Foto del docente

Enrico Dinelli

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-01/C Geochemistry and Volcanology


Piervandi Z.; Khodadadi Darban A.; Mousavi S.M.; Abdollahy M.; Asadollahfardi G.; Funari V.; Dinelli E., Minimization of metal sulphides bioleaching from mine wastes into the aquatic environment, «ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY», 2019, 182, Article number: 109443 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

Funari, V.; Gomes, H. I.; Cappelletti, M.; Fedi, S.; Dinelli, E.; Rogerson, M.; Mayes, W. M.; Rovere, M., Optimization Routes for the Bioleaching of MSWI Fly and Bottom Ashes Using Microorganisms Collected from a Natural System, «WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION», 2019, 10, pp. 3833 - 3842 [Scientific article]

Capotondi, Lucilla*; Mancin, Nicoletta; Cesari, Valentina; Dinelli, Enrico; Ravaioli, Mariangela; Riminucci, Francesco, Recent agglutinated foraminifera from the North Adriatic Sea: What the agglutinated tests can tell, «MARINE MICROPALEONTOLOGY», 2019, 147, pp. 25 - 42 [Scientific article]

Pignotti, Emanuela*; Dinelli, Enrico, Distribution and partition of endocrine disrupting compounds in water and sediment: Case study of the Romagna area (North Italy), «JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION», 2018, 195, pp. 66 - 77 [Scientific article]

Négrel, Philippe*; Ladenberger, Anna; Reimann, Clemens; Birke, Manfred; Sadeghi, Martiya; The GEMAS Project Team: S. Albanese, M. Andersson, R. Baritz, M.J. Batista, A. Bel-lan, D. Cicchella, A. Demetriades, B. De Vivo, W. De Vos, E. Dinelli, M. Ďuriš, A. Dusza-Dobek, O.A. Eggen, M. Eklund, V. Ernstsen, P. Filzmoser, D.M.A. Flight, S. Forrester, M. Fuchs, U. Fügedi, A. Gilucis, M. Gosar, V. Gregorauskiene, W. De Groot, A. Gulan, J. Halamić, E. Haslinger, P. Hayoz, R. Hoffmann, J. Hoogewerff, H. Hrvatovic, S. Husnjak, L. Janik, G. Jordan, M. Kaminari, J. Kirby, J. Kivisilla, V. Klos, F. Krone, P. Kwećko, L. Kuti, A. Lima, J. Locutura, D. P. Lucivjansky, A. Mann, D. Mackovych, M. McLaughlin, B.I. Malyuk, R. Maquil, R.G. Meuli, G. Mol, P. O'Connor, R. K. Oorts, R.T. Ottesen, A. Pasieczna, W. Petersell, S. Pfleiderer, M. Poňavič, S. Pramuka, C. Prazeres, U. Rauch, S. Radusinović, I. Salpeteur, R. Scanlon, A. Schedl, A.J. Scheib, I. Schoeters, P. Šefčik, E Sellersjö, F. Skopljak, I. Slaninka, A. Šorša, R. Srvkota, T. Stafilov, T. Tarvainen, V. Trendavilov, P. Valera, V. Verougstraete, D. Vidojević, A. Zissimos and Z. Zomeni., Distribution of Rb, Ga and Cs in agricultural land soils at European continental scale (GEMAS): Implications for weathering conditions and provenance, «CHEMICAL GEOLOGY», 2018, 479, pp. 188 - 203 [Scientific article]

Giambastiani, Beatrice M. S.; Greggio, Nicolas*; Nobili, Giovanni; Dinelli, Enrico; Antonellini, Marco, Forest fire effects on groundwater in a coastal aquifer (Ravenna, Italy), «HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES», 2018, 32, pp. 2377 - 2389 [Scientific article]

Matschullat, Jörg*; Reimann, Clemens; Birke, Manfred; dos Santos Carvalho, Debora; Albanese, S.; Anderson, M.; Baritz, R.; Batista, M.J.; Bel-Ian, A.; Cicchella, D.; Demetriades, A.; De Vivo, B.; De Vos, W.; Dinelli, E.; Ďuriš, M.; Dusza-Dobek, A.; Eggen, O.A.; Eklund, M.; Ernsten, V.; Fabian, K.; Filzmoser, P.; Flight, D.M.A.; Forrester, S.; Fügedi, U.; Gilucis, A.; Gosar, M.; Gregorauskiene, V.; De Groot, W.; Gulan, A.; Halamić, J.; Haslinger, E.; Hayoz, P.; Hoogewerff, J.; Hrvatovic, H.; Husnjak, S.; Jähne-Klingberg, F.; Janik, L.; Jordan, G.; Kaminari, M.; Kirby, J.; Klos, V.; Kwećko, P.; Kuti, L.; Ladenberger, A.; Lima, A.; Locutura, J.; Lucivjansky, P.; Mann, A.; Mackovych, D.; McLaughlin, M.; Malyuk, B.I.; Maquil, R.; Meuli, R.G.; Mol, G.; Négrel, P.; O'Connor, P.; Oorts, K.; Ottesen, R.T.; Pasnieczna, A.; Petersell, V.; Pfleiderer, S.; Poňavič, M.; Prazeres, C.; Radusinović, S.; Rauch, U.; Sadeghi, M.; Salpeteur, I.; Scanlon, R.; Schedl, A.; Scheib, A.; Schoeters, I.; Šefčik, P.; Sellersjö, E.; Slaninka, I.; Soriano-Disla, J.M.; Šorša, A.; Svrkota, R.; Stafilov, T.; Tarvainen, T.; Tendavilov, V.; Valera, P.; Verougstraete, V.; Vidojević, D.; Zissimos, A.; Zomeni, Z., GEMAS: CNS concentrations and C/N ratios in European agricultural soil, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2018, 627, pp. 975 - 984 [Scientific article]

Reimann, Clemens; Fabian, Karl; Birke, Manfred; Filzmoser, Peter; Demetriades, Alecos; Négrel, Philippe; Oorts, Koen; Matschullat, Jörg; de Caritat, Patrice; Albanese, S.; Anderson, M.; Baritz, R.; Batista, M.J.; Bel-Ian, A.; Cicchella, D.; De Vivo, B.; De Vos, W.; Dinelli, E.; Ďuriš, M.; Dusza-Dobek, A.; Eggen, O.A.; Eklund, M.; Ernsten, V.; Flight, D.M.A.; Forrester, S.; Fügedi, U.; Gilucis, A.; Gosar, M.; Gregorauskiene, V.; De Groot, W.; Gulan, A.; Halamić, J.; Haslinger, E.; Hayoz, P.; Hoogewerff, J.; Hrvatovic, H.; Husnjak, S.; Jähne-Klingberg, F.; Janik, L.; Jordan, G.; Kaminari, M.; Kirby, J.; Klos, V.; Kwećko, P.; Kuti, L.; Ladenberger, A.; Lima, A.; Locutura, J.; Lucivjansky, P.; Mann, A.; Mackovych, D.; McLaughlin, M.; Malyuk, B.I.; Maquil, R.; Meuli, R.G.; Mol, G.; O'Connor, P.; Ottesen, R.T.; Pasnieczna, A.; Petersell, V.; Pfleiderer, S.; Poňavič, M.; Prazeres, C.; Radusinović, S.; Rauch, U.; Salpeteur, I.; Scanlon, R.; Schedl, A.; Scheib, A.; Schoeters, I.; Šefčik, P.; Sellersjö, E.; Slaninka, I.; Soriano-Disla, J.M.; Šorša, A.; Svrkota, R.; Stafilov, T.; Tarvainen, T.; Tendavilov, V.; Valera, P.; Verougstraete, V.; Vidojević, D.; Zissimos, A.; Zomeni, Z.; Sadeghi, M., GEMAS: Establishing geochemical background and threshold for 53 chemical elements in European agricultural soil, «APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY», 2018, 88, pp. 302 - 318 [Scientific article]

Jordan, Gyozo; Petrik, Attila; De Vivo, Benedetto; Albanese, Stefano; Demetriades, Alecos; Sadeghi, Martiya ; The GEMAS Project Team: M. Andersson, R. Baritz, M.J. Batista, A. Bel-lan, M. Birke, D. Cicchella, W. De Vos, E. Dinelli, M.Ďuriš, A. Dusza-Dobek, O.A. Eggen, M. Eklund, V. Ernstsen, P. Filzmoser, D.M.A. Flight, S. Forrester, M. Fuchs, U. Fügedi, A. Gilucis, M. Gosar, V. Gregorauskiene, W. De Groot, A. Gulan, J. Halamić, E. Haslinger, P. Hayoz, R. Hoffmann, J.Hoogewerff, H. Hrvatovic, S. Husnjak, L. Janik, M. Kaminari, J. Kirby, V. Klos, F. Krone, P. Kwecko, L. Kuti, A. Ladenberger, A. Lima, J. Locutura, P. Lucivjansky, A. Mann, D. Mackovych, M. McLaughlin, B.I. Malyuk, R. Maquil, R.G. Meuli, G. Mol, P. Négrel, P. O'Connor, K. Oorts, R.T. Ottesen, A. Pasieczna, V. Petersell, S. Pfleiderer, M. Poňavič, C. Prazeres, U. Rauch, S. Radusinović, C. Reimann, I. Salpeteur, R. Scanlon, A. Schedl, A. Scheib, I. Schoeters, E. Sellersjö, I. Slaninka, J.M. Soriano-Disla, A. Šorša, R. Svrkota, T. Stafilov, T. Tarvainen, V.Trendavilov, P. Valera, V. Verougstraete, D. Vidojević and Z. Zomeni, GEMAS: Spatial analysis of the Ni distribution on a continental-scale using digital image processing techniques on European agricultural soil data, «JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION», 2018, 186, pp. 143 - 157 [Scientific article]

Domenico Cicchella, Daniela Zuzolo, Stefano Albanese, Enrico Dinelli, Annamaria Lima, Paolo Valera, Benedetto De Vivo, Geochemical atlas of agricultural and grazing land soil of Italy, Ariccia (RM), Aracne Editrice, 2018, pp. 356 (CONOSCENZA GEOCHIMICA DEL TERRITORIO). [Research monograph]

Fanti, F.; Bell, P.R.; Tighe, M.; Milan, L.A.; Dinelli, E., Geochemical fingerprinting as a tool for repatriating poached dinosaur fossils in Mongolia: A case study for the Nemegt Locality, Gobi Desert, «PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY», 2018, 494, pp. 51 - 64 [Scientific article]

Greggio, Nicolas; Giambastiani, Beatrice M. S.; Campo, Bruno; Dinelli, Enrico; Amorosi, Alessandro, Sediment composition, provenance, and Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the Southern Po River coastal plain (Italy), «GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL», 2018, 53, pp. 914 - 928 [Scientific article]

Pignotti, Emanuela; Guerra, Roberta; Covelli, Stefano; Fabbri, Elena; Dinelli, Enrico, Sediment quality assessment in a coastal lagoon (Ravenna, NE Italy) based on SEM-AVS and sequential extraction procedure, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2018, 635, pp. 216 - 227 [Scientific article]Open Access

Funari, V.; Mantovani, L.; Vigliotti, L.; Tribaudino, M.; Dinelli, E.; Braga, R., Superparamagnetic iron oxides nanoparticles from municipal solid waste incinerators, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2018, 621, pp. 687 - 696 [Scientific article]

Négrel, Philippe*; De Vivo, Benedetto; Reimann, Clemens; Ladenberger, Anna; Cicchella, Domenico; Albanese, Stefano; Birke, Manfred; De Vos, Walter; Dinelli, Enrico; Lima, Annamaria; O'Connor, Patrick J.; Salpeteur, Ignace; Tarvainen, Timo; Andersson, M.; Baritz, R.; Batista, M.J.; Bel-lan, A.; Demetriades, A.; Ďuriš, M.; Dusza-Dobek, A.; Eggen, O.A.; Eklund, M.; Ernstsen, V.; Filzmoser, P.; Flight, D.M.A.; Forrester, S.; Fuchs, M.; Fügedi, U.; Gilucis, A.; Gosar, M.; Gregorauskiene, V.; De Groot, W.; Gulan, A.; Halamić, J.; Haslinger, E.; Hayoz, P.; Hoffmann, R.; Hoogewerff, J.; Hrvatovic, H.; Husnjak, S.; Janik, L.; Jordan, G.; Kaminari, M.; Kirby, J.; Klos, V.; Krone, F.; Kwecko, P.; Kuti, L.; Locutura, J.; Lucivjansky, P.; Mann, A.; Mackovych, D.; McLaughlin, M.; Malyuk, B.I.; Maquil, R.; Meuli, R.G.; Mol, G.; Oorts, K.; Ottesen, R.T.; Pasieczna, A.; Petersell, V.; Pfleiderer, S.; Poňavič, M.; Prazeres, C.; Rauch, U.; Radusinović, S.; Sadeghi, M.; Scanlon, R.; Schedl, A.; Scheib, A.; Schoeters, I.; Sellersjö, E.; Slaninka, I.; Soriano-Disla, J.M.; Šorša, A.; Srvkota, R.; Stafilov, T.; Trendavilov, V.; Valera, P.; Verougstraete, V.; Vidojević, D.; Zomeni, Z., U-Th signatures of agricultural soil at the European continental scale (GEMAS): Distribution, weathering patterns and processes controlling their concentrations, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2018, 622-623, pp. 1277 - 1293 [Scientific article]

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