- Laurea in Chimica: Ottobre 1986 con punteggio di 110/110 e lode.
- Maggio 1987: abilitazione all' esercizio della professione di Chimico.
- 1988-1991: Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Chimiche
- 1991-1992: Borsa di studio CNR per l' estero, presso il National Research Council (NRC) del Canada ad Ottawa, nel gruppo di Chimica Teorica guidato dal Dr. Willem Siebrand.
- 1992-1993: Research Associate, NRC Ottawa
Carriera accademica
- 1993 Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Chimica “G. Ciamician” dell' Università di Bologna.
- 2001 Professore Associato non confermato presso il Dipartimento di Chimica “G. Ciamician” dell' Università di Bologna. Da ottobre 2004 è Professore Associato Confermato.
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale del MIUR come professore di Prima Fascia, 2013.
- 2016 Professore Ordinario presso il Dipartimento di Chimica "G. Ciamician” dell' Università di Bologna.
Incarichi Istituzionali
- 2007-2009 Membro del Direttivo del Gruppo Interdivisionale di Chimica Computazionale della Societa' Chimica Italiana;
- 2015-2021 Coordinatrice del CdS triennale in Chimica e Chimica dei Materiali;
- 2014 ad oggi: Membro del Collegio del Dottorato in Chimica;
- 2015-2021 Membro della Commissione Didattica di Dipartimento
- 2015-2021 Membro della Giunta di Dipartimento come Coordinatrice di CdS
- 2021-2024: Membro della Giunta di Dipartimento come rappresentante fascia PO
- 2023-2025: Membro del Direttivo della Divisione di Chimica Teorica e Computazionale della Società Chimica Italiana
- 2023-: Membro del Self Steering Committee della Focus Area Future Materials (Una Europa)
- 2024-: Membro della Commissione Assicurazione della Qualità (AQ) del Dipartimento con delega al Dottorato di Ricerca.
Esperienze di mobilità all’estero
- Novembre 1988 e Novembre 1989: visiting scientist presso il Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Danimarca.
- Dicembre 1991-Ottobre 1992: Borsa di studio CNR per l' estero, presso il National Research Council (NRC) del Canada ad Ottawa, nel gruppo di Chimica Teorica guidato dal Dr. Willem Siebrand.
- Novembre-dicembre 1992: visiting scientist presso il National Research Council del Canada, Ottawa.
- 1993: Research Associate presso il National Research Council del Canada, Ottawa.
- Settembre 1994 e Luglio 1995:visiting scientist presso il National Research Council del Canada, Ottawa.
F. Negri e' autrice di oltre 180 pubblicazioni scientifiche
su riviste internazionali e di quattro capitoli di libri.
H-index: 44 (WOS), 45 (Scopus), 48 (Google Scholar).
F. Negri ha presentato numerosi seminari e relazioni su invito a
congressi internazionali e scuole.
- 1998: Premio “Federchimica per un futuro intelligente”; (1a sezione) per l’attività svolta nel campo della chimica fisica computazionale volta all’interpretazione dei processi di interazione fra radiazioni e molecole, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare strumenti che consentano l’interpretazione di dati sperimentali e la formulazione di previsione su sistemi non direttamente accessibili alla sperimentazione.
Attivita' di referaggio
Regular referee of international journals such as the Journal of Physical Chemistry, Carbon, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Physics and Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Materials Chemistry and several others.
Referee of a number of national (FIRB, PRIN, ISCRA) and international projects (ACS Petroleum Research Fund, USA; EU FP7; Technology Foundation, Olanda) .
2013 Member of the CHE panel and refereed 18 Marie Curie projects, FP7, of these 4 where IIF, 3 IOF and 11 IEF. She participated to the consensus meetings in Bruxelles and was rapporteur for 5 of these projects.
2014 Member of the CHE panel and refereed 19 H2020-MSCA-IF-2014 projects. She participated to the consensus meetings in Bruxelles and was rapporteur for 6 of these projects.
2015 Member of the Chemistry panel and refereed 17 H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 projects. She participated to the consensus meetings in Bruxelles and was rapporteur for 6 of these projects.
2016. Member of the Committee (Jury) for the award of the 'habilitation to direct research' at the University of Bordeaux.
2019 member of the selection committee for an open position as Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry at the University of Girona (UdG) in the framework of the Serra Húnter Program (, sponsored by the government and from universities in Catalonia
2020: evaluation of three projects “Grants for the incorporation of postdoctoral research staff into the Catalan science and technology system, within the Beatriu de Pinós program (BP2019),” Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
2022 Referee for the Regular FONDECYT National Projects Competition, National Research and Development Agency (ANID) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile
2022 External reviewer for the 2022 ERC Starting grant call
2024 Reviewer of Veni research proposals from the Dutch Research Council
- Member of the "Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Materiali" (INSTM).
- Member of the Italian Chemical Society
- Member of the Editorial board of "Micromachine", Secion C "Chemistry", a peer-reviewed open access journal from MDPI
PhD Evaluation Committees
- September 1998: Member of the PhD Evaluation Committee at the School of Science, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
- September 2012: Member of the PhD Evaluation Committee at the Chemistry Department, University of Malaga, Spain.
- March 2013: Member of the PhD Evaluation Committee at the Politecnico di Milano (PhD in materials engineering), Italy.
- April 2017, External Referee for PhD thesis University of Parma
- September 2020, “Opponent” PhD Thesis defense, University of Tampere, Finland
- February 2021, Member of the PhD Evaluation Committee, University of Barcelona, Spain
- February 2021, External referee PhD thesis at University of Parma, Italy
- October 2021, Member of the PhD Evaluation Committee, University of Parma
- October 2022, Member of the PhD Evaluation Committee, University of Basque Country, Donostia, Spain
- July 2023, Member of the Comité de Suivì of a PhD, University of Bpordeaux, France
- May 2024, Member of the PhD Evaluation Committee, University of Parma
Organization Coordination of meetings-conferences
- 2005: Chair of the session "radiation-matter interaction and excited state dynamics" of the VII Convegno "Complex Systems: structure, properties, reactivity and dynamics" held in Alghero, 13-15 June 2005.
- 2009: Chair of a session of the international meeting "Transport and molecular organization in Organic and Biorganic Electronics: a MODECOM workshop", 14 January 2009, Bologna, Italy.
- 2012: Member of the scientific and organizing local committee of the Convegno GISR 2012 "II CONGRESSO NAZIONALE di SPETTROSCOPIE RAMAN ed EFFETTI OTTICI NON LINEARI", 6-8 june 2012, Bologna, Italy
- 2017: Member of the organizing committee of the “XVII GIORNATA DI CHIMICA DELL’EMILIA ROMAGNA, Chimica: trampolino di lancio per l’imprenditorialità” Bologna - 01/12/2017.
- 2018: Member of the organizing committee of the “XLV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Fisica”, June 25-28, 2018, Bologna, Italy.
- 2023: Member of the scientific committee of the "VIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Teorica e Computazionale della SCI", September 20-22, 2023, Pisa, Italy.
2023-2025: PI of the PRIN Project “Design, synthesis, and characterization of inert Multifunctional diradicaloidS for organic light-emitting transistors”
2023-2025: participation to the Next Generation EU under the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR M4C2, Investiment 1.4— Call for tender n. 3138 dated 16/12/2021—National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (HPC)—Spoke 6.
2019-2020: ISCRA award for computational resources.
2002- RFO and VRA funding from the University of Bologna.
2010-2012 PRIN Project 'Study of ultra-fast intra-and inter-molecular photoinduced processes in natural and artificial photosensors'.
2006-2009 collaboration contract with the INSTM Unit of Politecnico di Milano within the FIRB project contract RBNE033KMA_006 "Molecular compounds and hybrid nanostructured materials with resonant and non-resonant optical properties for photonic devices".
2003 - 2007 coordinator of the Bologna group belonging to the Italian Unit of the Politecnico di Milano participating to the FIRB Project "Carbon based micro e nano structures", contract RBNE019NKS;
2001-2004: coordinator of the Bologna group belonging to the Italian Unit of the Politecnico di Milano participating to the European Project "MAC-MES: Molecular approach to carbon based materials for energy storage", contract n. G5RD-CT2001-00571, website .;
1999-2001: scientific official responsible for the Bologna unit, of the INTAS Project 97-11894 "Linear and Nonlinear Optical Electronic Spectroscopy of Matrix-isolated Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives" in collaboration with Prof. Roland Levy (Strasburgo, Francia), Dr. Alexander Eletskii (Mosca, Russia), Dr. Yulii Grushko (Gatchina, Russia) and Dr. Boris Razbirin (St. Petersburg, Russia);
1994-1996 principal investigator, with Dr. John Morton from NRC of Canada, Ottawa, of a NATO collaboration (CRG n. 940108) "EPR and theoretical studies of free radical addition to fullerenes";
1988-1993 participation to the NATO collaboration grant (CRG n. 880137) "Characterization of the lowest triplet states of small linear polyenes", with Dr. Robert Wilbrandt (Danimarca) and Prof. Giorgio Orlandi (Bologna);