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Elena Maria Formia

Full Professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-08/D Design

Director of First Cycle Degree in Industrial Design


F. Celaschi; E. Formia; E. Lupo, From Trans-disciplinary to Undisciplined Design Learning: Educating through/to Disruption, «STRATEGIC DESIGN RESEARCH JOURNAL», 2013, 6, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

elena Formia, Le fabbriche dei sogni, «DESIGN AND CULTURE», 2013, 5, pp. 407 - 410 [Scientific article]

Pier Paolo Peruccio; Elena Formia, The Designer As Revolutionary, «THE ART NEWSPAPER», 2013, 243, pp. 16 - 16 [Scientific article]

F.Celaschi; E.Formia, Education for design processes: the influence of Latin cultures and contemporary problems in production systems, in: INNOVATION IN DESIGN EDUCATION. Theory, research and processes to and from a Latin perspective, Torino, Allemandi & C., 2012, pp. 9 - 18 [Chapter or essay]

F. Celaschi; E. Formia; E. Lupo, From Trans-disciplinary to Undisciplined Design Learning: Educating through/to Disruption, in: Innovation in Design Education. Prooceedings of the third international forum of design as a process, Torino, Umberto Allemandi & C., 2012, pp. 370 - 388 (atti di: Innovation in Design Education. Third international forum of design as a process, Torino, 3-5 novembre 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]


Formia Elena, Innovation in Design Education. Proceedings of the Third International Forum of Design as a Process, Torino, Allemandi & C., 2012, pp. 583 . [Editorship]

Elena, Formia, La top 10 del Salone e FuoriSalone 2012. Una selezione dei prodotti più pubblicati sui webzine: Core77, Dezeen, Designboom, Mocoloco e It’s Nice That, «IL GIORNALE DELL'ARCHITETTURA», 2012, 106, pp. 28 - 30 [Scientific article]

Formia, ELENA MARIA, RICARDO LEGORRETA (1931-2011). L’internazionalizzatore del Messico, «IL GIORNALE DELL'ARCHITETTURA», 2012, 102, pp. 24 - 24 [Scientific article]

FORMIA E.M.; PERUCCIO P.P., STORIE E CRONACHE DEL DESIGN. IL GIORNALE DELL'ARCHITETTURA 2002-2012, Torino, Allemandi & C., 2012, pp. 144 . [Research monograph]

Formia Elena, The roots of humanistic design in Italy: learning from history to outline future developments of a transdisciplinary culture within design processes, in: DIVERSITY: DESIGN / HUMANITIES. Abstracts of the Fourth International Forum of Design as a Process, Barbacena, EdUEMG, 2012, pp. 141 - 142 (atti di: IV International Forum of Design as a Process. Diversity: Design/Humanities, Belo Horizonte, 19-22 Settembre 2012) [Abstract]

PERUCCIO P.P.; FORMIA E., Design associations in Latin countries: Tradition, identity, and new perspectives in the ICT era. Associações de Design nos países latinos: tradição, identidade e novas perspectivas na era das TI, «STRATEGIC DESIGN RESEARCH JOURNAL», 2011, 4, pp. 14 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

Formia, ELENA MARIA, Itinerari del design d’avanguardia in Europa. One-offs design: Chi, dove e come. Mini-inchiesta su otto gallerie europee che promuovono e producono da loro stesse il lavoro di creativi emergenti, «IL GIORNALE DELL'ARCHITETTURA», 2011, 96, pp. 28 - 28 [Scientific article]

FORMIA E.M., Mario Labò, un médiateur culturel dans l’Italie de la Reconstruction, in: Le Livre et l'Architecte, WAVRE, Mardaga, 2011, pp. 91 - 98 [Chapter or essay]

FORMIA E.M., Advanced Design oggi: i segni del cambiamento, in: AdvanceDesign. Visioni, percorsi e strumenti per predisporsi all’innovazione continua, MILANO, McGraw-Hill, 2010, pp. 89 - 94 [Chapter or essay]

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