Principali pubblicazioni / Main publications
- (with Sara Castagnoli) ‘Translating (im)personalisation in corporate discourse: A corpus-based analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility reports in English and Italian'. In Lingue e Linguaggi, 2019, 29: 205-224.
- ‘The discursive technology of Europeans' involvement: EU culture and community of practice'. In C. Hart and P. Cap (eds.), Contemporary Studies in Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Bloomsbury. 2014: 433-460.
- ‘The challenges of ‘translating' polite discourse for the EU multilingual community'. In International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2013, 23/1: 60-79.
- ‘National Face and National-Face-Threatening Acts: A Study on Politeness and the European Constitution'. In M. Haugh, B. Davies and A. J. Merrison (eds.), Situated Politeness. London: Continuum. 2011: 232-252.
- ‘The Marketization of Institutional Discourse: The Case of the European Union'. In U. Okulska and P. Cap (eds.), Perspectives in Politics and Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2010: 155-172.
- (with Giuditta Caliendo) ‘The Human Face of the European Union: A Critical Study'. In CADAAD Journal, 2009, 3/2: 176-202.
- ‘The Multilingual Classroom: New Rhetorical Frontiers in L2 Writing?'. In The College Quarterly, Seneca College, Spring 2007, 10/2.
- ‘Promoting the European Identity: Politeness Strategies in the Discourse of the European Union'. In CADAAD Journal, 2007, 1/1: 51-73.
Traduzioni pubblicate / Published translations
2008 - In Vita Fortunati & Raymond Trousson (eds.), Histoire Transnationale de l’Utopie Littéraire et de l’Utopisme, Paris: Champion. [translation from Italian/English into French]
- John S. Partington, ‘Le Cycle utopique de H. G. Wells’ (pp. 911-922);
- Francesco Sberlati, ‘La Réception de Thomas More en Espagne du XVIe au XVIIe siècle’ (pp. 217-228);
- Stelio Cro, ‘La découverte de l’«autre» chez Bartolomé de Las Casas et la littérature européenne’ (pp. 151-168);
- Stelio Cro, ‘Les «Réductions» jésuites’ (pp. 543-550);
- Rosi Braidotti, ‘Tératologie et science-fiction féminine’ (pp. 1145-1154);
- Riikka Forsström, ‘L’An deux mille quatre cent quarante. Rêve s’il en fut jamais’ (pp. 357-364);
- Robert S. Fogarty, ‘Les Communautés utopiques aux États-Unis’ (pp. 735-742);
- Rita Monticelli, ‘Utopie, utopisme et féminisme’ (pp. 1127-1144);
- Rita Monticelli, ‘Les Cycles utopiques de Ursula K. Le Guin’ (pp. 1005-1012);
- Robin Walton, ‘Utopie et dystopie dans la littérature postcoloniale’ (pp. 1179-1194).
Relatore a convegni / Conference presentations
- The challenges of lingua-franca communication and its translation in multilingual institutions: A case study on ELF at the European Central Bank. Panel paper presented in the panel "Translation, Interpreting and English as a Lingua Franca" (chaired by J. House and M. Albl-Mikasa) at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference - The Pragmatics of Inclusion. Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland (2021)
- Blame it on the Translator. Institutional Challenges of Translating from a Lingua Franca. Paper presented at the international conference TSCL 2019 - Translation and Interpreting Responding to the Challenges of Contemporary Society. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2019)
- Reshaping Corporate Image Through Translation: A Corpus-Assisted Study. Paper presented with Sara Castagnoli at the Corpora and Discourse (CAD) International Conference 2018. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK (2018)
- Translating (Im)personalization in Corporate Discourse: A Corpus-Based Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports in English and Italian. Paper presented with Sara Castagnoli at the international conference CLAVIER 2017 (Corpus and LAnguage Variation in English Research) - Representing and Redefining Specialised Knowledge. Bari 'Aldo Moro' University, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Bari, Italy (2017)
- Linguistic politeness in EU translation: A Comparative Study of English and Italian. Paper presented at the international conference Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision. Riga Technical University, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Riga, Latvia (2012)
- The Human Face of the European Union: A Critical Study. Paper presented with Giuditta Caliendo at the Second International Conference in Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD). University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom (2008)
- The Marketization of Institutional Discourse: The Case of the European Union. Paper presented at the conference Political Linguistics 2007. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (2007)
- A Constitution for Europe: Elements of Politeness in Informative Brochures on the European Constitution. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Politeness. University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom (2007)
- Promoting the European Identity: Politeness Strategies in the Discourse of the European Union. Paper presented at the First International Conference in Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD). University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom (2006)