cases of decarbonization of the cement industry
  • Circular Economy on Mexican SMEs: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Circular Economy: the household appliances impact on the environment during their Life Cycle
  • Development of an absolute environmental sustainability assessment approach combining the Planetary Boundary framework and consequential LCA: Framework development and case study
  • Economic and environmental sustainability: a new KPI for the hospitality industry
  • Evaluation on the environmental impacts of industrial hemp cultivation in Italy
  • Exploring Treated Greywater Applications to reduce Water Resources Distress: The Hydraloop Case Study and its possible implementation in Italy and France.
  • Industrial Symbiosis applied in upholstered furniture industry in Forlì - LCA comparative analysis of three different scenarios
  • Innovation in a biorefinery: Life Cycle Assessment of proteins extracted from grape seeds
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) di un processo catalitico di conversione del metano in idrogeno e nanotubi di carbonio
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) of a bio-fuel cell fed with waste biomass: potential for scale-up and process optimization
  • Life Cycle Assessment as a tool for decision-making: case study of a textile industry in Bruxelles
  • Life cycle assessment of nutrient recovery from the liquid fraction of pig manure digestate via struvite precipitation
  • Methane emissions from enteric fermentation: current promising mitigation practices and their application on cattle livestock sector in Emilia Romagna
  • Polyurethane Binder Reactivity and Life Cycle Assessment Study
  • Preventing Food Waste: A Legislative Analysis of the European Union’s Strategies for a Sustainable Food System
  • Recycling and Reuse of Irradiated Graphite
  • Reducing the environmental impact of plastic waste: Studying consumer habits and developing virtuous rules
  • Role played by the environment in the spread of antimicrobial resistance: a focus on the food chain
  • Social Life Cycle Assessment: an overview and case studies
  • Studio del processo di recupero di Terre Rare da motori di veicoli elettrici a fine vita.
  • The environmental impacts of cotton garments from cradle to grave: a comparative LCA to evaluate the potential benefits of best practices
  • The Go2Score indicator, a pioneering way to assess sustainability of local businesses
  • The role of hydrogen in the blueprint for the energy transition
  • The social impact of electric vehicles observed from two different standpoints. A comparison through Social Life Cycle Assessment
  • Valutazione degli impatti ambientali relativi alla valorizzazione delle sanse di oliva in una prospettiva di ciclo di vita

Tesi di Dottorato

  • Characterization and management of particular classes of waste at a regional level. case study: Marche region

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