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Elena Lamberti

Full Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/B Anglo-American Literature

Curriculum vitae

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Elena Lamberti (Full Professor North American Literatures, ) is a specialist of Modernist Literature, Cultural Memory, Literature and Media Ecology, War Literature. She pursues an interdisciplinary methodology of research where literature stands at the core of innovative investigations of complex ecosystems. She is the author of several books and essays on these topics, published internationally. Her volume Marshall McLuhan’s Mosaic. Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies (2012) received the MEA Award 2016 - Award for Outstanding Book in the Field of Media Ecology. She serves in a variety of editorial boards including Explorations in Media Ecology (EME); Wi: Journal of Mobile Media; The International Journal of McLuhan Studies; as well as book series. She has been invited as visiting scholar and course director in various North American and Chinese Universities. She coordinated the EU Project PERFORMIGRATIONS: PEOPLE ARE THE TERRITORY (Europe Culture, 1.3.5 Strand – Cooperation with Third Countries), developing new forms of HE dissemination on timing and sensible topics (mobility, diversity, change). She is affiliated to the Mobile Media Lab, Concordia University di Montreal. She coordinates the research group WeTell – Storytelling and Civic Awareness (Bando UNIBO AlmaIdea Senior 2017), based at LILEC, UNIBO. She established and directs the Summer School “eTell - Innovating Storytelling to Address Civic Awareness in the Post-digital Age”, approved and cofinanced by the Utrecht Network.


Laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere all’Università di Bologna (1992), ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Letterature e Culture dei Paesi di Lingua Inglese nel 1999. Ha poi seguito diversi corsi di specializzazione in Europa e in Nord America nell’ambito della critica letteraria, della comunicazione di massa e dell’ecologia dei media.


Dal 2019: Coordinator, “WeTell Hub”, Bando Strutture per l’Internazionalizzazione/GCE, UNIBO. (*)

Dal 2018: Member, PhD Board, PhD Program in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures LILEC (*)

Dal 2018: Member, Communication Board, LILEC. (*)

Dal 2018: Member, Board for Quality Assurance, Two-year Master in Modern, Post-Colonial and Comparative Literatures. (*)

Dal 2018: Member, Admission Commission, Two-year Master in Modern, Post-Colonial and Comparative Literatures. (*)

Dal 2017: Director, Summer School “WeTell - Innovating Storytelling to Address Civic Awareness in the Post-digital Age”, (c/o il LILEC, in collaboration with University of Valencia, co-promoted by Utrecht Network). (*)

Dal 2016: Member, Scientific Board, Collegio Superiore dell’Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, (Tutor).

Dal 2016: Member, Canada and California Selection Committee, Oveseas Program – International Mobility (UNIBO)

Dal 2016: Member, Review Committee, bachelor’s in foreign Languages and Cultures. (*)

Dal 2015: Coordinator and Supervisor, Internship Program, European Project PERFORMIGRATIONS: PEOPLE ARE THE TERRITORY. (*)

Dal 2010: Member, Scientific Board, Master in Historical Communication, DISCI.

2016 - 2021: Member, “Tavolo Interculturalità”, Rector’s Team, coordinated by Rabih Chattat (officer for Disability) and John Patrick Leech (Officer for Multilinguism and Interculturality)

2016 - 2021: Member, AlmaEClub, Business Club Alma Mater. “Cantiere #4” (Infrastructures for the dialogue with business eco-system).

2011 – 2017: Delegate Internationalization and Overseas, LILEC. (*)

Dal 2011: Member, Board of Italian Association for Canadian Studies.

2010 – 2012: Coordinator in Bologna, International Network: “McLuhan100: Communication, History, Culture” (Partenariato: University of Bologna; McLuhan Program, University of Toronto; McLuhan In Europe Network).

2009 – 2011: Coordinator, Program in Canadian Studies, Dip. Lingue e Letterature Moderne – UNIBO, promoted and sponsored by the Canadian government, in collaboration with the Canadian Embassy in Rome.

2006 – 2009: Coordinator and supervisor, Internship program, Centre for Canadian Studies, “Alfredo Rizzardi”, LILEC. (*)

2000 – 2009: Associate director, Centre for Canadian Studies “Alfredo Rizzardi”, LILEC.

2008 –2010: Member, National Committee, Centerary of the Nobel Prize to Guglielmo Marconi, (Ministerial Decree, 16/04/2008), for the research and cooperation between Italy, Canada and the United States.

1999 – 2008: Co-Director, Summer School “Bologna, A City at the Crossroads of Italy and Europe” (in partnership with York University, Toronto, Canada).

1998 – 2004: 1998 – 2004: Assistant, Overseas Mobility Program, York University Toronto – UNIBO.

FUNDING ID (Selezione)


2017: Euro 20.000, Project “WeTell – Storytelling and Civic Awareness”, Bando AlmaIdea 2017, (PI)

2014 2016: Euro 435.000, EU Project PERFORMIGRATIONS: PEOPLE ARE THE TERRITORY, 1.3.5 Strand of the EU Culture Program, (PI)

2005 2009: EU/Canada Project “CEMMENTI - ”, Euro 140.000. Canada Exchanges with the Mediterranean: Migration Experiences and their Impact on Nationalism, Trans-Nationalism and Identity". DG Education and Culture, sector "Cooperation Europa/Canada". (Co-Director)

2005 – 2007: ETNP“ACUME2 – Interfacing Science, Literature and the Humanities”, Euro 1.067.042 (Project Manager, Steering Committee)

2003 – 2005: ETNP “ACUME – Cultural Memory in European Countries. Euro 770.709 (Project Manager, Steering Committee)

Other (internationalisation, teaching, third mission)

2019: Euro 20.000, WeTell Hub (Bando Strutture UNIBO)

2018/2019: Euro 30.000, WeTell Summer School (Utrecht Network – Summer School Task Force)

2011 2012: Euro 35.000, Project Network “McLuhan100: Communication, History, Culture” Europa/Canada. (PI)

2008 2010: Euro 75.000, Project “MARCONI GALAXY”, Europa/Canada (PI).


Since 2017: Coordinator, Research Group “WeTell – Storytelling and Civic Awareness”, AlmaIdea Senior 2017.

2014 – 2016: Coordinator, European Project “PERFORMIGRATIONS – People Are the Territory”, 1.3.5 Strand of the EU Culture Program (Partners: University of Bologna; Ryerson University Toronto; Concordia University Montreal; Athena Research Innovation Centre, Athens; Biografilm Festival Bologna; Genus Bononiae Bologna; INET-MD Lisbon; MK Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt; IIC Montreal; Il Centro Vancouver; Athens Conservatory; ICAP Canada; Winchester Centre for Global Future in Art, Design and Media; University of Malta).

2008 – 2010: Coordinator, International Network “MARCONI GALAXY: Culture, Technology and Myth-Making”, (Partners: University of Bologna, University of Torino; Guglielmo Marconi Foundation Bologna; Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies York U. Toronto, Mobile Media Lab Concordia U. Montréal & York U. Toronto).


2005 – 2009: Associate Director, European Project "CEMMENTI - Canada Exchanges with the Mediterranean: Migration Experiences and their Impact on Nationalism, Trans-Nationalism and Identity". Bando Competitivo. DG Education and Culture, settore "Cooperazione Europa/Canada". (Partners: University of Bologna, University of Malta, University of Atene; York University Toronto, University of Prince Edward Island, Trent University).

2005 2007: Assistant to the coordinator, EU Thematic Network “ACUME2 – Interfacing Science, Literature and the Humanities”. (Partners: more than 60 European Universities involved)

2008: Member, Research group: "Metromillennium. The City in the New Millenium". Partners: Freie University, Technical University Berlin, University of Bologna, Denver University, York

2003 – 2005: Member, Research Group: "Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi: archeologia di un discorso culturale", Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna.

2003 2005: Member, Research group: "Scrivere e Rappresentare i Conflitti nel Novecento: Volontà di Testimoniare e Difficoltà del Dire", Research project, Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna.

2002 2005: Assistant to the coordinator, EU Thematic Network on “ACUME – Cultural Memory in European Countries”. (Partners: more than 80 European Universities involved)

1998 2001: Project Assistant, EU Thematic Network on Comparative Studies “COTEPRA”.

1998 99: Member, Research group: "Utopia e città", Research project, Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna.


Since 2022: EAVI (European Association for Viewers Interests), Bruxelles. Advisory Committee (Media Literacy for Citizenship).

Since 2020: Media Ethic Lab, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Fellowship.

Since 2018: Centro Studi sulle Letterature Omeoglotte dei Paesi Extra-europei, LILEC, UNIBO. Fellowship.

Since 2013: Mobile Media Lab, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Fellowship.

Sept Dec. 2013: University of Toronto, St. Michael's College. Program in Book History and Communication Studies. First Guest Lecturer in McLuhan Studies.

1997 – 2010: Associated, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York University, Toronto.

Ottobre 2010: Yale University, USA, Department of Comparative Literature, Fellowship (Research project on: "War Memories: Cultural Memory & Trauma"). Host: Prof. David Quint

Dec 2007 – Mar 2008: University of Toronto, Department of English, Fellowhip (Research Project on: "From Linear to Acoustic: New Media Environments and New Modernist Experiments with Form"), Host: Prof. Linda Hutcheon University.

2005 2007: Member, EU Think-Tank on “The Image of Europe”, EU Commission - Agency for Education.

2004 2007: Steering Committee, European Archipelago of the Humanistic Thematic Networks

Jun Aug: York University Toronto, Atkinson College, Faculty of Arts. Course director: "AK/HUMA 3610A 6.0, D2, M-R - MEMORIES AND REPRESENTATIONS OF WARS: COMPARING WW1 AND WW2”

Feb 2004 ­ Apr 2004: York University Toronto, Centre for European Studies, Fellowship (Research Project on: War Memories: Cultural Memory & Trauma"). Host: Prof. Mark Webster

Apr 2000 ­ Jun 2000: York University, Toronto, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies - Fellowship (Research Project on: "Wyndham Lewis: ideology, philosophy and the mass society"). Host: Prof. Seth Feldman

Oct 1999 – Nov 1999: York University, Toronto, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies - Fellowship. (Research Project on: "Wyndham Lewis: ideology, philosophy and the mass society"). Host: Prof. Daniel Drache

Mar 1998 – Apr 1998: Brown University, Providence, RH. Department of English, Fellowship (Research Project on: "Marshall McLuhan as a Man of Letters"). Host: Prof. Koppelia Khan

Jun 1997 – Nov 1997: York University, Toronto, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies - Fellowship (Research Project on: "Marshall McLuhan as a Man of Letters"). Host: Prof. Daniel Drache

Since 1997: Alumna, Massey College – University of Toronto, Toronto Canada

1997 2004: Executive Committee, Ford Madox Ford Society.


Since 2021: Scientific Board, Book Series “Comunicazione e M@ss media” (Armando Editore Roma).

Since 2018: Scientific Board, Journal. Eco. Rivista interdisciplinare di comunicazione. Culture, Linguaggi, Società (University of Bari)

Since 2017: Scientific Board, Publishing Series In-between spaces: le scritture migranti e la scrittura come migrazione (Edizioni Sinestesie, Avellino).

Since 2016: Editorial Board, Collana Memoria&Identità / Cultural&Linguistic Heritage, (Unipapress)

Since 2012: Peer reviewer, University of Toronto Press

Since 2012: Editorial Board, Rivista Bibliomanie. Ricerca filologica, storia delle idee e orientamento bibliografico (Referent for North American literature)

Since 2012: Editorial Board, Publishing Series Comunicazione Storica, Edizioni Unicopli

Since 2011: Editorial Board, Journal The International Journal of McLuhan Studies.

Since 2008: Editorial Board, Rivista Wi: Journal of Mobile Media.

Since 2006: Editorial Board, Rivista Explorations in Media Ecology (EME).

2003-2006: Editorial Board, Griseldaonline- Portale di letteratura.


2016: MEA (Media ecology Association) AWARD 2016: "Marshall McLuhan Award for Outstanding Book in the Field of Media Ecology" for the volume Marshall McLuhan’s Mosaic. Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies (University of Toronto Press, 2012).

2013: Finalist at the Canada Prize in the Humanities, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada for the volume "Marshall McLuhan's Mosaic. Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies" (University of Toronto Press, 2012)

2009: ISA Topic – Premio Istituto di Studi Avanzati, Università di Bologna. Progetto di ricerca: "Wireless Communications and the Marconi Galaxy: Culture, Technology and Myth-Making".

2008: IOF Development Grant - The Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council – Canada. Progetto di ricerca su: "Wireless Communications and the Marconi Galaxy: Culture, Technology and Myth-Making".

2007 2008: Borsa di Studio – Programma Marco Polo, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna. Progetto di ricerca su: "From Linear to Acoustic: new media environments and new modernist experiments with form".

2001: Premio Giovani Studiosi Associazione Italiana di Studi Canadesi per il volume Marshall McLuhan. Tra arte letteratura e media, Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2000.

1998: "OIP Fellowship", Brown University. Progetto "Marshall McLuhan as a Man of Letters".

1997: "Six-month Post-Doctoral Fellowship", Consiglio Internazionale di Studi Canadesi, Governo del Canada. Progetto "Marshall McLuhan as a Man of Letters".


2021 – “La peste scarlatta di Jack London: il contagio nel mondo al limite.” CONTAGIO! Narrazioni letterarie dalla peste al Coronavirus. Convegno Internazionale. ONLINE SSMLI, 21-22 maggio 2021.

2020 – “Almost 20 years after 9/11: literature, globalization and forced crossroads.” Key-note address. SAPIENZA GRADUATE FORUM on «Bridging Cultures through Language, Migration and Intercultural Dialogue». Rome, Friday 28° February 2020

2019 – “Intersezioni forzate: Come Far Away, l'umanità oltre il genere”. Intersezionalità e genere. Convegno in onore di Oriana Palusci. Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Napoli,10-11 dicembre 2019.

2019 – “Rethinking American Frontiers”. Round Table at AISNA Seminar on “New Frontiers. Identity Technologies and transcultural spaces”. Centro di Studi Americani, Rome, November 11-13, 2029

2019 – “Literature, Cognitive, Pollution, and Ethical Storytelling”. Key-note Panel on One Science, Many Values at Media Ethics – Human Ecology in a Connected World, International Symposium, Toronto, June 27-30, 2019.

2018 – “Ricordando la Scuola di Toronto: la letteratura, l’ecologia dei media e l’imperativo digitale.” Invito. CESPEC - Centro Studi sul Pensiero Contemporaneo, VITE DIGITALI. ESSERE UMANI NELLA SOCIETÀ DEL XXI SECOLO. Summer School – XI edizione 2018. Cuneo – Alba – Savigliano – Mondovì (11-15 Settembre 2018)

2018 – “A Noble Lady: Speaking Otherness at the Dawn of WWII”. Invito. Intercultural Views and Translation Practices: Pearl S. Buck and Other Voices from Twentieth-Century China. International Symposium. Confucius Institute Milan & University of Bergamo, Bergamo, 8 novembre 2018.

2017 – “Malware Digitelling: Fakenews, or Mythmaking 2.0?”. Keynote speech. THINKING THROUGH THE DIGITAL IN LITERATURE – REPRESENTATIONS + POETICS + SITES + PUBLICATIONS. International Conference. Linköping University, Sweden, 29 Nov–1 Dec, 2017.

-2017 – “Heritage in/for the Glocal Village: communities, memories, media.” Invito. Our heritage, Our Future. Italian Canadian Archive Projects. 7Th Annual Conference, Guelph, Ontario, Sept. 22-23 2017.

2017 – “Mythmaking 2.0: Telling Stories, Making History”. Keynote speech. Third International Scientific-practical Conference. Media Literacy, Media Ecology, Media Education: Digital Media for the Future. National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow, 20-22 April 2017

2016 – “A Legacy to Retrieve: Outspreading the School of Toronto Original Storytelling”. Keynote Speech. International Conference. The Toronto School THEN | NOW | NEXT. Toronto, Oct 13-16 2016.

2016 – “Storie di un altro 68: le rivoluzioni (più o meno) tranquille di Montréal”. Invito. Convegno. Dall’universita’ alla citta’. Luoghi simbolo del ’68. Università di Bologna 16-17 settembre 2016

2016 – “Confronting the Humanities from within to Perform and Lead Change”. Plenary Speech. HUMANITIES NOW. Global encounters. ECHIC Conference. Macerata, 21-22 aprile 2016.

2014 Addressing Technological Trauma”. Keynote Speech. Fiftieth Anniversary Memorial Plenary Session on Understanding Media at MEA – Media Ecology 15th Annual Convention on Confronting Technopoly: Creativity & the Creative Industries in Global. Perspective, June 19-22, 2014, Ryerson University – Toronto, Canada

2013 “McLuhan through the Rear-View Mirror: Vortexes, Spirals and Cages”, Invited Lecture, Institute for Media and Communication, Alpen Adria University, October 30th, 2013.

2013 – “Applying McLuhan as a politics of awareness”. Keynote Speech. Fourth International Conference on English & American Literature on Politics, Culture, and Literary Imagination, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) China, April 18-April 20, 2013

2012 “Performative Storytelling: McLuhan’s Innovative Writing & Laws of Media”, Keynote Speech. International Symposium "New Media and the Turn of Contemporary Literary Theory" and the Foundation of the Literary Theory and New Media Branch, the Chinese Association of Sino-Foreign Literary Theory, Kaifeng, Henan, China October 19-21 2012

2012 – “Marshall McLuhan’s Humanistic Background”, Invited Lecture at CASS - Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Literature, Beijing, October 18th 2012

2012 – “When New Technologies Are Old: Re-Thinking about Electric Communi(on)cation in the Age of Social Media”, Keynote speech, International Symposium on McLUHAN. SOCIAL MEDIA BETWEEN FAITH AND CULTURE, The University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, September 21 - 22, 2012

2011 – “Tetrads & Storytelling: Laws of Media and/for the New Millennium”. Invito. McLuhan100 · Then | Now | Next International Conference, 7-10 Nov 2011, U of Toronto.

2011 – “McLuhan and Artistic Vision in the Wireless City”, Keynote panel on “Space, Place, and the McLuhan Legacy”, MEA – Media Ecology 12th Annual Convention. Edmonton, University of Alberta, June 23‐26, 2011.

2011 – “On Marshall McLuhan’s Counterblast 1954”, Invited. Special Panel at TRANSMEDIALE.11 – RESPONSE : ABILITY, Festival for Art and Digital Culture Berlin, 1-6 February 3rd 2011

2011 – “From Subject to Function: McLuhan’s Semantic for the Digital Age”. Invited. International Symposium, New Languages, New Relations, New Realities, New York October 29th - 31st, Fordham University, NYC / Institute of General Semantic / Mediaecology Association.

2011 – Spose meccaniche e nuovi avatar: essere o esseri carismatici nel nuovo villaggio globale?”, Convegno di Studi Interdisciplinari in onore di Edgar Morin, “Dialoghi con Edgar Morin su LA CULTURA DELLA CULTURA. Il pensiero della complessità e le sfide del XXI secolo, 28-30 marzo 2011 Aula Magna Rettorato, Torino

2010 “History and Mediators of memory”. Invited. International forum on memory and history, Institute for Central-Eastern Europe Sept 2010 – Faenza.

2010 – “Europe Year Zero: from Gated Memories to Intercultural Reconciliation”. Invited. Memory Studies and the Identity problem: a Cross Reading of European and Canadian Cultural Traditions, organised by EUNIC cluster Canada, European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) at the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, University of Toronto, Munk School of Global Affairs, Toronto September 7th 2010

2010 – “Mapping McLuhan Scholar Spaces”. Invited. Conference Freeze Frame on Marshall McLuhan, Saturday 15 May 2010, The McLuhan Program, Toronto

2007 “Cultural Memory, Cultural Trauma & Story-Telling”. Keynote speech. Memory and Trauma: facilitating storytelling through digital media. A charrette presented as part of the Digifest 2008 ‘Water’s Edge’ Professional Development Series, Toronto, September 26 2007, Harbourfront


2018 – ““Hey Nostradadamus!: Adapting History Into Iconic Events”, Adaptation of Stories and Stories of Adaptation: Media, Modes and Codes, AISC, Annual Conference. University of Trento.

2018: “The Plot Against America: Letteratura, rimemorazione, consapevolezza civica”. Past (Im)Perfect Continuous. Trans-Cultural Articulations of the Postmemory of WWII, June 26-28, 2018, University of Rome, “La Sapienza”

2017 – “Oltre il déjà vu: fantascienza, inquinamento cognitivo e società mediatizzate”. MUTAZIONI E METAMORFOSI: LINGUAGGI E MODELLI NARRATIVI DELLA FANTASCIENZA. Prospettive critiche in Italia. 16-17-18 novembre 2017. San Domenico Maggiore, Sala del Capitolo, Napoli.

2017 – “Living in a Déja-Vu: Literature, Cognitive Pollution, Mediated Societies”. 24th AISNA Biennial Conference, università degli Studi di Milano, September 28-30 2017.

2017 – “Exploring the Marconi Galaxy through Modernist Avant-Garde”. Modernism Today. Modernist Studies Association 19, Annual Conference. Amsterdam. August 10-13 2017

2017 – “Communication Makes the Nation: the Canadian scenario”, Canada in the Making. 150 Years of Culture and Linguistic Diversity. AISC Annual Conference, University della Calabria, 29 June – 1 July 2017

2016 – “Framing the past as if it were the future: David Cronenberg’s Videodrome in the Light of Media Theories”, Made in Canada. The Languages of the Media. AISC Annual Conference, Naples, 28-30 June 2016.

2013 – “McLuhan’s Post-Literate Paideia: a probing strategy to approach the evolving media ecology”, International Conference on Art, Technology, and Perception in a Globalised Age, April 21-22 2013, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China

2012 – “Marshall McLuhan's Mosaic: Probing the Literary Origin of Media Studies,” panel on “Technology/Media/Literature/Language” at the 13th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association. June 7-10, 2012, Manhattan College Riverdale, New York.

2012 – “Performative Storytelling: How Ong and McLuhan wrote and embedded post-literacy”, The new sensorium: embodied perception, extensions of humanity and digital communication. A Marshall McLuhan and Walter J. Ong centenary symposium, Athens, 20-21 April 2012

2012 – Plenary Panel, “In balia delle onde (radio): la catastrofe mediatizzata. Vecchi e nuovi media a cent’anni dal Titanic”, Future Film Festival 2012, Auditorium Biagi, Bologna, 30 marzo 2012

2011 – “Visibilmente assenti: gli eventi iconici tra oblio e censura”, 4 Seminario Internazionale su Memoria e Mass Media, 16 novembre 2011, Trento: Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino

2011 – “Waste Zones and Muskoka Chairs: Global & No-Global Approaches to Green Canada”, International Symposium of Canadian Studies “Green Canada/Vert Canada/Verde Canada”, Naples, 7- 10 September 2011

2011 – “Blowing Off the Dust: On Marshall McLuhan and Sheila Watson Counterblasting Kulchure (in Canada and Elsewhere)”, MEA – Media Ecology 12th Annual Convention on “Space, Place, and the McLuhan Legacy”, Edmonton, University of Alberta, June 23‐26, 2011;

2011 – “Toronto & Co.: il mosaico nel crogiolo?”, Giornata di Studi Sguardi sulle città in trasformazione, Università di Bologna, 7 aprile 2011

2011 – “McLuhan: the Arts and the City”, The Twelfth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association. U of Alberta, Edmonton, June 2011;

2011 – “Le origini letterarie dei Media Studies”, Simposio 1911-2011: Il secolo di McLuhan, IULM – Mediascapes, 20-21 dicembre 2010

2009 – “Primitivi di una nuova sensibilità: l’immaginazione senza fili dalla Radio al Villaggio Globale”, Convegno Internazionale La Galassia Marconi: Tecnologia, Modelli Culturali, Costruzione di Miti, Bologna, 27-28 April 2009.

2008 – “Modernist Literary Forms and New Media Heuristic”, Seminar of the MRRG (Modernist Reading Group, Faculty and Post-Doctoral Students), University of Toronto, May 27 2008.

2008 – “Negotiating MOU: approaches to North American and European Cooperation Projects”, Project Directors’ Conference Meeting E-Canada-U.S, Fredericton, NB (Canada), 17-19 February 2008

2008 – “Stararchitecture: Comparing Europe, Canada and US”, Metromillenium Workshop, City Institute, York University Toronto, 11-12 May 2008

2006 – “Strani transiti: tracce letterarie di Japanese-Americans dopo Pearl Harbour”, International Symposium on Conflicts: Strategies of Representation of War in Postmodern Culture, Bologna, 5-7 October 2006.

2006 – “Why /How to Remember World Wars? Negotiating an Ethics of Memory in Europe Today”, International Colloquium Literature Matters, The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 19-21 October, 2006.

2006 – “Esageratamente Dorothy Parker: tra arte e impegno politico”, conferenza inaugurale della rassegna Parole, suoni, immagini di donna - Rosa Esagerata, Bologna, 6 March 2006 (with E. Lamberti, V. Fortunati, A. Zanardi).

2005 – “Electric Literacy”, International Workshop on Interfacing Orality and Literacy, University of Cardiff, 9-10 September 2005.

2005 – “Telling or Making History? Novels, memoirs and documentaries on the Spanish War”, International Symposium, Writing and Visualising War. To bear Witness as a Complex Act, University of Giessen, 25-25 August 2005.

2005 – “Spazio pubblico e spazio privato: il genius loci tra USA, Europa e globalizzazione”, Giornata di studi su Corpo Pubblico /Corpo privato: Riflessioni sull’identità culturale in Europa e negli Stati Uniti d’America, Bologna 17 May 2005, Sala Conferenze University of California.

2005 – “Cooking with the mouth: Women’s Domesticity as a Survival Strategy to Preserve Identity and to Imagine the Future”, International Conference The Legacy of the Holocaust: Women and the Holocaust, 26 – 28 May 2005, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland . in collaborazione con The University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa; Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas and the University of Wisconsin—Oshkosh.

2005 – “Memorie conflittuali della Seconda Guerra Mondiale: la scrittura come strumento di riconciliazione?”, Sessant’anni dopo: L’ombra della Seconda guerra mondiale sulla letteratura del dopoguerra – Giornata di studi promossa dalla Sezione di Filologia Germanica “Riccardo Rizza”, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 5 April 2005.

2005 – Tavola rotonda su “Utopia e multiculturalita’ nella letteratura americana”, book launch of E. Griggs Imperium in Imperio, a cura di M. Giulia Fabi, translated byi Pierpaolo Mura (Longo Editore Ravenna, Collana “Forme dell’Utopia”, 2004), Bologna 18 March 2005 (participants: M.C. Giorcelli, G. Franci, A. Cagidemetrio, E. Lamberti).

2005 – “L’etica della memoria nel lavoro di rimemorazione” (with Vita Fortunati), One-day Symposium on Remebrance Day, Bologna, 27 January 2005.

2004 – “Forms of Remembering and Technologies of Communication”, International Symposium, Memory and Mediation: European Narratives of Identity, Odense, 10-11 September 2004.

2004 – “Oralità scrittura e nuova oralità: forme del ricordare e tecnologie della comunicazione”, Coloquio Memoria Cultural. Europa Y America Desde Una Perspectiva Comparatistica E Interdisciplinaria, Cordoba, 20-21 August 2004.

2004 – “Gli espatriati americani degli anni venti a Parigi”, conferenza nell’ambito della rassegna Gli incontri dell’arte e della musica – Seconda edizione 2004, Teatro Comunale di Bologna, 21 June 2004.

2004 “Le nuove tecnologie nell’immaginario letterario del 900”, conferenza nell’ambito della rassegna Gli incontri dell’arte e della musica – Seconda edizione 2004, Teatro Comunale di Bologna, 24 May 2004.

2004 – “La scrittura verbo-voco-visiva delle avanguardie e le nuove tecnologie della comunicazione”, National Symposium, La letteratura e le altre arti, L’Aquila, 12-13 February 2004.

2003 – “The Experience of War and the Search for Identity in US Narratives of WW1 and WW2”, Memories and Representations of Wars: Comparing WW1 and WW2, Bologna, 19 – 20 settembre 2003, International Conference Promoted by the European Thematic Network on Cultural Memory ACUME.

2003 – “Global Cities”, International workshop on Global Cultural Flows: Definition, Challenges and Consequences on Diversity and Identity, The Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies with the support of The Department of Canadian Heritage, York University, 28-29 March 2003

2002 – ‘"Writing History: Ford and the Debate on 'Objective Truth' in Late 20th Century Historiography, International Conference: Ford Madox Ford: History and Representation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 20-22 September 2002.

2001 – “Usi della citazione in Pound”, Seminario di Studi su “La citazione”, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bertinoro 26-27 September 2001

2001– “Memorie scomode: Wyndham Lewis in Canada”, Il Canada del nuovo secolo. Gli archivi della memoria, International Symposium, Monopoli (Bari), 30/05-03/06/2001

2001 – “Scientific Historian Versus Social Historian: Ford Madox Ford’s Critical Attitude”, Ford Madox Ford and the Republic of Letters, International Symposium, University of Bologna, 11-14 January 2001.

2000 – Round Table on “Blurring Borders in the Twentieth Century Biography and Fiction: Questions of Genre Identity”, British Council Bologna, 13 April 2000 (Participants: Prof. Andrea Battistini, Prof. Mirella Billi, Prof. Vita Fortunati, Dr. Elena Lamberti, Prof. Max Saunders).

2000 – “Marshall McLuhan and the Modernist Writers”, The McLuhan Symposium, University of Ottawa, 5-7 May 2000

1999 – “Virtual Cities: Ford and the Republic of Letters”, International Conference on Ford and the City, Institute for English Studies, London, 17 December 1999.

1999 – “Reading Ford through Marshall McLuhan: The Fifth Queen in the Light of the New Media”, International Symposium on Modernism and The Individual Talent, Muenster (Westphalia), 25-27 June 1999.

1999 – “Side-effects of the Global Village: Douglas Coupland’s Dysfunctional Young Urban Myth”, International Symposium on Canada and the Cultures of Globalization, Bologna 8-11 September 1999.

1998 – “Ford’s portrait by Janice Biala”, Conference “Ford Madox Ford: Painting and Writing, a Day of Celebration”, University of London, Centre for English Studies, London, 10.01.1998.

1998 – “Integral Awarness: Marshall McLuhan as a Man of Letters”, International Symposium “The Legacy of McLuhan: A Symposium”, Fordham University – New York, 27-29 March, 1998.

1998 – “La critica letteraria di Marshall McLuhan”, International Seminar on Canadian Literature, promoted by the Centro di Studi Canadesi, University of Bologna, 12 May 1998.

1998 – “Marshall McLuhan’s Critical Writing”, International Symposium, AISC, Monopoli (Bari), 12-14/06/1998.

1997 – “Life, Fiction and Myth in John Glassco’s Memoir of Montparnasse”. 09/09/1997 – Seminar on “Canadian Life Writing”, York University, Toronto, September-December 1997 (Winter Term). Hosts: Prof. Clara Thomas, Prof. John Lennox.

1997 – “Marshall McLuhan as a Man of Letters”. 6/10/1997 – Seminar on “Canadian Life Writing “The Many Dimensions of Marshall McLuhan: An Introduction to McLuhan and his Legacy”. - December 1997 - McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto, Continual Learning Courses 1997-1998. Host: Dr. Eric McLuhan, Associate Director, McLuhan Program International.

1996 – “Ford Madox Ford and Ernest Hemingway in the 1924 Paris Literary Arena”, Ford Madox Ford - Ford Madox Ford International Conference - 15-16 November 1996, University of London.

1996 – “Ford Madox Ford: un esempio emblematico della politica culturale delle riviste d’avanguardia del primo novecento”, Presentazione all’Accademia Delle Scienze di Bologna, Sala Ulisse, 19 April 1996.



2022 – Johnny Cash. Storie oltre il bianco e il nero. Castelnegrino, Collana Pretesti, ISBN 978-88-99341-800.

2018 – Leonard Cohen. Come un uccellino su fili di parole. Castelnegrino, Collana Pretesti, ISBN - 978-8899341619.

2018 – Controambienti letterari. Romanzi newyorkesi dell’era elettrica. Bologna, Clueb. ISBN 978-88-491-5581

2012 – Marshall McLuhan's Mosaic. Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies. TORONTO: University of Toronto Press, ISBN: 978-1-4426-0988-4 [2013 candidato ai Canada Prize in the Humanities, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada. Vincitore del 2016 Media Ecology Association Marshall McLuhan Award for Outstanding Book in the Field of Media Ecology].

2012 – The transatlantic review: Note sulla rivista che traghettò gli Yankees in Europa. BOLOGNA: Asterisco, ISBN: 978-88-96572-17-7

2000 – Marshall Mcluhan. Tra letteratura arte e media. Milano: Bruno Mondadori, ISBN: 9788842493310 [Vincitore del Premio Giovani Studiosi, Associazione Italiana di Studi Canadesi, 2001]


2016 – (Introduction, Translation and Edited Edition) Janice Kulyk Keefer, La zona desolata. La letteratura al confine tra cittadini e potere, Fano: Aras Edizioni, ISBN 978-8898615896

2009 – (con V. Fortunati). Memories and Representations of War: The Case of World War I and World War II. p. VII-343, AMSTERDAM-NEW YORK:Rodopi, ISBN: 978-90-420-2521-9 [Focus on War Literature, the Arts and Trauma]

2008 – (con G. Castellani, V. Fortunati, C. Franceschi). BIOCOMPLEXITY AT THE CUTTING EDGE OF PHYSICS, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND HUMANITIES. BOLOGNA: Bononia University Press, ISBN: 978-88-7395-330-2

2002 – (con V. Fortunati). Ford Madox Ford and the Republic of Letters. p. 1-326, BOLOGNA: Clueb, ISBN: 88-491-1928-3

2001 – (con V. Fortunati). Il senso critico. Saggi di Ford Madox Ford. Critical Edition, FIRENZE: Alinea Editrice, ISBN: 8881254980


2021 – “World Literature e le sfide etiche del mondo interconnesso”, in Introduzione alla World Literature. Percorsi e prospettive, a cura di Silvia Albertazzi. Carocci Editore Roma, ISBN 978-88-290-1173-5, pp.79-98.

2016 – “Watson, McLuhan (& Lewis): Conscious (Modernist) Solitudes, Challenging Canadians”, in Counterblasting Canada: Marshall McLuhan, Wyndham Lewis, Wilfred Watson and Sheila Watson, Edited by Gregory Betts, Paul Hjartarson, and Kristine Smitka, Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press. ISBN 978-1-77212-037-0, pp. 38-57

2016 – “Waste Zones and Muskoka Chairs: Global & Non-Global Approaches to Green Canada”, in Green Canada, In GREEN CANADA ETUDES CANADIENNES. ISBN: 978-2-87574-370-1, pp.55-66.

2015 – “Imaginary Postcards: Flexi(Ble) Storytelling of a (Lost & Found) Canadian Myth- Making”, in A SUBLIME VERNACULAR. The Landscape Painting of Levine Flexhaug, edited by Nancy Tousley and Peter White, Vancouver/Berkley: Art Gallery of the Grande Prairie, ISBN 978-0-9947269-0-2, pp. 119-128.

2011 – "Not Just a Book on Media: Extending the Gutenberg Galaxy". In: M. MCLUHAN. The Gutenberg Galaxy. The Making of Typographic Man. p. xxv-xlv, TORONTO: University of Toronto Press, ISBN: 978-1-4426-1269-3

2010 – "Wandering Yankees": The transatlantic review or How the Americans Came to Europe.” In: Ford Madox Ford, Modernist Magazines and editing. p. 215-228, AMSTERDAM-NEW YORK: Rodopi, ISBN: 978-90-420-3055-8

2009 – “The Experience of War and the Search for Identity in US Narratives of WW1 and WW2.” In: MEMORIES AND REPRESENTATIONS OF WAR IN EUROPE: THE CASE OF WW1 AND WW2. p. 119-132, AMSTERDAM-NEW YORK:Rodopi, ISBN: 978-90-420-2521- 9

2008 – "Cucinare con la bocca": piccoli rituali domestici delle donne di Terezin come strategia di resistenza.” In: Luoghi e voci della memoria. Riflessioni sulla Shoah e dintorni. Giorno della Memoria 2006. Bologna, 27 gennaio 2006, p. 21-31, RIMINI: Panozzo Editore [Focus on Mina Patcher’s Terezin’s memoir]

2008 – “Strani transiti: tracce letterarie dei Japanese-Americans dopo Pearl Harbour.” In: Conflitti. Strategie di rappresentazione della guerra nella cultura contemporanea. p.215-222, Roma: Meltemi, ISBN: 978-88-8353-654-0

2008 – “Cultural Memory: A European Perspective.” In: Cultural Memory Studies. An Interdisciplinary Handbook. p. 127-137, Berlin: Walter De Gruyter

2008 – "Looking at Complexity from the Humanities: Some Speculations". In: Biocomplexity at the Cutting Edge of Physics, Systems Biology and Humanities. p. 229-239, BOLOGNA: BUP, ISBN: 978-88-7395-330-2

2007 – “From Linear to Acoustic Space. New Media Environments and New Modernist Forms.” In: Modernism. p. 431-448, AMSTERDAM: John Benjamins, ISBN: 978-90-272-3454-4

2007 – “Oralità, scrittura, post-oralità e funzioni della memoria.” In: Memoria e saperi. Percorsi transdisciplinari. p. 399-418, Roma: Meltemi, ISBN: 88-8353-520-0

2007 – “Berberi, uomini impagliati e civiltà della macchina: Wyndham Lewis e il 'nuovo barbarismo'.” In: Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi: Archeologia di un discorso culturale. Bologna, 17-19 novembre 2005, p. 349-363, BOLOGNA: Clueb, ISBN: 978-88-491-2896-3

2006 – "Integral Awarness: Marshall McLuhan as a Man of Letters". In: The Legacy of McLuhan. p. 153-162, CRESSKILL, NJ: Hampton Press, ISBN: 1572735317

2004 – E. LAMBERTI. “Writing History: Ford and the Debate on 'Objective Truth' in the Late 20th Century.” In: WIESENFARTH J. (ed). History and Representation in Ford Madox Ford's Writings. p. 99-110, Amsterdam: Rodopi, ISBN: 9042016132

2004 – “Marshall McLuhan and the Modernist Writers' Legacy.” In: MOSS J., MORRA L.M. At the Speed of Light: There is Only Illumination. A Reappraisal of Marshall McLuhan. p. 63-83, OTTAWA: University of Ottawa Press, ISBN: 0776605720

2003 – E. LAMBERTI. "La Galassia Marconi. Dalla radio al villaggio globale". In: G. Falciasecca, B. Valotti, Guglielmo Marconi. genio, storia, modernità. p. 83-95, MILANO: Ed. Giorgio Mondadori, ISBN: 9788837418021

2003 – "Ford Madox Ford and Ernest Hemingway in the Literary Arena of Paris, 1924". In: FORD MADOX FORD'S MODERNITY. p. 239-256, Amsterdam e N. Y: Rodopi, ISBN: 90-420-1187-4

2002 – "Scientific Historian versus Social Historian: Ford Madox Ford's Historic Sense". In: Ford Madox Ford and 'The Republic of Letters'. p. 30-40, BOLOGNA: CLUEB, ISBN: 88-491-1928-3

2002 – “Reading Ford through Marshall McLuhan: The Fifth Queen in the Light of the New Media.” In: Modernism and the Individual Talent / Moderne und besondere Begabung, Re-Canonizing Ford Madox Ford (Hueffer) / Zur Re-Kanonisierung von Ford Madox Ford (Hüffer). p. 45-53, MUNSTER-HAMBURG-LONDON:Lit Verlag, ISBN: 3-8258-4311-4

2001 –"Douglas Coupland's Microserfs: Corporate Dreams of Unconscious e- Believers". In: Il Canada e le Culture della Globalizzazione. p. 275-291, BARI: Schena, ISBN: 8882292207


2019 – “Ladri di canoe. Turismo, migrazione e identità indigena in Canada”, in Scritture Migranti, N. 13/2019 ISSN 2035-7141, pp. 110-128.

2019 – “Non è un complotto: è una PandeMedia”. Zona Letteraria, N. 5 “Contagio dopo il contagio”, ISBN 978-88-31304-24-5, pp. 131-137.

2018 – “Fake News, Cognitive Pollution and Environmental Awareness”, FRAME. Journal of Literary Studies, 31.2 November 2018: Fact and Fiction. Issn: 0924-7750. pp. 91-106.

2018 – “1937-2017: Ricordando The Spanish Earth” di Joris Ivens Acoma. Rivista internazionale di studi nordamericani. Uomini e macchine. N. 15 nuova serie. Autunno-Inverno 2018, Anno XXV, ISSN: 2421-423X, pp. 99-120

2017 – “Printing a Film to Make it Resonate: Sorel Etrog and Marshall McLuhan’s Spiral.” In Imaginations: Journal of Cross Cultural Image Studies, University of Alberta Press, ISSN-1918-8439, pp. 1-19.

2017 – “Montréal e il Sessantotto canadese. Una storia da scoprire”. In Percorsi storici. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea, ISNN 2240-7413.

2016 – “Don DeLillo’s Cosmopolis: Modern Outcasts and an Old Barbershop”, in Anglistica AION. Interdisciplinary Journal, Special Issue on “Wastelands: Eco-narratives in Contemporary Cultures in English”, Vol. 19, n. 2 (2015/16), Editors: Oriana Palusci and Héliane Ventura, pp. 5-20. [Classe A]

2015 McLuhan’s Media Explorations through the Rear-View Mirror”, Chinese Journal of Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, No 1, pp. 20-31, 2015.

2014 – “Vortexes, Spirals, Tetrads: McLuhan’s Hyper-Language as a (Digital) Tool for (Old and New) Storytelling”, in Between. Rivista dell’Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura, Special Issue on “Tecnologia, Immaginazione, forme del narrare”, Vol 4, N° 8 (2014), pp. 1-34, ISSN 2039-6597

2014 – “Betrayals and Smells: on the Italian (Mis)Interpretations of Understanding Media,” in Journal of Visual Cultural, Special Edition on Marshall McLuhan’s Understanding Media: The Extension of Man @ 50, Volume 13, Number 1, April 2014, pp. 67-69 ISSN: 1470-4129

2012 – “Memory between old and new media. Rethinking storytelling as a performative practice to process, assess and create awareness of change in the world of secondary orality”, in ESSACHESS, Vol 5no. 2(10) / 2012, pp. 227-244, ISSN 2066-5083

2012 – "Del qué al cómo, del medio al contexto.Orígenes literarios de los estudios mediáticos de McLuhan". INFOAMÉRICA, vol. 7-8 2012, p. 43-59, ISSN: 1889-6251

2011 – “Smascherando il Dr. O'blivion.” LINK, vol. LinkMono 2011, p. 97-103, ISSN: 1827-3963

2011 – “Umanisticamente mediatici. Applicare McLuhan, tra letteratura e comunicazione.” PROBLEMI DELL'INFORMAZIONE, vol. 2-3, giugno - settembre 2011, p. 217-237, ISSN: 0390-5195

2002 – “Ezra Pound’s Guide to Kulchur: la citazione tra sperimentazione modernista e costruzione del 'Nuovo Sapere'!. LEITMOTIV, vol. 2, ISSN: 1720-3716

2000 – "Crash by J.G. Ballard and D. Cronenberg: Prosthetic Bodies and Collective Psychopathologies". TEXTUS, vol. XIII-1, p. 173-194, ISSN : 1824-3967

1999 – "Vivisecting Society: Joycean Strategies in Marshall McLuhan’s The Mechanical Bride". PROSPERO, vol. VI-MIM, p. 87-104, ISSN: 1123-2684

1998 – "Ford Madox Ford and the Arts: a (Proto)Modernist Polyptych". ENGLISHES, vol. VI 2°, p. 54-71, ISSN: 1593-2494

1998 – "Ford Madox Ford editorialista: la funzione dell'arte e dell'artista nella Repubblica Internazionale delle Lettere". ATTI DELL'ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DELL'ISTITUTO DI BOLOGNA. CLASSE DI SCIENZE MORALI. RENDICONTI, p. 1-21, ISSN: 1122-4142


2018 – “Storie di un altro sessantotto. Le rivoluzioni (più o meno) tranquille di Montréal”, in Mirco Dondi, Simona Salustri (a cura di), SESSANTOTTO. Luoghi e rappresentazioni di un evento mondiale, Edizione Unicopli, 2018, ISBN-978-88-400-2028-0, PP. 121-135.

2015 – “When New Technologies Are Old: Re-Thinking about Electric Communi(on)cation in the Age of Social Media”, in McLuhan. Social Media between Faith and Culture, Domenico Pietropaolo and Robert K. Logan (eds); New York, Ottawa, Toronto: Legas Publishing, pp. 97-110. ISBN 978-1-897493-51-9

2012 – "Spose meccaniche e nuovi avatar: essere o esseri carismatici nel nuovo villaggio globale?" in Pensare la complessità. Per un umanesimo planetario. Saggi critici e dialoghi di Edgar Morin con Gustavo Zagrebelsky e Gianni Vattimo, a cura di Chiara Simonigh, Milano-Udine, Mimesis Edizioni, pp.223-232 ISBN: 9788857515076

2012 – "Toronto & Co: il mosaico nel crogiolo?". In: SGUARDI SULLE CITTA' IN TRASFORMAZIONE. p. 159-170, IMOLA: Editrice La Mandragora, ISBN: 978-88-7586-349-4

2012 – “Visibilmente assenti: gli eventi iconici tra oblio e censura.” In: Le sponde della memoria: il ruolo dell'oblio nel panorama mediale contemporaneo. p. 62-75, Trento: Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino, ISBN: 978-88-7197-143-8

2011 – "Europe Year Zero: from Gated memories to Intercultural Reconciliation". In: Memories, Identities, Migrations. Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Toronto (Canada), September 7th, 2010, p. 19-26, TORONTO: Istituto Italiano di Cultura - EUNIC


2013 – E. LAMBERTI. “Introduction” to WRITING OUR WAY HOME, edited by Licia Canton and Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni, Toronto: Guernica Editions, pp. 11-18, ISBN 978-1-55071

2009 – “Introduction.” In: MEMORIES AND REPRESENTATIONS OF WAR IN EUROPE: THE CASE OF WW1 AND WW2. p. 1-23, AMSTERDAM-NEW YORK:Rodopi, ISBN: 978-90-420-2521-9

2007 – (con L. STRATE). "Premessa" to Session on Media. In: Memoria e Saperi. Percorsi transdisciplinari. p. 375-377, Roma: Meltemi, ISBN: 88-8353-520-0

2011 – "Blowing Off the Dust: On Marshall McLuhan and Counterbasting". In: MARSHALL MCLUHAN. Counterblast. p. XII- XIII, BERKELEY: Gingko Press, ISBN: 978-1-58423-456-2