---2015/present - Professore di II fascia (Associate Professor) in Biochemistry at the
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering
(DEI) at the University of Bologna;
---2003/2012 - Ricercatore (Assistant Professor) in Biochemistry of the School of
Bioengineering at the University of Bologna;
---2001/2002 - Visiting Scholar (9 months) at the Department of Cellular
and Molecular Physiology, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Penn
State University (USA);
---1999/2002- Ricercatore (Assistant Professor) in Biochemistry of the School of
Medicine at the University of Bologna;
---1997/1998 - Professore a contratto (Adjunct Professor) in Biochemistry of the School of Medicine
at the University of Parma;
---1993/1996 - Ph. D. Student (Physiophatology and Biochemistry of
Aging -Degree 1997) Department of Biochemistry, University of
---1988/1992 - Medical assistant at the Department of Morphology,
University Medical Center, University of Geneva (CH)
---1989 - Board certicate in Gastroenterology, University "La
Sapienza" of Rome;
---1985 - Medical Degree, University "La Sapienza" of Roma;
---1979 - Baccalaureate (Humanities), Liceo "M. Morelli", Vibo
Biological engineering represents his present domain of research . He serves as
a referee for international scientific journals. Dr. Giordano
received several grants as a principal investigator and is
(co)author of 123 manuscripts in extenso [22 book chapters (11
international / 11 national) and 101 papers in a scientific journal]
95 among them indexed in ISI-WOS/SCOPUS - 87 with a cumulative
impact factor (IF SCI 2022) = >475 - and about 200 congress
communications. The 90 manuscripts indexed in peer rewieved
journals have received 2600+ citations and score H-index = 29 and
G-index = 45.
Since 2011 Dr. Giordano is a member of the Health Sciences and
Technologies - Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research
(HST - ICIR) and of the Advanced Research Center on Electronic
Systems for Information and Communication Technologies, (ARCES),
both at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of di Bologna.
During is career, Dr. Giordano was a member of the scientific/organizing
committee of 16 national/international conferences/symposia and
was a chair/speaker at 63 conferences/symposia worldwide. He received the gold medal
(2007, 2009) and the Best Experimental Measurement Award (2008) at
the international Genetically Egineered Machine Competition, held
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA. He
teaches Applied Biochemistry, Synthetic Biology and Principles of Tissue Engineering to Biomedical Engineering Master students. He has supervised 80 BEng, 41 MEng
and 9 PhD students during their theses.
He qualifies (Italian national standard) to serve as a Full Professor in Biochemistry (March 31st, 2017).