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Denni Tommasi

Associate Professor

Department of Economics


Tommasi, Denni; Zhang, Lina, Bounding program benefits when participation is misreported, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2024, 238, Article number: 105556 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Rossella Calvi, Jacob Penglase, Denni Tommasi, Alexander Wolf, The more the poorer? Resource sharing and scale economies in large families, «JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS», 2023, 160, Article number: 102986 , pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gaggero, Alessio, Tommasi, Denni, Time of Day and High-Stake Cognitive Assessments, «ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2023, 133, pp. 1407 - 1429 [Scientific article]

DE ROCK B; POTOMS T; TOMMASI D, Household Responses to Cash Transfers, «ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE», 2022, 70, pp. 625 - 652 [Scientific article]Open Access

CALVI R; LEWBEL A; TOMMASI D, LATE with Missing or Mismeasured Treatment, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS», 2022, 40, pp. 1701 - 1717 [Scientific article]Open Access

BROWN C; CALVI R; PENGLASE J; TOMMASI D, Measuring Poverty Within The Household, «IZA WORLD OF LABOR», 2022, 492, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

Calvi Rossella, Penglase Jacob, Tommasi Denni, Measuring Women's Empowerment in Collective Households, «AEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS», 2022, 112, pp. 556 - 560 [Scientific article]Open Access

DANIELE G; MOOKERJEE S; TOMMASI D, Informational Shocks and Street-Food Safety: A Field Study in Urban India, «THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2021, 103, pp. 563 - 579 [Scientific article]Open Access

LIN A; TOMMASI D; ZHANG L, IVBOUNDS: Stata module providing instrumental variable method to bound treatment-effects estimates with potentially misreported and endogenous program participation, 2021. [Software]

TOMMASI D, Control of resources, bargaining power and the demand of food: Evidence from PROGRESA, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2019, 161, pp. 265 - 286 [Scientific article]

GINSBURGH V; RADERMECKER A; TOMMASI D, The effect of experts' opinion on prices of art works: The case of Peter Brueghel the Younger, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2019, 159, pp. 36 - 50 [Scientific article]

TOMMASI D; WOLF A, Estimating household resource shares: A shrinkage approach, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2018, 163, pp. 75 - 78 [Scientific article]

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