Foto del docente

Fabrizia Negri

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-02/A Physical Chemistry


Melandri S.; Evangelisti L.; Canola S.; Sa'adeh H.; Calabrese C.; Coreno M.; Grazioli C.; Prince K.C.; Negri F.; Maris A., Chlorination and tautomerism: A computational and UPS/XPS study of 2-hydroxypyridine ⇌ 2-pyridone equilibrium, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2020, 22, pp. 13440 - 13455 [Scientific article]Open Access

Liu G.; Xiao C.; Negri F.; Li Y.; Wang Z., Dodecatwistarene Imides with Zigzag-Twisted Conformation for Organic Electronics, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2020, 59, pp. 2008 - 2012 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zanut A.; Fiorani A.; Canola S.; Saito T.; Ziebart N.; Rapino S.; Rebeccani S.; Barbon A.; Irie T.; Josel H.-P.; Negri F.; Marcaccio M.; Windfuhr M.; Imai K.; Valenti G.; Paolucci F., Insights into the mechanism of coreactant electrochemiluminescence facilitating enhanced bioanalytical performance, «NATURE COMMUNICATIONS», 2020, 11, Article number: 2668 , pp. 2668 - 2676 [Scientific article]Open Access

Salvitti G.; Negri F.; Perez-Jimenez A.J.; San-Fabian E.; Casanova D.; Sancho-Garcia J.C., Investigating the (Poly)Radicaloid Nature of Real-World Organic Compounds with DFT-Based Methods, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY», 2020, 124, pp. 3590 - 3600 [Scientific article]Open Access

Canola, Sofia; Graham, Christina; Pérez-Jiménez, Ángel José; Sancho-García, Juan-Carlos; Negri, Fabrizia, Charge transport parameters for carbon based nanohoops and donor-acceptor derivatives, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2019, 21, pp. 2057-2068 - 2068 [Scientific article]Open Access

Medina Rivero, Samara; Canola, Sofia; Zeng, Wangdong; Ramírez, Francisco J; Zafra, José L; Wu, Jishan; Negri, Fabrizia; Casado, Juan, Long rylene nanoribbons express polyacetylene-like signatures at their edges, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2019, 21, pp. 7281-7287 - 7287 [Scientific article]

Canola S.; Mardegan L.; Bergamini G.; Villa M.; Acocella A.; Zangoli M.; Ravotto L.; Vinogradov S.A.; Di Maria F.; Ceroni P.; Negri F., One- and two-photon absorption properties of quadrupolar thiophene-based dyes with acceptors of varying strengths, «PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2019, 18, pp. 2180 - 2190 [Scientific article]

Cappuccino, Chiara; Canola, Sofia; Montanari, Giacomo; Lopez, Sergio G.; Toffanin, Stefano; Melucci, Manuela; Negri, Fabrizia*; Maini, Lucia, One Molecule, Four Colors: Discovering the Polymorphs of a Thieno(bis)imide Oligomer, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2019, 19, pp. 2594 - 2603 [Scientific article]

Mayorga Burrezo P.; Zeng W.; Moos M.; Holzapfel M.; Canola S.; Negri F.; Rovira C.; Veciana J.; Phan H.; Wu J.; Lambert C.; Casado J., Perylene π-Bridges Equally Delocalize Anions and Cations: Proportioned Quinoidal and Aromatic Content, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2019, 58, pp. 14467 - 14471 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fazzi D.; Fabiano S.; Ruoko T.-P.; Meerholz K.; Negri F., Polarons in π-conjugated ladder-type polymers: A broken symmetry density functional description, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. C», 2019, 7, pp. 12876 - 12885 [Scientific article]

Fazzi D; Fabiano S; Ruoko TP; Meerholz K; Negri F, Polarons in pi-conjugated ladder-type polymers: a broken symmetry density functional description, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. C», 2019, 7, pp. 12876 - 12885 [Scientific article]

Sofia Canola, Yasi Dai, Fabrizia Negri, The Low Lying Double-Exciton State of Conjugated Diradicals: Assessment of TDUDFT and Spin-Flip TDDFT Predictions, «COMPUTATION», 2019, 7, Article number: 68 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]

Liu, Wenlan; Canola, Sofia; Köhn, Andreas; Engels, Bernd; Negri, Fabrizia; Fink, Reinhold F.*, A model hamiltonian tuned toward high level ab initio calculations to describe the character of excitonic states in perylenebisimide aggregates, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY», 2018, 39, pp. 1979 - 1989 [Scientific article]

Bruschi, Lorenzo; Mistura, Giampaolo*; Negri, Fabrizia; Coasne, Benoit; Mayamei, Yashar; Lee, Woo, Adsorption on alumina nanopores with conical shape, «NANOSCALE», 2018, 10, pp. 18300 - 18305 [Scientific article]

Canola, Sofia; Casado, Juan; Negri, Fabrizia, The double exciton state of conjugated chromophores with strong diradical character: insights from TDDFT calculations, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2018, 20, pp. 24227 - 24238 [Scientific article]Open Access

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