Foto del docente

Diego Bucci

Associate Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-01/B Veterinary Physiology

Director of Single Cycle Degree in Veterinary Medicine

Curriculum vitae

•Member of the Academic senate of Alma mater studiorum from 05-2021 to 05-2024


•2010. Ph.D. in Veterinary morphophysiology and biotechnological application. Università degli Studi di Bologna. Doctoral thesis entitled “Detection and localization of GLUTs in spermatozoa from different domestic species”.
•2006. License to practice
•2006. Doctor in Veterinary medicine (DVM). 110/110 cum laude. Università degli Studi di Bologna.


•September 2018- present. Associate Professor at University of Bologna, Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences (DIMEVET) – Veterinary Physiology.
•September 2015 – August 2018. Researcher at University of Bologna, Department of Veterinary Medical Science (DIMEVET) - Veterinary Physiology.
•April 2012 – September 2015. Research assistant at University of Bologna – Department of Veterinary Medical Science - Veterinary Physiology.
•April 2010 – April 2012. Research assistant at Bologna University – Department of Veterinary Morphophysiology and animal Production - Veterinary Physiology.


Authored 72 full articles in peer reviewed international indexed journals; 46 abstracts in international conference proceedings; 13 abstracts in national conference proceedings.

Member of the Organizing comittee and conference secretary of the 19th ICAR conference. Bologna 2020.


•March 2021. MSCA. SPARTEVs. Impact of extracellular vesicles isolated from seminal plasma upon Assisted Reproductive Technology (oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryo culture) in a mammalian model. Coordinator Prof. Diego Bucci. Fellow Dr Isabel Barranco Cascales

•January 2021. Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna (CARISBO) – call “Medical translational clinic and research 2020” Project entitled: ”Mitochondrial transplant in spermatozoa: innovative approach to male infertility”
•Italian University and Research Ministry (MIUR) 2018 funding for basic science research
•September 2009 – December 2009. “Marco Polo Grant” for the research fellowship in “Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animal”, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
•May 2008 – September 2008. “Marco Polo Grant” for the research fellowship in “Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animal”, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
•2013. Award received from Italian society for swine pathology and breeding. “Pierfilippo Guadagnini award” “assigned to a young researcher who contributed to develop scientific and practical knowledge on Swine breeding” with the article entitled “Effect of sex sorting on CTC staining, actin cytoskeleton and tyrosine phosphorylation in bull and boar spermatozoa” (Theriogenology 77:1206-1216, 2012)


•Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional 2020: “Mejora de la eficiencia de la industria porcina mediante la aplicación de técnicas avanzadas de selección espermática y análisis de la cromatina espermática”. Prof Felipe Martinez-Pastor, University of Leon, Leon, Spain.
•EDITAL FAPERGS/CAPES 06/2018: “Avaliação do potencial biotecnológico de aquaporinas e transportadores de glicose da membrana espermática para otimização de protocolos de criopreservação do sêmen suíno”. Prof Ivan Bustamante, UNIVATES – Lajeado RS. Brasil.
•Emilia Romagna Regional project 2017: “Comparative evaluation between Vespa velutina e Vespa carabro”
•Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna 2015-2016: “Antioxidants and improvement of cryopreservation of gametes: a comparative study between man and swine”
•Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna 2012-2014: “Effect of some natural polyphenols on reproductive function”
•PRIN 2010-2011: “Sustainability between conventional dairy farm systems and longevity: models of dry period management and biomarkers of stress and aging in the mammary gland”
•Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna 2009-2011: “Cryopreservation of human and animal gametes”
•Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna 2007-2009: “Identification of animal and plant substances for human health”


•Degree program in Safety and quality in animal production. Innovative reproductive biotechnologies in animal reproduction
•Degree program in Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary physiology I (module 2).
•Degree program in Aquaculture and fish production hygiene. Cetacean physiology.
•Degree program in Veterinary Medicine. Wildlife animal physiology and environmental adaptation.
•Degree program in Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary physiology II.
•PhD in Veterinary Science. Statistics seminars.

•University of Leon, Spain 19th-22nd February 2019. Erasmus + for teaching 2018-2019.
•University of Toquari Valley (UNIVATES), Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sur, Brasil. 19th November – 7th December 2019.
•University of Veterinary medicine and Pharmacology, Brno. Faculty of Veterinary hygiene and ecology. 9th-13th January 2019. Monitoring visit - Erasmus + Program 2018-2019.


•Member of the Academic senate of Alma mater studiorum from 05-2021 to 05-2024

•Member of the Program Committee of Ph.D. Course in Veterinary Science since 07/2020

•Member of the Quality assurance committee of Veterinary medicine single cycle degree program 05-2018 to 10-2021

•Delegate for international relations of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences from 11-05-2018 to 3-05-2021

•Delegate for international relations of Quality and safety in animal production second cycle degree program since 05-04-2018

•Member of the International relations committee of Quality and Safety in animal production second cycle degree program since 23-11-2017


•Eurpoean Association for Animal Reporduction (ESDAR). Country representative since 2019 adn board member since 2023
•Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA). Member elected of the Board of Directors from 28-05-2020 and elected Vice president from 06/07/2020 to 05/07/2024.