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Elena Zamagni

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-09/B Malattie del sangue


Brioli, A; Zannetti, Ba; Zamagni, E; Tacchetti, P; Pantani, L; Mancuso, K; Pezzi, A; Rocchi, Serena; Cavo, M, Peripheral neuropathy induced by subcutaneous bortezomib-based induction therapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma., «HAEMATOLOGICA», 2014, 99, pp. 242 - 243 [articolo]Open Access

Zamagni, Elena; Nanni, Cristina; Tacchetti, Paola; Pantani, Lucia; Marzocchi, Giulia; Zannetti, BEATRICE ANNA; Terragna, Carolina; Mancuso, Katia; Rocchi, S; Pezzi, Annalisa; Testoni, Nicoletta; Fanti, Stefano; Cavo, Michele, Positron emission tomography with computed tomography-based diagnosis of massive extramedullary progression in a patient with high-risk multiple myeloma., «CLINICAL LYMPHOMA MYELOMA & LEUKEMIA», 2014, 14, pp. 101 - 104 [articolo]

Caers, J; Withofs, N; Hillengass, J; Simoni, P; Zamagni, Elena; Hustinx, R; Beguin, Y., The role of positron emission tomography-computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis and follow up of multiple myeloma., «HAEMATOLOGICA», 2014, 99, pp. 629 - 637 [articolo]

Brioli, A; Morgan, Gj; Durie, B; Zamagni, E, The utility of newer imaging techniques as predictors of clinical outcomes in multiple myeloma., «EXPERT REVIEW OF HEMATOLOGY», 2014, 7, pp. 13 - 16 [articolo]

P. Sonneveld;H. Goldschmidt;L. Rosinol;J. Blade;J. J. Lahuerta;M. Cavo;P. Tacchetti;E. Zamagni;M. Attal;H. M. Lokhorst;A. Desai;A. Cakana;K. Liu;H. van de Velde;D.-L. Esseltine;P. Moreau, Bortezomib-Based Versus Nonbortezomib-Based Induction Treatment Before Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation in Patients With Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma: A Meta-Analysis of Phase III Randomized, Controlled Trials, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY», 2013, 31, pp. 3279 - 3287 [articolo]

Carolina Terragna;Matteo Renzulli;Daniel Remondini;Enrico Tagliafico;Francesco Di Raimondo;Francesca Patriarca;Giovanni Martinelli;Enrica Roncaglia;Luciano Masini;Patrizia Tosi;Elena Zamagni;Paola Tacchetti;Antonio Ledda;Annamaria Brioli;Emanuele Angelucci;Nicoletta Testoni;Giulia Marzocchi;Piero Galieni;Alessandro Gozzetti;Marina Martello;Flores Dico;Katia Mancuso;Michele Cavo, Correlation between eight-gene expression profiling and response to therapy of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients treated with thalidomide–dexamethasone incorporated into double autologous transplantation, «ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY», 2013, 92, pp. 1271 - 1280 [articolo]

Martello, M; Terragna, C; Martinelli, G; Borsi, E; Zamagni, E; Pantani, L; Tacchetti, P; Zannetti, B; Mancuso, K; Dico, F; Cavo, M, Genomic characterization of the putative myeloma stem cells clone reveals alterations possibly correlated with the origin of disease., in: CANCER RESEARCH, 2013, pp. 3749 - 3749 (atti di: 104th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-Cancer-Research (AACR), Washington, DC, APR 06-10, 2013) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Terragna, Carolina; Martello, Marina; Borsi, Enrica; Pantani, Lucia; Zamagni, Elena; Tacchetti, Paola; Annamaria, Brioli; Zannetti, Beatrice Anna; Dico, Flores; Testoni, Nicoletta; Marzocchi, Giulia; Mancuso, Katia; Rocchi, Serena; Martinelli, Giovanni; Cavo, Michele, Impact Of p53 Impaired Function On Outcomes Of Multiple Myeloma Patients Carrying Deleted TP53 and/Or Amplified MDM4, in: Blood, 2013, pp. 1855 - 1855 (atti di: 55th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, New Orleans, LA, DEC 07-10, 2013) [atti di convegno-abstract]

C Fernández de Larrea; R A Kyle; B G M Durie; H Ludwig; S Usmani; D H Vesole; R Hajek; J F San Miguel; O Sezer; P Sonneveld; S K Kumar; A Mahindra; R Comenzo; A Palumbo; A Mazumber; K C Anderson; P G Richardson; A Z Badros; J Caers; M Cavo; X LeLeu; M A Dimopoulos; C S Chim; R Schots; A Noeul; D Fantl; U-H Mellqvist; O Landgren; A Chanan-Khan; P Moreau; R Fonseca; G Merlini; J J Lahuerta; J Bladé; R Z Orlowski; J J Shah; and on behalf of the International Myeloma Working Group [;Elena Zamagni;], Plasma cell leukemia: consensus statement on diagnostic requirements, response criteria and treatment recommendations by the International Myeloma Working Group, «LEUKEMIA», 2013, 27, pp. 780 - 791 [articolo]

Cavo M; Brioli A; Tacchetti P; Zannetti BA; Mancuso K; Zamagni E., Role of consolidation therapy in transplant eligible multiple myeloma patients., «SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY», 2013, 40, pp. 610 - 617 [articolo]

Borsi, E; Perrone, G; Terragna, C; Martello, M; Mancini, M; Leo, E; Zamagni, E; Tacchetti, P; Brioli, A; Pantani, L; Zannetti, B; Martinelli, G; Cavo, M, SIRT regulates the molecular interaction between c-MYC and HIF-1 alpha in multiple myeloma, in: CANCER RESEARCH, 2013, pp. 3415 - 3415 (atti di: 104th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-Cancer-Research (AACR), Washington, DC, APR 06-10, 2013) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Nanni C; Zamagni E; Celli M; Caroli P; Ambrosini V; Tacchetti P; Brioli A; Zannetti B; Pezzi A; Pantani L; Perrone G; Zompatori M; Cavo M; Colletti PM; Rubello D; Fanti S., The Value of 18F-FDG PET/CT after Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (ASCT) in Patients Affected by Multiple Myeloma (MM): Experience With 77 Patients, «CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE», 2013, 38, pp. e74 - e79 [articolo]

Cavo M; Pantani L; Petrucci MT; Patriarca F; Zamagni E; Donnarumma D; Crippa C; Boccadoro M; Perrone G; Falcone A; Nozzoli C; Zambello R; Masini L; Furlan A; Brioli A; Derudas D; Ballanti S; Dessanti ML; De Stefano V; Carella AM; Marcatti M; Nozza A; Ferrara F; Callea V; Califano C; Pezzi A; Baraldi A; Grasso M; Musto P; Palumbo A., Bortezomib-thalidomide-dexamethasone is superior to thalidomide-dexamethasone as consolidation therapy following autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma., «BLOOD», 2012, 120, pp. 9 - 19 [articolo]

P. Spinnato; A. Bazzocchi; A. Brioli; C. Nanni; E. Zamagni; U. Albisinni; M. Cavo; S. Fanti; G. Battista; E. Salizzoni, Contrast enhanced MRI and (18)F-FDG PET-CT in the assessment of multiple myeloma: a comparison of results in different phases of the disease, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY», 2012, 81, pp. 4013 - 4018 [articolo]

Alessandro Gozzetti; Alfonso Cerase; Flavia Lotti; Davide Rossi; Antonio Palumbo; Maria Teresa Petrucci; Francesca Patriarca; Chiara Nozzoli; Michele Cavo; Massimo Offidani; Michele Floridia; Salvatore Berretta; Roberto Vallone; Pellegrino Musto; Francesco Lauria; and for the GIMEMA (Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell'Adulto) Myeloma Working Party; additional authors who participated to the study: Elena Marchini; Alberto Fabbri; Stefania Oliva; Elena Zamagni; Fabiana Gentilini; Stelvio Ballanti; Giuseppe Mele; Monica Galli; Maria Teresa Pirrotta; Francesco Di Raimondo, Extramedullary intracranial localization of multiple myeloma and treatment with novel agents: a retrospective survey of 50 patients, «CANCER», 2012, 118, pp. 1574 - 1584 [articolo]