Foto del docente

Emanuele Mingione

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-04/A Mathematical Physics

Curriculum vitae

Affiliation: Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Matematica

Piazza di Porta San Donato 5, 40126, Bologna, ITALY


 Accademic career

- Junior researcher fixed term, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna  2016-

- Postdoctoral fellowship , Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna 2015-2016

– PhD in Mathematics, Università di Bologna, Advisor: Prof. Pierluigi Contucci, 2015

– Master degree in Theoretical Physics, Università di Roma, La Sapienza, 2011. Advisor: Prof. Francesco Guerra, 2011

Research activities

KEYWORDS: Mathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Spin Glasses, Boltzmann Machines, Monomer-Dimer Models.

The main topic of my research activity is the statistical mechanics of disordered systems. In particular I am interested in the following problems:

- Deep Boltzmann Machine

- Mean-field spin glasses

- Stability properties of the Gibbs measure in disordered systems

- Monomer-Dimer models

- Inverse problem, hard-core models

Research Grants

- Principal investigstor of the “Almaidea Project” research funding call, University of Bologna, Phase transitions in disordered models, 2018-2020 

- Principal investigator of the “Progetto Giovani 2015” research grant from GNFM-INdAM, Gibbs Measures in Monomer Dimer Models with Interaction, 2015-2016.

- Member of the Disordered Monomer-Dimer models project, co-financed by the University of Bologna and the PRIN Statistical Mechanics of Disordered and Complex Systems project, 2015-2017

- Member of the Investigations on the mean-field monomer-dimer model with attractive interaction project, “Progetto Giovani” GNFM-INdAM, 2014-2015

- Member of the Statistical Mechanics of Disordered and Complex Systems project, PRIN project, 2012-2016

- Member of the Stochastic Processes and Interacting Particle Systems project, FIRB, 2012-2015 -

- “Marco Polo” project grant, University of Bologna. at UAB University, Birmingham, 2013


Organized conferences

- Mathematical Methods and Models for Machine Learning, Bologna, 27-28 Aprile 2020

- Mathematical Aspects of Disordered System, Bologna, Giugno 24-25, 2019


 Academic visits

- Department of Information Theory, EPFL Lausanne, Septemper 2019- March 2020

- Department of Mathematics, New York University Abu Dhabi, Dicembre 2017

- Institut Henri Poincarè , Paris (France), February, 2015
IHP Trimester “Disordered Systems, Random Spatial Process and some Applications ”, 2015

- Department of Mathematics, New York University Shanghai, Novembre 2014

- Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Fall semester 2013

Conferences and talks 

– Conference : Youth in High-dimensions: Machine Learning, High-dimensional Statistics and Inference for the New Generation, ICTP, 29 June 2020

- Series of lectures: EPFL Lausanne, Dicembre 2019

- Conference: Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Machine Learning- Centro di Ricerca Ennio de Giorgi, 9 Ottobre 2019

- Conference: XXI Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Pavia, 3 Settembre 2019

- Lecture: Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Matematica, 11 Ottobre, 2018

- Lecture: Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Matematica, 28 Feb- braio, 2018

–Lecture, New York University of Abu Dhabi, 12 Dicembre, 2017

– Conference: XXI Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Statistica e dei Sistemi Complessi, Universita` di Parma 28 Giugno, 2016

– Conference “ Assemblea GNFM-Indam”, Montecatini Terme, 25 Ottobre , 2015

– Seminario presso Universita` degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Matematica, 9 Settembre, 2015

– Conference IHP Trimester “Disordered Systems, Random Spatial Pro- cess and some Applications ”, Institut Henri Poincarè , Paris (France), February, 2015

– Lecture, New York University of Shangai, China, 25 Novembre , 2014

– Conference “Spin Glasses and Related Topics”, Banff International Re- search Station, Alberta (Canada), 24 Luglio, 2014

– Conference “110th Statistical Mechanics Conference”, Rutgers University, New Brunswick (USA) , December 16, 2013– Seminario UAB (USA), Novembre 15, 2013

– Lecture, UAB University (USA), 28 Ottobre, 2013