Within the Environmental Management Research group of Interdepartmental Center of Research for Environmental Science (CIRSA) – Technopole of Ravenna and the Department of Physics of the University of Bologna, I have been actively working on system analysis and modelling of bio-based value chains and industrial by-products and bioenergy and aimed to ensure an adequate knowledge of the system such as players, flows, yields, social and environmental factors. The research field consists of understanding and representing the system, modelling it by adequate parameters and variables and measuring performances and changes through appropriate indicators. System analysis, in a life cycle thinking perspective, has been used to model the effect of new technologies and manufacturing systems at regional and national scale. In particular GHGs savings, resource and land use efficiency are key topics in my research field.
WP leader in the project Star-Pro-Bio “Sustainability Transition Assessment and Research of Bio-based Products — STAR-ProBio” (Grant Agreement n. 727740). I actively contributed to the design and to the writing phase of the project and I have been appointed as WP leader of the ILUC risk assessment for bio-based products. Main output published here https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/ portal/screen/opportunities/horizon-results-platform/20380
WP leader in the project To-Syn-Fuel “The Demonstration of Waste Biomass to Synthetic Fuels and Green Hydrogen” (H2020-LCE-2016-RES-IA, G.A. 745749). I actively contributed to the design and to the writing phase of the project and I am the Environmental and Health Officer of the project in charge of the risk analysis of the project consisting of the identification of risk sources and estimation of probability, impact and risk ownership. I have been also involved in the sustainability work package lead by University of Bologna. https://www.tosynfuel.eu
I actively participate the ERA-HDL-JPI-FACCE project “Systemic” a Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security to foster transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration and networking in order to accelerate, further characterize and to manage the impact of climate change on nutritional make-up of food, and to propose adaptive strategies/measures to ensure food and nutrition security. www.healthydietforhealthylife.eu
Other projects:
- Interreg IT-HR PRIZEFISH concerning the valorisation of fish resources in the North Adriatic
- Interreg Italy-Croatia “MARine Litter cross-border awarenESS and innovation actions” MARLESS, concerning plastic recovery and recycling in the sea
- ERDF project “Sanificov” concerning sanitisation of working places from viruses (with particular focus on Corona virus types) through an innovative combined cycle of heat and ozone in non-working hours.
- ERDF project “Value-CEIN” concerning phosphorous recovery from waste waters.
In the framework of this project I have been tutoring the research fellowship Enrico Balugani
and was the tutor of 2 scholarships concerning the development of the LANCA Model and a systemic dynamics and carbon accounting.
I have been lecturing and teaching in the course on Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Policy and Economics within the Master's Degree on “Environmental analysis and management" of the University of Bologna. Subjects of my lectures were: sustainability principles, common pool resources, game theory and environmental economics. I supervise and cosupervise MSc and BSc thesis.
The research has been applied to address industrial partners and to ensure an adequate uptake of biomass/waste treatment technologies such as the thermo-catalytic reforming, pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion. I have been assigned the role of innovation expert for the bioeconomy in the framework of the program Climate KIC and collaborated in the Hight Technology Network and as a reference fellow for the regional innovation community (RIC) of the Climate KIC initiative.
I am currently an European expert (EX2006C178283) .
My responsibilities range in the areas of project development and knowledge transfer in the bioeconomy and circular economy with special regard to bioenergy and biobased products.
Activities and responsibilities include:
- research on system dynamics and regulatory aspects concerning bioproducts and bioenergy
developing industrial partnerships; e.g. advising on new technologies, recommending R&D path and
proposing the realization of novel projects;
leading and/or managing projects in partnership with companies;
team coordination;
giving lectures and seminars in the master’s degree.