Foto del docente

Fabiana Trombetti

Assistant professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-07/A Biochemistry

Curriculum vitae

·        Degree in Biological Sciences (110/110), 17/7/1986.

·        Ph.D. in Biochemistry 1/6/1993.

·        Researcher (SSD BIO/10) from 12/9/1990 in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, with option at Department of Veterinary Medical Science.


Scientific activity

Research interests generally deal with biochemical questions in aquatic organisms, considered either from a theoretical scientific point of view or from an applied one to zootechnical, aquaculture and ecotoxicological sciences. Studies are in prevalence addressed to membrane-bound enzymes involved in iono-osmotic regulation and cellular respiration as well as to lipid composition. Her whole research activity, carried out within projects funded from University of Bologna and Ministries, at present embraces the following topics:

1. Comparative studies on membrane-bound enzyme activities involved in ionic and osmotic regulation (Na+-dependent ATPase activities) and in cellular respiration in aquatic animals. This study aims at widening and deepening the biochemical mechanisms in poorly studied organisms which could constitute useful experimental  animal models.

2. Effect of dietary and environmental factors on membrane-bound enzyme activities and on lipid components in teleosts and molluscs. Effects and possible molecular mechanisms of natural (ammonia) and anthropogenic (tributyltin and other lipophilic contaminants) factors are evaluated on enzymatic activities both in vivo and in vitro and are considered in relation to particular characteristics and/or experiment-driven changes of membrane lipids. These studies aim also at the identification of new stress and environmental biochemical markers.

3. Studies on lipid composition and fatty acid metabolism in teleosts and molluscs of commercial interest.

4. Effects of oxidative stress induced by environmental contaminants in aquatic organisms.


Other activities related to research, Institutional Activities  and Scientific Societies Affiliations

·        Member of the Organizing Committee for the following scientific meetings and session.

·        Member of the Advisory Board of the Department of Biochemistry “G. Moruzzi” – University of Bologna as researchers' representative from A.Y. 1998/1999 to A.Y. 2000/2001.

·        Member of the Examining Committee for researcher selection.

·       Affiliated member of  CoNISMa (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare) from 1995.

·        Affiliated member of the following Scientific Societies:
          Italian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB)
          Italian Society for Veterinary Sciences (SISVet)
          European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (ESCPB)
          Veterinary Italian Society for the Study of Non-Conventional Animals (SIVSANC).

Teaching Activities.

All the following activities related to teaching are held in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine:

·        Teaching courses in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine:

-         “Chemistry” (University Diploma Course in Animal Production), Academic Year 1994/1995;

-         “Inorganic Biochemistry” (University Diploma Course in Animal Production), from A. Y. 1995/1996 to A.Y. 1997/98;

-         “Chemistry and Biochemistry” (University Diploma Course in Animal Production), from A.Y. 1998/99 to A. Y. 2000/01;

-         “Biochemistry of  Animal Origin Food” (Second Level Degree Course in Health and quality of animal-based food) from A. Y. 2002/2003 to A.Y.2007/2008;

-         “Chemistry” (First Level Degree in Aquaculture and Ichthyopathology) A. Y. 2008/2009

-         “Biochemistry of transport mechanisms” (Second Level Degree in Animal Biotechnologies) A.Y. 2008/2009.

-         "Food Biochemistry" (Second Level Degree in Animal Biotechnologies) from A.Y. 2009/2010;

-         "General and inorganic chemistry" and "Laboratory of Propaedeutic Biochemistry" (Single Cycle Degree in Veterinary Medicine) from A.Y. 2009/2010 to 2011/2012;

  • "General chemistry" and "Structural biochemistry II" (Single Cycle Degree in Veterinary Medicine) from A.Y. 2012/2013.

    ·        Member of Examining Committees in subjects of the “Chemistry and Biochemistry” Teaching Area (SSD BIO/10) from A. Y. 1989/99.

    ·        Supervisor of practical work taken by students for “Chemistry”, “Biochemical Propedeutics” and “Chemical-Biochemical Methodology” courses in long-cycle second level degree course in Veterinary Medicinefrom A. Y. 1990/91.

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