Foto del docente

Elisabetta Venuti

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-02/A Chimica fisica

Curriculum vitae

Scarica Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 763KB )


Professional Appointments in Research

Current Position

Full Professor in Physical Chemistry at the Department of Industrial Chemistry of the University of Bologna (Italy)


Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry in the same department


Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry at the Department of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic of the University of Bologna (Italy)

August 1996-

January 1997

Visiting scientist at the University Helsinki, Department of Chemistry, EU grant (SADOVEM Project)

August 1993-

July 1994

Visiting scientist at the University of Reading (UK), Department of Chemistry, CNR grant

January 1988-

July 1989

Max-Planck Gesellschaft Post-doctoral researcher at the Max-Planck Institut für Strahlenchemie, Mülheim ad Ruhr (Germany)

Full list of publications

Esteem Factors

source: Scopus, author ID: 6701850150; ORCID ID 0000-0003-3493-7953

Number of Published papers


Total citations

3222 by 2214 documents



Research Interests


  • Application of techniques of micro-optical spectroscopy (IR, Raman and fluorescence) to molecular crystals.
  • Study of photo-induced solid state reactions in anthracene derivatives.
  • Solid state phase transitions and photoreactions at high pressure and high temperature.
  • Polymorphism in organic semiconductors in bulk crystal systems and thin films.
  • Charge Transfer crystals for organic electronics applications.
  • Study of polymorphs stability and surface mediated polymorphism in APIs
  • Crystal Structure Prediction

In the course of her research EV has dealt with spectroscopy properties of molecules in the gas phases and in condensed systems, by means of: fluorescence spectroscopy, both time-resolved and static, of organic systems in solution, vibro-rotational spectroscopy and high-resolution vibrational spectroscopy of isolated molecular species, Raman spectroscopy in the solid state, calculations of vibrational force fields, molecular dynamics calculations of crystalline and amorphous materials, harmonic lattice dynamics and quasi-harmonic methods for calculating semi-empirical and DFT for isolated molecules.

In recent years the research activity has focused on the study of structural and transport properties of materials for organic electronics, by means of spectroscopic techniques such as Raman confocal microscopy and fluorescence, supported by calculation techniques of lattice energy minimization, lattice dynamics and molecular dynamics.

Editorial Activities and Refereeing

Peer reviewer for several journals including: J. Phys Chem. A,C, J. Chem. Phys, JACS, ACS Omega, Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, ChemPhysChem, Cryst. Comm., PCCP, J. Chem Theory Comput,.

Current Research Projects

National Project PRIN


Coordinator: G.N. Cerullo

From natural to artificial light-harvesting systems: unveiling fundamental processes towards a bio-inspired materials design (HARVEST) - 05/06/2019-04/08/2022



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