- Graduated in 1997 at the University of Bologna
- PHD in History of Contemporary Art at the University of
- Fellow researcher in History of Contemporary Art at the
University of Bologna from October 1st 2002 until October 31st
- Visiting Professor at The University of Tokyo – Graduate School
of Art and Sciences – Japan, in November and December 2005
- Associate Professor in History of Contemporary Art at
Department of Visual Arts at University of Bologna, appointed at
the Polo of Rimini since November 1st 2008
- President of the Second Level Degree Fashion Course, Rimini
Campus, since July 2009
- Director of the Internationale Course in Fashion Culture and
Management - FCM - from the academic year 2014-15
Teacher of:
«History of Contemporary Art» at the CLAM, Rimini, School of Letters and Cultural HeritageUniversity of Bologna, from the academic year 2014/2015 to the academic year 2018/2019
«Contemporary Art Techniques» for the first level course DAMS,
Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna, since the
academic year 2003/2004
«Second Half of the Twentieth Century History of Art», at the
Second Level Degree in History of Art Department of Visual Arts at
University, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of
Bologna, from the academic year 2004/2004 to the academic year
«History of Fashion and Art Exhibitions» at the CLAM, Rimini,
Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna, from the
academic year 2007/2008 to the academic year 2008/2009
«Phenomenology of Styles» at the CLAM, Rimini, Faculty of
Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna, since to the
academic year 2009/2010
«Extra-pictorial Researches of the Twentieth Century» at the
Second Level Degree in History of Art, at the Second Level Degree
in History of Art Department of Visual Arts at University, Faculty
of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna, from the academic
year 2008/2009 to the academic year 2010/2011
«Tendencies of Contemporary Art» at the Second Level Degree
Fashion Course, scientific and didactical Pole of Rimini, from the
academic year 2008/2009 to the academic year 2010/2011
«Made in Italy» at the Second Level Degree Fashion Course,
scientific and didactical Pole of Rimini, since the academic year
«Contemporary arts and styles» at the Second Level Degree Fashion Course, scientific and didactical Pole of Rimini, from the academic year 2019/2020
«Contemporary Fashion» at FAST, scientific and didactical Pole of Rimini, from the academic year 2019/2020