Foto del docente

Denis Bogomolov

Research fellow

"Ercole De Castro" Research Centre on Electronic Systems for Information and Communication Technologies

Teaching tutor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Curriculum vitae


  • Research fellow


  • Ph.D Student in Engineering and Information Technology for Structural and Environmental Monitoring and Risk Management
  • July 2019 - August 2019 - 12th Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APESS 2019). Three-weeks of lectures held by world leading experts in Civil Engineering, Structural Dynamics and Control, Smart Structures Technology and Structural Health Monitoring
  • September 2015 - July 2017: Master of Science in Information and Measurement Systems, Omsk State Technical University, Russia. Diploma with honors
  • March 2017: Vibration and Acoustic Emission certification course, I-st level. Research and Training Center «Non-Destructive Testing and Machine Diagnostics», Russia
  • September 2009 - July 2014: Specialist degree in Devices, Methods of Quality Control and Diagnostic, Omsk State Technical University, department of Radio Engineering, Russia. Diploma with honors
  • August 2014 - October 2018: Engineer of the Research and Development Department, DYNAMICS Scientific Production Center, Russia. Main activities: applications of innovative techniques in metrological testing of acoustic-emission equipment, implementation of new methods of complex diagnostic practice for petrochemical production facilities, development of algorithms for automatic decision-making expert system applied in systems of constant monitoring over stationary equipment



  • August 2014 - October 2018: Engineer of the Research and Development Department, DYNAMICS Scientific Production Center, Russia

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