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Ervjola Selenica is post-doc fellow and adjunct professor in Terrorism and Counterterrorism at the University of Bologna and associate research fellow at the University of Sussex. Previously, she was post-doc fellow at Scuola Normale Superiore (Firenze). She holds a PhD in International Studies (University of Trento), an MSc. in International Development Studies (University of Amsterdam), a BA in International Relations and Political Science (University of Bologna), and a PGDip on Peace and Conflict (Peace Research Institute Oslo). She has held teaching positions at University of Trento and Spring Hill College Bologna. Her research interests include education, international interventions, conflict, global changes. She has published at
The Journal of Contemporary European Studies,
Italian Political Science Review/
Rivista Italiana di Scienze Politiche,
Critical Studies on Terrorism,
Globalisation, Societies and Education, and
Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies.
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