Foto del docente

Francesca Pozzi

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/A Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science

Curriculum vitae

Born in Bologna 5/6/1973
Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna,
viale Berti-Pichat 6/2, I-40127, Bologna, Italia


PhD in Astronomy at the Bologna University (2002)
Master degree cum laude in Physics at the Bologna University (1997)


2019-date: Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna.
2005 - 2019: Assistant professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna.
02/2002 - 02/2005: Post-doc, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna.
11/2003 - 05/2004: Visiting scientist, Marco Polo Grant, Sussex University (UK)
11/2001 - 01/2002: Grant from the Centro Nazionale Astronomia e Astrofisica (CNAA)
03/2001 - 05/2001: Visiting scientist, Marie Curie Fellowship, Brighton University , UK
03/1998 - 03/1999: Grant from the Radioastronomy Institute, Bologna.


Chair of the following courses:

Electromagnetism and Relativity, II part, Laurea in Astronomia (2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017-2018)
Fundamental Astronomy, Laurea in Matematica (2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014-2015)
Professional training Activities, Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Cosmologia, together with F. Fraternali e C. Vignali (2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015)

Assistant Lecturer of the following courses:

Electromagnetism and Relativity (from 2005/2006 to 2014/2015)
Astronomy, Laurea in Astronomia (2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015)
Physics Experimentations I, Laurea in Astronomia (2010/2011)
Computer Programming II, Laurea in Astronomia (2009/2010)
Computer Programming I, Laurea in Astronomia (2006/2007)

Student supervision

PhD thesis

Francesco Salvestrini, 2017-date, ‘Black hole accretion and its effects on the ISM’, Supervisor: Prof. C. Vignali, Co-supervisors: Dott. C. Gruppioni, Dott. F. Pozzi (2017-date)
Ivan Delvecchio, ‘Accretion history in the Universe from Infrared Surveys’, Supervisor: Dott. F. Pozzi, Co-supervisors: Dott. C. Gruppioni, Prof. A. Cimatti, Prof. G. Zamorani (2011-2014)
H. Dominguez-Sanchez, 'Luminosity function of FIR galaxies and AGN as a function of redshift’, international PhD thesis, Spain/Italy, Supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Dott. C. Gruppioni, Prof. A. Cimatti (2009-2012)

Master thesis

Laurea in Astrofisica e Cosmologia

Giovanni Sabatini, ‘Unveiling the inner morphology and gas kinematics of NGC 5135 with ALMA’, Supervisor: Prof. A. Cimatti, Co-supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Dott. C. Gruppioni, Dott. M. Massardi ( 2016-2017)
Lara Pantoni, ‘Stima della massi di polvere di galassie ad alto redshift e suo utilizzo com tracciante evolutivo’, Supervisor: Prof. A. Cimatti, Co-supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Dott. M. Talia (2016-2017)
Federico Esposito, ‘Interpretating the CO SLED with starburt and AGN feedback’, Supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Co-supervisor: Prof. A. Cimatti (2016-2017)
Matilde Mingozzi, ‘Investigating the AGN-starburst connection in a nearby Seyfert galaxy with ALMA and multiwavelength data’, Supervisor: Prof. A. Cimatti, Co-supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Dott. L. Vallini, Dott. A. Mignano (2015-2016)
Ivan DelVecchio, ‘ Dust properties of FIR selected AGN in the GOODS-S, Supervisor: Prof. A. Cimatti, Co-supervisors: Dott. C. Gruppioni, Dott. F. Pozzi (2010-2011)
Enrica Bellocchi, ‘Quasar oscurati: Emissione Infrarossa con il Satellite Spitzer’, Supervisor: Prof. B. Marano, Co-supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Prof. C. Vignali, Dott. A. Comastri (2006-2007)

Other Laurea courses

Gloria Teggi, ‘Il problema dei due corpi’, Supervisore Dott. F. Pozzi, Co-supervisor: Prof. AndreÃÄ Georges Martinez, Corso di Laurea in Matematica (2016-2017)
Maria Laura Cericola, ‘Le Leggi di Keplero’, Supervisor: Dott. F. Pozzi, Co-supervisor: Prof. E. Caliceti, Corso di Laurea in Matematica (2015-2016)
Marta Serpietri, ‘Il satellite Herschel e lo studio dei Nuclei Galattici Attivi’, Supervisor: Prof. L. Gregorini, Co-supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Corso di Laurea in Astronomia (2009-2010)
Stefano Antonellini, ‘Studio del trasferimento radiativo e della fotofisica di regioni interstellari in galassie attive: il caso di Markarian 231’, Supervisor: Prof. L. Dore, Co-supervisors: Dott. F. Pozzi, Dott. C. Gruppioni, Corso di laurea in Chimica (2010-2011)



Author of ~135 scientific publications in international referred scientific journals. H-index ~45.

Observational proposal approved

Sub-mm telescopes

ALMA Large Program, ‘ALPINE: The ALMA Large Program to investigate CII at Early times’, (P.I.: Le Fevre, Large Program, 2017)
APEX, ‘A pilot project for probing the AGN and SF influence on the ISM on local galaxies’, (P.I.: Pozzi, 2017)
ALMA, ‘Key laboratory for AGN feedback and spheroid formation: a moderately luminous AGN at z~2’, (P.I.: Cassata, 2015)

Optical telescopes

UT3--VIMOS, ‘AN ESO-XMM-SIRTF WIDE AREA SURVEY: the measure of the clustering of AGN, and the nature and evolution of infrared galaxies’ (P.I.: La Franca, P73)
UT3--VIMOS, ‘The completion of an ESO-XMM-SPITZER WIDE AREA SURVEY: the measure of the 3D-clustering of AGN, and the nature and evolution of infrared galaxies’,(P.I.: La Franca, P75)
3.6--EFOSC, ‘The bright part of the ELAIS-S1 ESO-XMM-SPITZER wide are survey. AGN: the measure of the 3D-clustering and their obscured side’ (PI: F. La Franca, P76)
UT4--SINFONI, ‘Spectroscopic identification of a new population of super-EROs hosting AGNs’ (P.I.: Maiolino, P77)
UT4--SINFONI, ‘The evolution of the M_BH-M_star relation in obscured AGNs at high redshift’, (P.I.: Maiolino, P88)
NTT-SOFI, ‘ Extreme Herschel star-forming galaxies at z~2 (P.I.: Cresci, P92)
UT1-KMOS, ‘An unprecedented IR view of the prototypical merging galaxy NGC6240 (P.I.: Cresci, P95)
3.6-EFOSC2, ‘ CCD Imaging and Optical Spectroscopy of ISO_LW3 Sources in the ELAIS deep test region S2’ (P.I. Gruppioni, P64)
1.5D-DFOSC, ‘Spectroscopic identification of bright (R<18.5) 15um ISOCAM sources’ (P.I.: Matute, P67)
3.6--EFOSC2, ‘ Looking for faint, IR selected type 2 AGNs at high redshift’ (P.I.: Matute, P68)
3.6-EFOSC2, ‘The evolution of the milliJansky 15mum populations’ (P.I.: Matute, P69)
3.6-EFOSC2, ‘Study of the Nature of the 15 um Strongly Evolving Population through Optical Spectroscopy (P.I.: Matute, P70)

Observational campaigns

2014, NTT-SOFI, ‘Extreme Herschel star-forming galaxies at z~2’ (P.I.: Cresci, P92)
2002, 3.6-EFOSC2, ‘Study of the Nature of the 15 micron Strongly Evolving Population through Optical Spectroscopy’ (P.I.: Matute, P70)
1999. 3.6-EFOSC2, ‘CCD Imaging and Optical Spectroscopy of ISO_LW3 Sources in the ELAIS deep test region S2’, (P.I. Gruppioni, P64)

Funded research projects

2016, PRIN-INAF, ‘Empowering SKA as a probe of galaxy evolution with HI’, P.I. L. Hunt
2012, FARB, ‘Osservazioni radio Bologna-Tokyo per lo studio dei buchi neri delle galassie attive’, P.I.: G. Giovannini
2012, PRIN--INAF, ‘The Lifecycle of Early (z>3) Black Hole’, P.I.: Gilli Roberto
2011, ASI, ‘Scientific Activity for Herschel- phase E’, P.I: A. di Giorgio (ASI I/005/11)
2011, PRIN—INAF, ‘Black hole growth and AGN feedback through the cosmic time’, P.I.: F. Fiore
2010, PRIN--MIUR, ‘L'Universo oscuro e l'evoluzione cosmica dei barioni: dalle survey attuali a Euclid P.I.: A. Cimatti
2009, PRIN--INAF, ‘The e-Merlin Galaxy Evolution Survey’, PI: I. Prandoni
2008, ASI, ‘Sullo studio di fattibili\'a dello strumento SPICA SAFARI’, P.I.: L. Spinoglio
2006, PRIN-MIUR, ‘L'evoluzione cosmologica, le proprieta` fisiche e la demografia dei buchi neri supermassicci’, P.I.: G. Setti
2006, PRIN--INAF, ‘Galaxy Evolution from the Early Phases to the Actual Universe: the IR and sub-millimeter view and Preparation for Herschel’, P.I.: C. Gruppioni
2005, ASI, ‘Supporto all’analisi dati nel campo dell’astrofisica delle alte energie’, P.I.: A. Comastri
2003, PRIN--MIUR, ‘The X-ray view of the accretion history in the Universe’, P.I.: G. Matt

Scientific visits to foreign research Institutes

2017, Excellent Cluster, Monaco, Germania, 2 settimane.
2014, ESO, Monaco, Germania, 4 settimane, Grant ‘Scientific Visitor’
2011, Gent University, Belgio, 1 settimana. Collaborazione con Dott. J. Fritz e Prof. Maarten Baes.
2004, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 2 settimane. Collaborazione per analisi dati IR Spitzer\item 2003-2004, Universita` di Sussex, Brighton, UK, 6 mesi. Collaborazione con Prof. Seb Oliver\item 2002, Istituto di Astrofisica delle Canarie (IAC) Spagna, 2 settimane. C
2001, Universita` di Sussex, Brighton, UK, 3 mesi.

Participation to international research projects and committess

Member of the ESO OPC (2016-2017)
Member of the SOC of the Italian AGN congress, Ferrara 2010
Co-chair of the SOC del congresso internazionale con sede a Bologna (2019)
Referee for peer-reviewed scientific journals: A&A, MNRAS

2011-date: member of the international collaboration COSMOS
2009-date: member of the scientific team of the SAFARI-SPICA mission (PI: P. Roelfsema)
2006-2012, member of the consortium PEP/HERSCHEL (co-responsible of the work package in charge of releasing the official catalogues).

Congresses and colloquia

2018, ‘Cosmic dust: origin, applications & implications’, Copenhagen, Talk
2016, ‘Active Galactic Nuclei: what's in a name?’, ESO, Talk
2015, ‘ Gas, dust, and star-formation in galaxies from the local to far Universe’, Crete, Talk
2013, ‘A Panchromatic View of Galaxy Evolution 30 Years after IRAS’, Cyprus, Talk
2013, ‘Italian Workshop on SPICA’, Roma, Italia, 2013, Talk
2012, ‘AGN10. Dall'orizzonte degli eventi all’orizzonte cosmologico’ , Roma, Italia, Invited Talk
2010, ‘AGN9, Black Holes and revelations’, Ferrara, Italia, Poster
2010, ‘Infrared/X-ray Connection in Galaxy Evolution’, London, UK, Talk
2009, ‘A Joint European/Japanese Workshop on the SPICA Space Mission’, Oxford, UK, Poster
2006, ‘Studying galaxy evolution with Herschel and Spitzer', Creta, Talk
2004, ‘The dusty and molecular Universe’, Parigi, Poster
2003, ‘Star-formation near and far: the Alma Promise’, Isola d'Elba, Italia, Talk
2002, ‘Galaxy evolution: theory and observation’, Cozumel, Messico, Poster

2017, Trieste, SISSA, ‘Are the bulk of Herschel sources proto-spheroids?’,
2014, Monaco, ESO, ’IR emission from galaxy and AGN’
2013, Milano, INAF-Osservatorio, ‘The PEP-Herschel luminosity function up to z~4’
2007, Bologna, INAF-IRA, ‘Luminous obscured quasars in the HELLAS2XMM survey: the Spitzer perspective’
2005, Trieste, INAF-Osservatorio, ‘Understand Galaxy Evolution with IR Surveys: Comparison between ISOCAM 15-um and Spitzer 24-um Source Counts as a Tool’


2010-date: Member of the Bachelor Laurea commission.
2010-date: Responsible (with Prof. B. Lanzoni) of the Academic orientation for the Lauree in Astronomia and Astrofisica e Cosmologia
2006-date: Member of the PhD board in Astronomy, Bologna
2015-2018: Delegate of the assistant professors in Giunta
2012-2018: Member of 4 PhD commissions in Astronomy in different Italian Universities.2012-2017: Member of 4 commission for RTD-A/B positions.


2014-2016: Introductory lessons to celestiale bodies at the primary school G. Marconi, Bologna
2015: Lesson related to the solar eclipse phenomenon at the primary school Cremonici-Ongaro, Bologna
2010: Astrophysical outreach conference in Specola, Bologna, in the framework of outreach conferences organised by the INAF/DIFA Institutes.
2003: Astrophysical outreach conference in Cortile d’Ercole, Bologna, in the framework of the events organised by Bologna municipality.
2003: Introductory lessons to astronomy for the high-school students.
1998 - 2002: Guides for secondary school students at the Radiotelescope in Medicina, Bologna.