Foto del docente

Emilio Ferrari

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-05/A Impianti industriali meccanici


Bortolini M.; Calabrese F.; Ferrari E.; Galizia F.G.; Naldi L.D., A Heuristic Approach to Design a Crowd-Based Last-Mile Delivery Network, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024, pp. 215 - 225 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [capitolo di libro]

Manzini, R.; Accorsi, R.; Bartolotti, G.; Ferrari, E.; Ronzoni, M.; Sirri, G., A visual dashboard for spare parts control in manufacturing industry, in: Pham H (Ed.), Conference Proceedings of the 29th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2024, Miami, International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, 2024, pp. 64 - 68 (atti di: 29th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2024, Miami, Florida, USA, 2024) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Sirri, G.; Accorsi, R.; Bartolotti, G.; Ferrari, E.; Manzini, R.; Ronzoni, M., A digital twin for spare parts supply chain planning and control, in: Revetria R (Ed.), Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, Genova, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2023, 28, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 28th Summer School Francesco Turco, 2023, ita, 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Maier J.T.; Schmidt M.; Galizia F.G.; Bortolini M.; Ferrari E., A Genetic Algorithm for the Dynamic Management of Cellular Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023, pp. 21 - 32 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [capitolo di libro]

Bortolini M.; Cafarella C.; Ferrari E.; Galizia F.G.; Gamberi M.; Ventura V., Assessing energy requirements in the European (EU-28) food sector, in: Sustainable Development and Pathways for Food Ecosystems: Integration and Synergies, Londra, Elsevier, 2023, pp. 259 - 272 [capitolo di libro]

Accorsi R.; Guidani B.; Ronzoni M.; Manzini R.; Ferrari E., Exploring strategies, technologies, and novel paradigms for sustainable agri-food supply chain ecosystems design and control, in: Sustainable Development and Pathways for Food Ecosystem, London, Elsevier, 2023, pp. 1 - 1 [capitolo di libro]

Caporale A.; Galizia F.G.; Calabrese F.; Bortolini M.; Mora C.; Ferrari E., Optimizing Makespan in Single-Model Assembly Lines with Human-Robot Collaboration, in: Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption - Proceedings of the 9th Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference (CARV2023) and the 11th World Mass Customization & Personalization Conference (MCPC2023), Bologna, Italy, June 2023, Cham, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023, pp. 817 - 824 (LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) [capitolo di libro]

Ferrari E.; Pareschi A.; Regattieri A.; Persona A., Statistical Management and Modeling for Demand Spare Parts, in: Springer Handbooks, Berlin, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023, pp. 275 - 304 (SPRINGER HANDBOOKS) [capitolo di libro]

Manzini R.; Accorsi R.; Ferrari E.; Gallo A.; Penazzi S., A Hierarchical Framework for Spares-Driven Maintenance Tasks' Reviewing, Planning and Scheduling, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RELIABILITY, QUALITY, AND SAFETY ENGINEERING», 2022, 29, Article number: 2250004, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access

Pilati F.; Lelli G.; Regattieri A.; Ferrari E., Assembly line balancing and activity scheduling for customised products manufacturing, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2022, 120, pp. 3925 - 3946 [articolo]Open Access

Botti, Lucia; Mora, Cristina; Ferrari, Emilio, Design of digital tool for the identification of confined spaces, «JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES», 2022, 76, Article number: 104731, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access

Gabellini M.; Calabrese F.; Regattieri A.; Ferrari E., Multivariate multi-output LSTM for time series forecasting with intermittent demand patterns, in: Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2022, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: 27th Summer School Francesco Turco, 2022, ita, 7-9 september 2022) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bortolini M.; Cafarella C.; Ferrari E.; Galizia F.G.; Gamberi M., Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Design Using a Genetic Algorithm, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022, pp. 130 - 139 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [capitolo di libro]

Bortolini M.; Ferrari E.; Galizia F.G.; Regattieri A., An optimisation model for the dynamic management of cellular reconfigurable manufacturing systems under auxiliary module availability constraints, «JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS», 2021, 58, pp. 442 - 451 [articolo]Open Access

Bortolini M.; Botti L.; Ferrari E.; Galizia F.G.; Mora C., Including ergonomic principles in the design and management of reconfigurable manufacturing systems, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021, pp. 183 - 192 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [capitolo di libro]