Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Heritage
Academic discipline: STAA-01/H Hebrew
Associate Professor at Bologna University teaches «Hebrew and History of Judaism», «Jewish Culture» and «History of the Hebrew Book». She is a specialist of Hebrew codicology and palaeography. Her work is dedicated to the exploration and edition of the Jewish magical and kabbalistic tradition through the material and philological analysis of manuscripts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. At the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT-CNRS) in Paris, she is the PI of the team project BiNaH: Bibliothèque nationale "Hebraica", Hebrew Manuscripts in Paris. She is also the scientific coordinator of the team project Books within Books: Hebrew Fragments in European Libraries. Among her publications, Sigillare il mondo. Amuleti e ricette della Genizah (2015) includes the edition and commentary of magical manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah held in the Alliance Israelite Universelle's Library in Paris. She edited the volume L’eredità di Salomone. La magia ebraica in Italia e nel Mediterraneo (2019).
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