Foto del docente

Diego Donna

Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: PHIL-05/A History of Philosophy

Short Bio

Diego Donna is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bologna, where he deals with the history of modern and contemporary philosophy. Doctor Europaeus (University of Bologna/Utrecht) and postdoctoral fellow in the Herméneutique des Lumières project (FNS, Université de Genève/Bologna), he has been a Visiting Scholar at numerous international universities and research centres, including Université Lyon III, Birkbeck College of London, Princeton University, Utrecht University. At the Department of Philosophy he is a founding member of the International Centre for Spinozian Studies 'Sive Natura', a member of the Research Centre Knowledge and Cognition and of the research group Philosophies in Translation. He is coordinator of the research group Enlightenment. Histories and Philosophies. Among his recent publications: Contre Spinoza.Critique, système et métamorphoses au siècle des Lumières (Georg, 2021), Dispersione, ordine, distanza. L’Illuminismo di Foucault, Luhmann, Blumenberg (Quodlibet, 2021), Ragione e mito. Hans Blumenberg e la costituzione della razionalità moderna (Mucchi, 2018).

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+39 051 20 9 8348

Dipartimento di Filosofia
Via Zamboni 38, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Meetings are held in the lecturer's office, third floor of via Zamboni, 38, every Friday from 11.00 a.m., by prior appointment via e-mail.