Tutti i miei progetti di ricerca sono basati su applicazioni Informatiche a servizio della Microscopia per risolvere problemi aperti in biologia e medicina.
In particolare, assieme a collaboratori e tesisti, abbiamo sviluppato una serie di software e tools.
Vedere ad esempio:
- Advanced Cell Classifier, for classifying cells in high-content screening images. http://www.cellclassifier.org
- AnaSP, software suite to segment brightfield images of multicellular spheroids. http://sourceforge.net/p/anasp
- AND-Tool, Matlab tool for segmenting nuclei in 2D widefield images stained with DAB. http://sourceforge.net/projects/andtool/
- CellTracker, for tracking in 2D cells cultured in vitro. http://celltracker.website
- CIDRE, for correcting the illumination field of microscopy images. http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v12/n5/full/nmeth.3323.html
- Colour Deconvolution 2, ImageJ/Fiji plugin for stain unmixing in RGB histological images. Prof. Gabriel Landini webpage
- DS4H Image Alignment, ImageJ/Fiji plugin for aligning images based on markers manually defined. www.filippopiccinini.it/DS4H-IA.html
- F-Tracker3D, for tracking in 3D fluorescent particles imaged with a confocal/light-sheet microscope. http://sourceforge.net/p/f-tracker3d
- MicroMos, for building a panorama, starting from a set of overlapping images. www.filippopiccinini.it/Mosaicing/index.html
- ReViMS, for cancer spheroids Reconstruction and Visualization using Multiple Sections. http://sourceforge.net/p/revims
- ReViSP, for cancer spheroids Reconstruction and Visualization using a Single Projection. http://sourceforge.net/p/revisp
- 3D-Cell-Annotator, MITK plugin for segmenting single cells in 3D datasets. www.3d-cell-annotator.org