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Elena Zamagni

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-09/B Blood Diseases


Mattia D'agostino, Juan José Lahuerta, Anders Waage, Uta Bertsch, Elena Zamagni, Maria-Victoria Mateos, Alessandra Larocca, Daniele Dall'Olio, Niels WCJ van de Donk, Hans Salwender, Joan Bladé, Bronno van der Holt, Gastone Castellani, Giovannino Ciccone, Jan Dürig, Sara Bringhen, Sonja Zweegman, Michele Cavo, Hartmut Goldschmidt, Jesús María Hernandez Rivas, Jesus San Miguel, Mario Boccadoro, Pieter Sonneveld, A NEW RISK STRATIFICATION STRATEGY IN NEWLY DIAGNOSED MULTIPLE MYELOMA: AN ANALYSIS ON MATURE DATA FROM EUROPEAN CLINICAL TRIALS WITHIN THE HARMONY BIG DATA PLATFORM, in: Abstract Book: 25th Congress of the European Hematology Association Virtual Edition, 2020, «HEMASPHERE», 2020, 4, pp. 421 - 422 (atti di: 25th Congress of the European Hematology Association - 25th EHA Congress, Virtual edition, June 11-22, 2020) [Abstract]Open Access

Facon T.; Dimopoulos M.A.; Meuleman N.; Belch A.; Mohty M.; Chen W.-M.; Kim K.; Zamagni E.; Rodriguez-Otero P.; Renwick W.; Rose C.; Tempescul A.; Boyle E.; Manier S.; Attal M.; Moreau P.; Macro M.; Leleu X.; Lorraine Chretien M.; Ludwig H.; Guo S.; Sturniolo M.; Tinel A.; Silvia Monzini M.; Costa B.; Houck V.; Hulin C.; Yves Mary J., A simplified frailty scale predicts outcomes in transplant-ineligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma treated in the FIRST (MM-020) trial, «LEUKEMIA», 2020, 34, pp. 224 - 233 [Scientific article]

Cavo M.; Gay F.; Beksac M.; Pantani L.; Petrucci M.T.; Dimopoulos M.A.; Dozza L.; van der Holt B.; Zweegman S.; Oliva S.; van der Velden V.H.J.; Zamagni E.; Palumbo G.A.; Patriarca F.; Montefusco V.; Galli M.; Maisnar V.; Gamberi B.; Hansson M.; Belotti A.; Pour L.; Ypma P.; Grasso M.; Croockewit A.; Ballanti S.; Offidani M.; Vincelli I.D.; Zambello R.; Liberati A.M.; Andersen N.F.; Broijl A.; Troia R.; Pascarella A.; Benevolo G.; Levin M.-D.; Bos G.; Ludwig H.; Aquino S.; Morelli A.M.; Wu K.L.; Boersma R.; Hajek R.; Durian M.; von dem Borne P.A.; Caravita di Toritto T.; Zander T.; Specchia G.; Waage A.; Gimsing P.; Mellqvist U.-H.; van Marwijk Kooy M.; Minnema M.; Mandigers C.; Cafro A.M.; Palmas A.; Carvalho S.; Spencer A.; Boccadoro M.; Sonneveld P., Autologous haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation versus bortezomib–melphalan–prednisone, with or without bortezomib–lenalidomide–dexamethasone consolidation therapy, and lenalidomide maintenance for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (EMN02/HO95): a multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 3 study, «THE LANCET. HAEMATOLOGY», 2020, 7, pp. e456 - e468 [Scientific article]

Kastritis E.; Leleu X.; Arnulf B.; Zamagni E.; Cibeira M.T.; Kwok F.; Mollee P.; Hajek R.; Moreau P.; Jaccard A.; Schonland S.O.; Filshie R.; Nicolas-Virelizier E.; Augustson B.; Mateos M.-V.; Wechalekar A.; Hachulla E.; Milani P.; Dimopoulos M.A.; Fermand J.-P.; Foli A.; Gavriatopoulou M.; Klersy C.; Palumbo A.; Sonneveld P.; Erik Johnsen H.; Merlini G.; Palladini G., Bortezomib, melphalan, and dexamethasone for light-chain amyloidosis, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY», 2020, 38, pp. 3252 - 3260 [Scientific article]

Tacchetti P.; Pantani L.; Patriarca F.; Petrucci M.T.; Zamagni E.; Dozza L.; Galli M.; Di Raimondo F.; Crippa C.; Boccadoro M.; Barbato S.; Tosi P.; Narni F.; Montefusco V.; Testoni N.; Spadano A.; Terragna C.; Pescosta N.; Marzocchi G.; Cellini C.; Galieni P.; Ronconi S.; Gobbi M.; Catalano L.; Lazzaro A.; De Sabbata G.; Cangialosi C.; Ciambelli F.; Musto P.; Elice F.; Cavo M.; Fanin R.; Foa' R.; Rambaldi A.; Rossi G.; Leoni P.; Corradini P.; Torelli G.; Fioritoni G.; Cortelazzo S.; Lambertenghi Deliliers G.; La Nasa G.; Zaccaria A.; De Fabritiis P.; Cascavilla N.; Bosi A.; Semenzato G.; Gugliotta L.; Gherlinzoni F.; Angelucci E.; Martelli M.F.; Petti M.C.; Leone G.; Carella A.M.; Ciceri F.; Santoro A.; Ferrara F.; Nobile F.; D'Arco A.M.; Levis A.; Guardigni L.; Gallamini A.; Fattori P.P.; Morandi S.; Amadori D.; Rotoli B.; Mirto S.; Paladini G.; Mozzana R.; Pinotti G.; Rodeghiero F.; Cantore N.; Pavone V.; Pogliani E.M.; Liberati A.M.; Majolino I.; Amadori S.; Lauria F.; Aglietta M.; Quarta G.; Storti S.; Morabito F.; Capalbo S.F.; Gianni A.M.; Mettivier V.; Rizzoli V.; Bernasconi C.; Visani G.; Pizzuti M.; La Verde G.; Avvisati G.; Longinotti M.; Gallo E.; Dammacco F.; Russo D.; Bacigalupo A.; Musolino C., Bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone followed by double autologous haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (GIMEMA-MMY-3006): long-term follow-up analysis of a randomised phase 3, open-label study, «THE LANCET. HAEMATOLOGY», 2020, 7, pp. 861 - 873 [Scientific article]

Jamet B.; Zamagni E.; Nanni C.; Bailly C.; Carlier T.; Touzeau C.; Michaud A.-V.; Moreau P.; Bodet-Milin C.; Kraeber-Bodere F., Functional imaging for therapeutic assessment and minimal residual disease detection in multiple myeloma, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2020, 21, Article number: 5406 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Michaud-Robert A.-V.; Zamagni E.; Carlier T.; Bailly C.; Jamet B.; Touzeau C.; Moreau P.; Kraeber-Bodere F.; Nanni C.; Bodet-Milin C., Glucose metabolism quantified by suvmax on baseline fdg-pet/ct predicts survival in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients: Combined harmonized analysis of two prospective phase iii trials, «CANCERS», 2020, 12, Article number: 2532 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mateos M.-V.; Kumar S.; Dimopoulos M.A.; Gonzalez-Calle V.; Kastritis E.; Hajek R.; De Larrea C.F.; Morgan G.J.; Merlini G.; Goldschmidt H.; Geraldes C.; Gozzetti A.; Kyriakou C.; Garderet L.; Hansson M.; Zamagni E.; Fantl D.; Leleu X.; Kim B.-S.; Esteves G.; Ludwig H.; Usmani S.; Min C.-K.; Qi M.; Ukropec J.; Weiss B.M.; Rajkumar S.V.; Durie B.G.M.; San-Miguel J., International Myeloma Working Group risk stratification model for smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM), «BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL», 2020, 10, pp. 102 - 102 [Scientific article]Open Access

Morvan L.; Nanni C.; Michaud A.-V.; Jamet B.; Bailly C.; Bodet-Milin C.; Chauvie S.; Touzeau C.; Moreau P.; Zamagni E.; Kraeber-Bodere F.; Carlier T.; Mateus D., Learned Deep Radiomics for Survival Analysis with Attention, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020, pp. 35 - 45 [Chapter or essay]

Mancuso K.; Tacchetti P.; Pantani L.; Rocchi S.; Rizzello I.; Caratozzolo I.; De Cicco G.; Fusco A.; Testoni N.; Terragna C.; Marzocchi G.; Martello M.; Borsi E.; Dozza L.; Cavo M.; Zamagni E., Maintenance therapy with bortezomib and dexamethasone after autotransplantation for high-risk multiple myeloma, «BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION», 2020, 55, pp. 1865 - 1867 [Scientific article]

Elena Zamagni; Paola Tacchetti; Simona Barbato; Michele Cavo, Role of Imaging in the Evaluation of Minimal Residual Disease in Multiple Myeloma Patients, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE», 2020, 9, Article number: 3519 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zamagni E.; Tacchetti P.; Deias P.; Patriarca F., The role of monoclonal antibodies in smoldering and newly diagnosed transplant-eligible multiple myeloma, «PHARMACEUTICALS», 2020, 13, Article number: 451 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Donati, Gabriele; Zappulo, Fulvia; Croci Chiocchini, Anna Laura; Comai, Giorgia; Zamagni, Elena; La Manna, Gaetano, Early use of PEPA dialyzer for light chains removal and for the recovery from myeloma cast nephropathy: A case report, «HEMODIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL», 2019, 23, pp. E97 - E99 [Scientific article]

Nanni C.; Zamagni E., Fluorodeoxyglucose-PET/Computed Tomography as a Predictor of Prognosis in Multiple Myeloma, «PET CLINICS», 2019, 14, pp. 383 - 389 [Scientific article]

Cavo M.; Tacchetti P.; Zamagni E., Front-line treatment of multiple myeloma, «HEMASPHERE», 2019, 3, pp. 127 - 130 [Scientific article]