Foto del docente

Fabiana Zama

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

Curriculum vitae

  •  Born December 28, 1963, Ravenna, Italy.
  •  B.S.(Mathematics), December 1987 University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
  • From 1991 to 2006 she was an Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy.
  • Since 2006 she is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy.
  • She attended many national and international conferences.
  • From 2001 to 2004 she coordinated the local research unity of the national research project  FIRB "Parallel algorithms and nonlinear numerical optimization".
  • She has been involved in many National Research Projects.
  • She is referee of several International Journals.
  • She is Academic Editor for PLoS One journal

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