Foto del docente

Elvira Cicognani

Full Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Head of Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Curriculum vitae

Elvira Cicognani



Degree in Education (Major in Psychology) in 1986 at the University of Bologna (110/110 cum laudae). After being awarded a Teaching assistantship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA, August 1987- June 1988) and an Erasmus scholarship at the University of Sussex (UK) (1989), she attended the PhD programme in Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes at the University of Padua and discussed her dissertation in 1995.

Academic career

After being awarded a two-year post doc (University of Bologna, 1995-1997), she becomes Assistant Professor in Social Psychology in 1997 at the Department of Education. In 2004 she becomes Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology. Full Professor at the Department of Psychology from January 2016.

Teaching activity

Since 1997 she is regularly involved in teaching in courses at Bachelor and Master level.

She is currently teaches Community Health Promotion at the Master in School and Community Psychology, and Community Interventions with adolescents in the Bachelor programme in Psychological Sciences and Techniques.
She is member of the PhD programme in Psychology (Department of Psychology).

Scientific activity

She participated in different international and national research projects, including PIDOP, funded by the VII Framework programme (2009-2012), and several PRIN (1999, 2001, 2003)(Ministry of University and Scientific Research) and she has been responsible for the University of Bologna of a PRIN 2005 project "The individual as an active agent and social capital. Research, intervention and training of individual and social competences", coordinated by the University of Turin (Prof. Norma de Piccoli).

She has been responsible, for the University of Bologna, of two LLP IP Erasmus programmes (CHALID, 2009-2012, YPIF, 2013-2014).

 She coordinated the project H2020 CATCH-EyoU (2015-2018).

She has been responsibile (for UNIBO) of the Erasmus+ programmes:

  • “Etre humain – vivre ensemble /EHVE”, Erasmus+ programme, Key action 3 – Support for policy reform – Social inclusion through education, training and youth. 580446-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKAS –IPI-SOC-IN (start date 1.12.2016, duration 24 months) (coordinator Le Petits Débrouillards, Paris) 
  • Designing Collaborative Educational Resources (COERS) for Assets-Based Community Participation (ABCP) across Europe”. Assets Comm. Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. - 2016-1-UK01-KA203-024403 (start date 31.12.2016; duration 24 months) (coordinator University of the West of Scotland)
  • Member of UNIBO team (and responsible of Work package 3 – Impact assessment) of the project “SOCIETYnext - Society beyond the Horizon”. H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2020.
  • Member of UNIBO team (and responsible of Work package 3 – Impact assessment) of the project “SOCIETYRinascimento”. H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2020bis.
  • PI of the project FISR-COVID 19 "E-DEMOCRACY in COVID-19 times: Elements for the costruction of a digital platform for "virtuous" decisional processes" (E-Democracy), University of Bologna, FISR2020IP-01265


Reviewer for several international and national journals in psychology.

Institutional activity


  • Responsible of Cesena branch of  the Department of Psychology
  • Member of the board of Department of di Psichology
  • Member of the board of Cesena Campus


  • Coordinator of the Bachelor programme in Psychological Sciences and Techniques (School of Psychology and Education)
  • Member of the board of Cesena Campus (since Oct 2017)
  • Member of the Research board of the Department of Psychology


  • Delegate of the Department of Psychology for Third Mission (2017-)
  • Coordinator of the Bachelor programme in Psychological Sciences and Techniques (School of Psychology and Education)
  • Member of the board of Cesena Campus
  • Member of UNIBO Observatory for Third Mission (S.A. 22.5.2018)


  • Director of the Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"
  • Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Bologna

Scientific resp. of the Laboratory of Community Psychology (Department of Psychology, 2006-2013) and currently of the Departmental Research Center CESCOM (Center for the Empowerment of Schools, Organizations and Communities) (2013- ).

Member of the national jury for the habilitation of professors in Psychology (SSD E/3 Social and organisational psychology)(31.10.2016 - 30-10-2018)


Membership of scientific and editorial boards

Member of the editorial board of the journals Psychosocial Intervention (2010-), Social Inquiry into Well being (2015-), Psicologia della Salute, Psicologia di Comunità.

She has been member of the Executive Committee of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) (2008-2010).

Member of the Executive council of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) (2014-).

Member of the Executive committee of the Social Psychology section of the Italian Association of Psychology (2019-)