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Postdoctoral researcher for the PRIN 2022 Material Culture and Risorgimento: Activism, Emotions, Mobility.
Previously Adjunct Professor in Internship: Photography and Public History at the University of Florence (2023-2024); Paris x Rome Fellow at the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte (DFK) Paris - Max Weber Foundation and the Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome (2023); Postdoctoral Fellow at the Fondazione centro studi sull'arte Licia e Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Lucca (2022-2023); research assistant at IMT Scuola Alti Studi Lucca (2021, 2023); chercheuse accueillie at the National Institute for Art History (INHA), Paris (2019-2020).
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