Elettra Agliardi, Full Professor in Economics, University of Bologna (Italy)
Address: Department of Economics -40126 Bologna (Italy), e-mail: elettra.agliardi@unibo.it
First degree in Economics, University of Bologna (grade: 110/110 cum Laude).
M.Phil in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge (U.K).
PhD in Economics (with special mention), European University Institute - Prize “Obiettivo Europa” for the best PhD Dissertation.
PhD in Economics, University of Cambridge (U.K.)
Academic positions in U.K.:
1/10/1990-30/09/1992. Research Officer, Department of Applied Economics (DAE), University of Cambridge (U.K). 1/10/1990-30/09/1995. College Lecturer in Economics and Fellow (Title A), Churchill College, University of Cambridge (U.K).
Academic positions in Italy:
01/11/1992-31/10/1995. Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Cassino. 01/11/1995-31/10/2000. Associate Professor in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna. since 01/11/2000 – Full Professor in Economics, Dept. of Economics (Rimini Campus), University of Bologna.
Coordinator of the following national or international research projects:
H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020/H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2018, “Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock byenhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process’ — ‘DRIVE 0’, 2019-2023 (local coordinator for the Unit of the Department of Economics, University of Bologna)
AlmaIdea UNIBO, 2018: “Circular economies and sustainability” (principal coordinator: Elettra Agliardi)
EU-CESME, Città Metropolitana di Bologna, 2018 (principal coordinator: Elettra Agliardi)
ICCS-IRL 2011-2012, DFAITF. Canadian Embassy: “Evaluating Environmental Quality: Measures and Policy Implications in two Small Open Economies (Canada and Italy)”. (principal coordinators: Elettra Agliardi and Thanasis Stengos)
LLP-IP. 09MBIP00042/10MBIP00020: “Brain Training at BOlognaLOndonBirkbeckVIlniusFReiburg: Topics in Finance and Development “ (principal coordinator: Elettra Agliardi)
PRIN 1998: “Regolamentazione, dinamica di mercato e innovazione” (principal local coordinator: Elettra Agliardi; national coordinator: Pier Angelo Mori)-9813100216_007 (2 years)
PRIN 1997. “Teoria dei Giochi e Applicazioni” (principal local coordinator: Elettra Agliardi; national coordinator: Marco Dardi)-9713105132_011 (1 year)
PRIN 1996. “Giochi supermodulari e applicazioni” (principal local coordinator: Elettra Agliardi; national coordinator: Marco Dardi)- 9613101041_009 (1 year)
CNR, 1997-1998: “Dinamiche Economiche, Giochi e Informazione” (principal coordinator: Elettra Agliardi)
Member of the following Projects:
PRIN 2015. “The Architecture of Markets and Institutions after the Crisis: Theoretical Foundations and Policy Implications” (national coordinator: Fabrizio Mattesini) 20157NH5TP_004 (3 years)
H2020-EE-2015-3-MarketUptake “Abracadabra”(Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation), Topic: EE-05-2015, 2015-2018 (National Coordinator: Unibo)
PRIN 2010-2011. “Asimmetrie Informative, costi di aggiustamento ed efficienza allocativa: fondamenti microeconomici e implicazioni macroeconomiche” (national coordinator: Luca Gabriele Deidda)-2010NE9L9Z_006 (3 years)
PRIN 2008. “Allocazione del credito compatibile con gli incentivi, liquidità e regolazione” (national coordinator: Gaetano Bloise)-20087Z4BMK_004 (2 years)
PRIN 2006. “Mercati finanziari, investimenti e gestione del rischio” (national coordinator: Pietro Reichlin)-2006134748_002 (2 years)
PRIN 2003. “Indebitamento eccessivo, default, ristrutturazione” (national coordinator: Paolo Garella)-2003130103_001 (2 years)
PRIN 2000. “Creazione e tutela dell’Innovazione” (national coordinator: Vincenzo Denicolò)-MM13032119_001 (2 years)
PRIN 1999. “Avversione all’Ambiguità: Aspetti Teorici ed Applicazioni in Finanza”(national coordinator: Marco Scarsini)-9913538241_005 (2 years)
Member of the EU Project: “Human Capital and Mobility” (Cambridge, UPF-Barcelona, Core-Louvain), 1993, 1994 (scientific coordinator: H. Polemarchakis).
Review of Economic Analysis 01/2008 -/-
International Journal of Financial Studies 04/2012 -/-
Economic Notes 01/2023 -/-
Academic Service:
Director of the PhD Programme in Economics, University of Bologna, 2001-2003.
Director of Studies of the International Laurea Magistralis/Master Degree EMP “Economics and Market Policy”, 2008-2012.
Member of the Scientific Board of the PhD Programme in Economics, University of Bologna, 1999-2016.
Director of the International Laurea Magistralis/Master Degree RESD “Resource Economics and Sustainable Development”, 2016-2019
Member of the Scientific Board of the PhD Programme future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenge (FRONTIERS), University of Bologna, 2019-2022
Member of the InterDepartmental University Centre on Climate Change, AlmaClimate, UNIBO, 2019-
University Recruitment Committees:
Member of the Admission Jury for PhD students positions, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, 1999.
Member of the Admission Jury, Cambridge Economics Tripos, University of Cambridge, UK, 1990, 1991, 1992.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for Post-Doc positions (Assegni di Ricerca) in Economics, University of Bologna, 1999; 2009; 2011; 2014; and for Post-Doc positions (Contratti di Ricerca) in Economics, University of Bologna, 2016.
External examiner, Master of Science Jury, Ecole polytechnique, France, 2019
PhD External Examiner, PhD Final Dissertation Jury, University of Cambridge (UK), 1994 and 2011.
PhD External Examiner, PhD Final Dissertation Jury, University of Guelph (Canada), 2017.
PhD External Examiner, PhD Final Dissertation Jury, King’s College London (UK), 2017.
PhD External Examiner, PhD Final Dissertation Jury, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (RUS),2019.
PhD Examiner, Phd Final Dissertation Jury, PhD "Frontiers"-UNIBO, 2023
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) in Economics, University of Milano Bicocca, 2000.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) in Economics, University of Bologna, 2005.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Associate Professor (Professore Associato) in Economics, University of Cassino, 1999.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Full Professor (Professore Ordinario) in Economics, University of Bologna, 2009.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for Post-Doc positions (Assegni di Ricerca) in Economics, University of Firenze, 2015
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Associate Professor (Professore Associato) in Economics, University of Siena, 2016.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Associate Professor, University of Cyprus (CY), 2017.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Assistant Professor (RTDB) in Economics, University of Bologna, 2018.
Member of the Italian National Recruitment Jury (ASN- Commissione parallela), 2018, 13/A1 – ECONOMIA POLITICA – (Decreto Direttoriale n. 1625, 20/06/2018), 2018-2020.
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Full Professor (Professore Ordinario) in Economics, University of Catania, 2018
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Associate Professor (Professore Associato) in Economics, University of Cagliari, 2019
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Assistant Professor (RTDB) in Economics, University Ca' Foscari, Venezia, 2019
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Researcher (Ricercatore A) in Economics, University of Bologna, 2020, 2021
Member of the Recruitment Jury for positions of University Associate Professor (Professore Associato), University of Bologna, 2020
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Associate Professor (Professore Associato) in Economics, University of Venezia, 2020
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Researcher (Ricercatore B) in Economics, University of Salerno, 2021
Member of the Recruitment Jury for a position of University Researcher (Ricercatore B) in Economics, University of Milano Bicocca, 2022
Member and Chair of the Italian National Recruitment Jury (ASN), 2021-2023, 13/A1 – ECONOMIA POLITICA (Decreto Direttoriale n. 1946, 29/07/2021)
National Research Assessments:
Referee Member of the National Research Assessment CIVR 2005.
Referee Member of the National Research Programmes MIUR since 2003 (various years).
Referee Member of the National Programme “Rientro dei Cervelli”, MIUR 2008.
Referee Member of the National Research Programmes FIRB-MIUR 2010.
Referee Member of the National Research Programme SIR-MIUR 2014.
Referee Member of the National Research Assessment, Ministry of Education, Kazakhstan, 2014.
Referee Member of the National Research Assessment “VQR 2011-2014”, 2016.
Member and Chair of the National Recruitment Jury “FARE Ricerca in Italia”- Excellence in Research (National Programme 2015-2020), ERC-SH- Social Sciences and Humanities, MIUR, 0000478.06-03-2017.
Referee Member of the National Research Assessment, Ministry of Education, Kazakhstan, 2017
Member and Chair of the Peer Review Panel for the Assessment of the University of Wien, Austria (Panel Business, Economics and Statistics), 2017
Referee Member, ANVUR, National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research, 2020
Evaluation Service, ERC-2020-COG, Panel SH1, 2020
Referee Member, ESF Grants, 2022
Referee Member of the National Research Programme FISR-MIUR, PROPOSTE PROGETTUALI DI RICERCA Covid-19, 2021
Professional Service:
Scientific organizer of the XIII International Conference in Game Theory and Applications, Bologna, 1999.
Co-organizer of the Workshops “Game Theory and Applications”, Cassino,1994, 1995.
Scientific organizer of the Real Options Workshop, Rimini, 2008.
Scientific co-organizer of RCEA Quantitative Finance Workshops, Rimini, 2009; 2011; 2012.
Programme Committee Member, SOEGW Conference, Waterloo, ON Canada, 2008.
Programme Committee Member, International RCEA Conference in Economics and Finance, Rimini, 2010.
Reviewer, 18th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 29/06-02/07/2011, Rome.
Co-organizer, IFAC Conference on Control Applications of Optimization CAO2012, Rimini, 13-16 September 2012.
Reviewer, 17th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, Zurich (SGF Conference 2014)
Reviewer, 18th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, Zurich (SGF Conference 2015)
Programme Committee Member, 16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization (CAO 2015), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 6-9 October 2015
Reviewer, 19th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, Zurich (SGF Conference 2016)
Reviewer, 20th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, Zurich (SGF Conference 2017)
Co-organizer of the 1st International Workshop “The Economics of Climate Change”, Rimini, 2017
Reviewer, 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 2017, Athens.
Co-organizer of the 2nd International Workshop “The Economics of Climate Change”, Bertinoro, 2018
Reviewer, World Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 2018, Gothenburg.
Co-organizer of the 3d International Workshop “The Economics of Climate Change”, Bologna, 2019
Reviewer, 25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 2019, Manchester.
Reviewer, 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 2019, Berlin
European Commission, EESC, 13 February 2020, Brussels (Public Hearing on Green Bonds)
Further academic service and administration activities
University of Bologna:
Member of the Council of the Rimini Campus, University of Bologna, 2017-2019
Member of the Council of the School of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Bologna, 2016-2019
Member of various Master Degree RESD Committees (Quality Assurance; Intake; Merit Scholarships and Prizes; etc) and member of the Teaching Assessment School Committee, 2017-2019
Coordinator of the Double Degree Agreements between the Master Degree EMP (University of Bologna) and the University of Vilnius (LT), 2008-2012, and the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2010-2012.
University coordinator of mobility staff exchanges between the University of Bologna and the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2011-2014.
Member of the University Committee for Recruitment of International Students, 2011, 2012, 2014.
Member of the University Committee for Overseas Scholarships, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Faculty Delegate in the Polo Scientifico Didattico Council, Rimini Campus, 2000-2012.
Member of the Departmental Committee (Giunta), Department of Economics, 1996-2002; 2006-2012; and 2018-
Member of the Dean Council, Faculty of Economics, Rimini Campus, 2000- 2006.
Member of the Teaching Contracts Committee, Faculty of Economics, Rimini Campus, 2000-2014.
Member of the Faculty Didactic Committee, Faculty of Economics, 1996-2000; and Faculty of Economics, Rimini Campus, 2008- 201
Faculty Delegate for University Student Admissions, 1998-2000
Lectures in the 1st and the 3d European Summer School in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Cambridge, UK, 1995, 1997.
Lectures in the European Programme LLP-IP 2010-2011 (Universities of Bologna, Freiburg, Vilnius and London Birkbeck): Rimini, May 2010; Freiburg, April 2011.
Lectures at the Department of Economics, University of Buenos Aires, October 2012.
Lectures at the Department of Economics, University of Chile, Santiago, November 2012.
Lectures at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2014.
Key-note Speaker, XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, 7-10 April 2015, HSE, Moscow.
Lectures at the School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, June 2015.
Senior Fellow, International Centre for Economic Analysis, 2020-
Senior Fellow, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA, http://www.rcfea.org [http://www.rcfea.org/] ) since 2008 and Member of the RCEA Finance Study Group (2008-2020). Deputy Director of RCEA, 2012-2014.
Member of IFAC, Technical Committee 2.4. on Optimal Control since 2012.
Member of CIRI-Energia e Ambiente (Energy & Environment) 2010-2017.
By-Fellow in Economics, Churchill College, University of Cambridge (U.K.), Easter Term 2016