Enrico Traversa is adjunct professor since october 2017. Before that date he has worked for 35 years in the Legal Service of the European Commission in Brussels and has been entrusted both with pleading of behalf of such EU Institution hundreds of cases before the EU Court of justice and with drafting proposals for EU regulations and directives. In this capacity he has participated personally in many significant events of the European integration process (e.g.: in 1985 he was one of the drafters and negotiators of the legislative proposal for the setting up of the Erasmus Programme).
Enrico Traversa has constantly combined his functions of Senior Legal Adviser of the European Commission both with an intense activity as lecturer of European Law (among others: Summer School of Comparative Industrial Relations founded in 1988 by professor Marco Biagi, European College of Parma University, Post-graduate Master of Labour Law of Bologna University and more recently from 2021 Summer School on EU Environmental Policy organised by Naples Federico II University), and with a continuous production of articles and studies (more than 50) on European Union Law, and in particular on EU Labour Law, in four languages (IT-EN-FR-ESP).