Foto del docente

Fabrizio De Falco

Adjunct professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Research fellow

Department of History and Cultures

Short Bio

Medieval historian, I obtained my training at the University of Bologna, where I completed my doctorate in 2020 in joint supervision with the University of Avignon.

My research primarily focuses on the history of the Anglo-Norman realm and the practices and motivations of courtly writing. His attention to how texts operate in various reception contexts has led him to also engage in historiographical reflection and to be particularly attentive to the contemporary spread of new ideas and interpretations of the Middle Ages. I published the first complete Italian translation of Gerald of Wales' "Topographia Hibernica" (2017) and, with Palgrave Macmillan, (2023): "Authors, Factions, and Courts in Angevin England: A Literature of Personal Ambition (12th–13th Century)."

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