Foto del docente

Elena Orrù

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GIUR-02/B Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti



Thursday, 23 May 2019 – Hotel Marko

13:00 – 13:30 Registration and Welcome Reception

13:30 – 14:15 Opening Ceremony

Mag. Jadran Klinec, Director of the Maritime Authority of Slovenia

Dr. Marko Ilešič: Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union

14:15 – 15:15 Introductory Session: Key–note Speeches (chair: Mrs. Margita Selan Voglar)

Avv. Giorgio Berlingieri: The Italian Maritime Law Association (1899 – 2019) - over the 120 years since its foundation

Prof. Dr. Gordan Stanković: 2019 Amendments to the Croatian Maritime Code - an overview

Prof. Dr. Norman Martinez: National Considerations in the Application of the LLMC Convention in Domestic Law


Update and Follow-up of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd AMLC

15:15 – 16:30 Sea Ports and their Legal Regime – EU and national law (chair: Prof. Dr. Gordan Stanković)

Avv. Enrico Vergani: Recent developments and expected changes in Italian port law

Dr. Boris Jerman: The legal regime regulating the Port of Koper in the light of EU acquis

Prof. Avv. Elena Orrù: Recent developments on public financing of sea port infrastructures and services according to EU law and case law

Dr. Božena Bulum: Corporate tax exemptions for ports according to the recent decisions of the European Commission and Court of Justice of the EU

Avv. Lorenzo Fabro: The port governance in Italy - present situation and open issues


16:30– 17.00 Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in the Adriatic Sea – Legal Issues (chair: Dr. Boris Jerman)

Dr. Mitja Grbec: Liability and compensation for transboundary oil pollution damage: is there a compelling need for an Adriatic (sub) regional agreement?

Doc. Dr. Mišo Mudrić: Energy related concessions on maritime demesne in Croatia


17.00 – 17.15 Coffee break

17:15 – 18:30 Legal Aspects of Nautical Tourism and Regime for Marinas (chair: Dr. Iva Tuhtan Grgić)

Prof. Avv. Massimiliano Musi: The reform of the Italian Pleasure Sailing Code: a focus on the main changes

Prof. Dr. Ranka Petrinović – Dr. Vesna Skorupan Wolff: Yacht charter party agreement - a new contract in Croatian Maritime Law

Prof. Avv. Giovanni Marchiafava: Cruise tourism liability regime: current legal issues

Doc. Dr. Adriana Vincenca Padovan: Marina operator liability for damage to vessels at berth - a comparative approach

Ing. Suzana Martinović – Ing. Irena Maslovar: Legal Framework for Nautical Tourism and Marinas in Montenegro


18:30 – 19:30 Passengers’ Transport by Ships in the Adriatic – Legal Aspects

(chair: Avv. Francesco Siccardi)

Avv. Simona Coppola: Short sea shipping in the Adriatic sea: what changes?

Mag. Sandro Vidas: Croatian passenger ships in front of EU and IMO emissions reduction regulations – The GUTTA Project

Avv. Filippo Cassola: Transport of passengers by sea: compensation of damages from an Italian perspective

Avv. Cristiano Alessandri: Passengers carriage and carrier liability at Italian law: some peculiar cases.

Discussion and concluding remarks

20:00 Dinner at Hotel Marko

Friday, 24 May 2019 – Hotel Marko

09:00 – 10.00 EU MARITIME DAY 2019: Transport Policy and Maritime Law

Mrs. Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport


10:00 – 11:00 Legal Aspects of Shipbuilding and Ship Financing in the EU and non-EU States

(chair: Avv. Enrico Vergani)

Dr. Ivan Vella: Current trends with regard to ship financing

Avv. Francesco Siccardi: The law and the practice in shipbuilding contracts

Zoran Tasić, LL.B.: Legal aspects of refund guarantees in shipbuilding


11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 12:45 Industry 4.0 and Maritime Transport (chair: Prof. Avv. Pierangelo Celle)

Prof. Dr. Patrick Vlačič: B/L on blockchain

Prof. Cinzia Ingratoci: Maritime traffic flow governance and European information sharing environment: the new frontiers of VTS services

Prof. Dr. Biserka Rukavina – Doc. Dr. Jakov Karmelić: Application of digital services in contemporary maritime transport

Margita Selan Voglar, LL.B.: How to manage cyber risks within the shipping industry

Jana Rodica, LL.M.: Looking to the future: recent developments in relation to autonomous ships


13:00 – 14:00 Lunch at Hotel Marko

14:00 – 15:00 National Maritime Law Associations Meeting (Delegates only)

15:00 – 16:30 Labour Law Issues in Shipping and Transport (chair: Prof. Dr. Patrick Vlačič)

Prof. Avv. Chiara Tuo: Determining international jurisdiction over individual employment contracts at sea: an EU law perspective through the recent developments of the ECJ and national caselaw

Prof. Dr. Nikoleta Radionov: Maritime safety & security vs. human rights of seafarers: new trends

Branko Krznarič. - Lana Krznarič, LL.B.: Legality of a boycott action against a ship with the purpose of signing a Collective Bargaining Agreement

Doc. Dr. Marija Pijaca: Social reform for Croatian seafarers in the 2019 Amendments

Dr. Karla Oblak: Gender differences in maritime industry

Doc. Dr. Nikola Mandić – Ing. Roko Glavinović: Maritime agent as an intermediary in the seafarers' employment - modern business and national legislation


16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break

17:00 – 18:30 Recent Developments of Maritime and Transport Law (chair: Dr. Igor Vio)

Prof. Dr. Petra Amižić Jelovčić – Prof. Dr. Dragan Bolanča: Safety and security aspects in the 2019 Maritime Code Amendments

Prof. Avv. Pierangelo Celle: Excepted perils and the burden of proof in recent cases

Dr. Srđan Šimac: Mediation - a strategic tool for the risk management in maritime disputes

Dr. Petar Kragić: Tax reform in 2019 Amendments to the Croatian Maritime Code

Prof. Dr. Jelena Nikčević: Port state control – implementation in legislation of Montenegro

Prof. Dr. Axel Luttenberger: Maritime domain governance

Discussion and concluding remarks

18:30 – 19:00 Closing Ceremony: NMLAs Presidents

20:00 Dinner at a restaurant (Piran / Portorož)

Pubblicato il: 17 maggio 2019