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Born in 1988.
Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna.
Teaching tutor at the School of Letters and Cultural Heritage since 2015.
Founder of La Merenda, a podcast about the Creative Industry.
Communication manager at StartUp Day Unibo since 2018. Founder (2017) and manager of StartUp Day meets Humanities, a workshop dedicated to humanities' students willing to develop entrepreneurial projects.
Co-founder in 2016 of cultural association Facciamocela Raccontare — mission: working on scientific dissemination and cross-medial communication of culture.
In 2013, Master's Degree in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Bologna with a thesis in moral philosophy entitled La scoperta di sé. Georges Gusdorf e Michel de Montaigne.
Internship at La Repubblica Bologna in 2012.
Since 2012, I run Deckard, founded back in 2009 together with Professor Marco Ciardi.
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