2003-2005: Post-Doc at the University
of Bologna within the project: “Optimal architecture of
international stock exchanges: Competition, Microstructure and
Regulation” (tutor: Prof. Stefano Cenni).
2000-2001: MSc (Master of Science) in
Finance and Economics at the London School of Economics and
Political Science (degree July 31, 2001).
1999-2002: PhD in “Financial Markets and
Intermediaries” - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di
Milano (degree March 31, 2003.
1998: Graduation in
Economics and Finance, with 110/110 cum laude (degree 13/11/98)
at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna;
discussing the thesys “Competitivity among Stock Exchanges: London
vs Milan”.
2006-2009: “Corporate Funding” (CLEA) and
“International Financial Markets" (CLaSFIM). Both courses were at
the faculty of economics of the University of Bologna:
since 2006: Assistant Professor,
at the Universityt of Bologna, faculty of Economics, Department of
2005-2006: “International Financial Markets"
(CLaSFIM) at the faculty of economics of the University of
2002-2009: Teacher in the Master
“Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo”, managed by Almagraduate
School, Bologna.