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Diego Marazza

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-06/A Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage


Marazza, D., “Il Quadrilatero della Chimica nella Pianura Padana, «ECOSCIENZA», 2016, 4, pp. 58 - 59 [Scientific article]

Righi, Serena; Bandini, Vittoria; Marazza, Diego; Baioli, F; Torri, Cristian; Contin, Andrea, Life Cycle Assessment of high ligno-cellulosic biomass pyrolysis coupled with anaerobic digestion, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2016, 212, pp. 245 - 253 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bandini, Vittoria; Righi, Serena; Buscaroli, Alessandro; Marazza, Diego; Torri, Cristian, Biorefining of high ligno-cellulosic waste biomass via pyrolysis coupled with anaerobic digestion. An LCA study, in: Green economy e sua implementazione nel Mediterraneo, Rimini, Maggioli Editore, 2014, pp. 635 - 640 (atti di: Ecomondo 2014., Rimini, 5-8 novembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

V Bandini; S Righi; A Saliani; C Torri; D Marazza; D Bersani; D Fabbri, Energy and carbon LCA of high ligno-cellulosic biomass pyrolysis coupled with anaerobic digestion, in: Life Cycle Assessment e ottimizzazione ambientale: esempi applicativi e sviluppi metodologici, Roma, ENEA, 2013, pp. 148 - 154 (atti di: VII Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA, Milano, 27-28 giugno 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bandini V.; Righi S.; Marazza D.; Torri C.; Buscaroli A.; Salieri B.; Fabbri D.; Contin A., Preliminary life cycle assessment of energy and carbon results of high ligno-cellulosic biomass pyrolysis coupled with anaerobic digestion, in: Sustainability Assessment in the 21st century. Tools, Trends & Applications, Brussels, SETAC Europe, 2012, pp. 138 - 138 (atti di: SETAC Europe 18th LCA case study symposium, Copenhagen, 26-28 November) [Abstract]

A. Contin; D. Marazza; M. Quaranta; D. Savelli, Sistema informatico per la gestione ambientale secondo le norme ISO 14001:2004 dell’Aeroporto di Palermo, 2012. [Software]

Torri C.; Bandini V.; Marazza D.; Buscaroli A.; Righi S.; Fabbri D.; Contin A., Uso delle biomasse di tipo lignocellulosico nella filiera energetica per la produzione di biogas e biochar, in: 10 anni di Tecnologie Chimiche per l’Ambiente e per la gestione dei Rifiuti, s.l, s.n, 2012, pp. 47 - 52 (atti di: Strategie di sviluppo industriale in una prospettiva di Green Economy, Rimini, 16 aprile 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bandini, Vittoria; Benini, Lorenzo; Marazza, Diego; Marotta, Leonardo; Vogli, Luciano; Contin, Andrea, Local and regional resource and landscape management from the point of view of the next larger scale: the emergy synthesis perspective, in: Emergy Synthesis 6: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology – Proceedings from the 6th Biennial Emergy Conference, Gainesville, FL, The Center for Environmental Policy, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences of University of Florida, 2011, pp. 445 - 460 (atti di: 6th Biennial Emergy Conference, Gainesville, FL, USA, 14-16 Gennaio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

L. Benini; V. Bandini; D. Marazza; A. Contin, Assessment of land use changes through an indicator-based approach: A case study from the Lamone river basin in Northern Italy, «ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS», 2010, 10, Article number: - , pp. 4 - 14 [Scientific article]

D. Marazza; L. Benini; V. Bandini; A. Contin, Cruscotto della sostenibilità, 2010. [Software]

Marotta, Leonardo; Benini, Lorenzo; Vogli, Luciano; Bandini, Vittoria; Deandrea, Gianmario; Marazza, Diego, Indicators, emergetic thresholds and constraints for coastal spatial planning and management, in: Proceedings of the 7th Biennial International Workshop ‘Advances in Energy Studies’. Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 October 2010, Barcellona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, 2010, pp. 507 - 516 (atti di: 7th Biennial International Workshop ‘Advances in Energy Studies’, Barcellona, Spagna, 19-21 Ottobre 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

D. Marazza; V. Bandini; A. Contin, Ranking environmental aspects in environmental management systems: A new method tested on local authorities, «ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL», 2010, 36, pp. 168 - 179 [Scientific article]

Marazza, D; Bornens, Ph; LeGal, P, Effect of ammonia on survival and adenylate energy charge in the shrimp Palaemonetes varians, «ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY», 2006, 34, pp. 103 - 108 [Scientific article]

Marazza, Diego; Benini, Lorenzo ; Contin, Andrea, Support instrument to manage DPSIR indicators, 2004. [Software]