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I would define myself as a “bee ecologist”. Since 2002, my research activity focuses on ecology and conservation of bees in the agroecosystems and the valorisation of the pollination service. In particular, I study the impacts of the environmental stressors (pesticides, nutritional stress) on bee health following a holistic approach. This approach, which includes the assessment of potential synergistic effects among different stressors in laboratory and the analysis of data gathered from field monitoring studies, aims to improve the current environemental risk assessment and pollinator health.
In the early stages of my career, I spent several months as visiting researcher at the USDA-ARS Bee Biology & Systematics Laboratory and Utah State University, Logan (Utah, USA). Curiously, Utah’s nickname is the “Beehive state”. More recently, I have been involved in three EFSA working groups for the preparation of Scientific Opinions and Guidance Document. I am currently member of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Bee health and Sustainable beekeeping.
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