Personal Information
Name Elena
Surname Bonora
Civil status Married, two children
Citizenship Italian
email [] ; []
Title and Honors
- University of Bologna, Italy: Specialization in Medical Genetics, 11.10.2011.
- University of Oxford, UK: DPhil, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (WTCHG), Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, 06.11.04.
- King’s School, Oxford, UK, exam I.E.L.T.S. (Academic level), 22.07.2000.
- University of Bologna, Italy: Specialization in Applied Genetics, 17.07.2000.
- University of Bologna, Italy: Exam for Biologist, II session, 1998.
- University of Bologna, Italy: MSc in Biological Sciences, 16.07.1997.
- Grammar School M. Minghetti, Bologna, Italy: degree on 16.07.1992.
National habilitation
- ASN2012 habilitation to associate professor (II fascia) in MED03- Medical genetics (2014-2020).
- ASN2012 habilitation to associate professor (II fascia) BIO13- Applied Biology (2014-2020).
Current position
University of Bologna, Assicuate Professor in Medical Genetics, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences.
Past positions
-October 2016-October 2019 seniro researcher (type B) in Medical genetics, University of Bologna
- February 2008-October 2016 research assistant, University of Bologna.
- 01/11/2006 - 31/10/2007- post-doc fellowship (12 months) on “Thiroid Tumors” ex art. 51 legge 449/97), Department of Internal Medicine, Cardioangiology and Hepatology, Unit of Medical Genetics, in collaboration with Prof. Giovanni Romeo.
- 01/08/2006 - 31/10/2006, maternity leave.
- 01/08/2005 - 31/07/2006- post-doc fellowship (12 months) on “Thiroid Tumors” ex art. 51 legge 449/97), Department of Internal Medicine, Cardioangiology and Hepatology, Unit of Medical Genetics, in collaboration with Prof. Giovanni Romeo.15/03/2005
- 31/07/2005- collaboration on “Ancient haplotypes in Tuscany”.
- 15/03/2004 - 14/03/2005- post-doc fellowship (12 months) on “Thiroid Tumors” ex art. 51 legge 449/97), Department of Internal Medicine, Cardioangiology and Hepatology, Unit of Medical Genetics, in collaboration with Prof. Giovanni Romeo.
- October 2000 - March 2004: PhD programme in Clinical Medicine at Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Università di Oxford, (UK), supervisor Prof. Anthony P. Monaco, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine; affiliated to Wolfson College. Study of susceptibility genes for autism on chromosome 7q.
- September 1999 - June 2000: Visiting scientist at Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, UK.
- June 1998 - February 1999: Visiting scientist at CIB (Centro Interdipartimentale di Biotecnologie), University of Trieste, Italy. Functional studies on the interaction of p75NTR receptor, NGF, BDNF and GAS1 (Growth Arrest specific protein) in collaboration with Prof. Claudio Schneider (CIB) and Prof. Giuliano Della Valle (University of Bologna).
- January 1998 - June 1998: graduate training at the Department of Biology, University of Bologna. Study of signalling pathways in neuroblastoma, under the supervision of Prof. Giuliano Della Valle.
-August 1997 - November 1997: graduate training at the Department of Pathology University of Bologna. Functional studies on RIP, Ribosome-inactivating proteins, supervisor Prof. Luigi Barbieri.
Peer-review activity
Reviewer for European Journal of Human Genetics, International Journal of Cancer, Neurogastroenterology and Motility, American Journal of Human Genetics, Brain, PLoS ONE.
Current projects
-AIRC-IG grant 17069-2015- “Targeting the chromosome 19p13.2 locus (MYO1F) in familial non-medullary thyroid cancer” (2016-2019). Collaborator.
-Telethon-GGP15171-2015- “Discovering molecular defects of severe gut dysfunction: new abnormalities underlying Chronic Intestinal
Pseudo-Obstruction (CIPO)” (2015-2019). Principal Investigator