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Demetrio Panarello

Teaching tutor

Department of Management


Arianna Tassinari, Demetrio Panarello, Giorgio Tassinari, Ignazio Drudi, Fabrizio Alboni, Francesco Bagnardi, Il peso del potere economico nelle scelte sulla pandemia, «CRITICA MARXISTA», 2021, 2021, pp. 34 - 40 [Scientific article]

Panarello, Demetrio; Tassinari, Giorgio, Measuring the effectiveness of COVID-19 containment policies in Italian regions: are we doing enough?, in: ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2021, pp. 75 - 80 (PROCEEDINGS E REPORT) [Chapter or essay]

Demetrio Panarello; Giorgio Tassinari, Occupazione e disoccupazione durante la pandemia, «STATISTICA & SOCIETÀ», 2021, 10, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article]Open Access

Demetrio Panarello; Giorgio Tassinari, One year of COVID-19 in Italy: Policies, Health, Mobility and Structural information, 2021. [Database]

Tassinari, Giorgio; Panarello, Demetrio, The effectiveness of marketing tools in a consumer goods market in Italy during the Great Recession (2010-2015), in: ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2021, pp. 105 - 110 (PROCEEDINGS E REPORT) [Chapter or essay]

Punzo G., Panarello D., Pagliuca M.M., Castellano R., Evaluating the determinants of environmentally-significant behaviour in Europe, in: Statistical Methods for Service Quality Evaluation, Milano, Pearson, 2020, pp. 127 - 134 [Chapter or essay]

Busetta G., Campolo M.G., Panarello D., Letalità del COVID-19 nelle regioni italiane: sottostima dei casi positivi o carenza di strutture?, «STATISTICA & SOCIETÀ», 2020, 9, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

Giacalone M., Panarello D., Statistical hypothesis testing within the Generalized Error Distribution: Comparing the behavior of some nonparametric techniques, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2020, Milano, Pearson, 2020, pp. 1338 - 1343 [Chapter or essay]

Busetta G.; Campolo M.G.; Panarello D., The discrimination decomposition index: a new instrument to separate statistical and taste-based discrimination using first- and second-generation immigrants, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ECONOMICS», 2020, 47, pp. 1577 - 1597 [Scientific article]

Busetta G.; Campolo M.G.; Panarello D., Weight-Based Discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: an Analysis of the Interaction with Gender and Ethnicity, «THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITY», 2020, 18, pp. 617 - 637 [Scientific article]

Cerqueti R.; Giacalone M.; Panarello D., A Generalized Error Distribution Copula-based method for portfolios risk assessment, «PHYSICA. A», 2019, 524, pp. 687 - 695 [Scientific article]

Punzo G.; Panarello D.; Pagliuca M.M.; Castellano R.; Aprile M.C., Assessing the role of perceived values and felt responsibility on pro-environmental behaviours: A comparison across four EU countries, «ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY», 2019, 101, pp. 311 - 322 [Scientific article]

Giacalone M., Mattera R., Panarello D., Education and migration: the mobility dynamics of Italian graduates, «STATISTICA APPLICATA», 2019, 31, pp. 143 - 156 [Scientific article]

Punzo G., Panarello D., Pagliuca M.M., Castellano R., Evaluating the attitudes of Europeans towards the environment, in: Statistical Methods for Service Quality Evaluation, Napoli, Cuzzolin, 2019, pp. 336 - 339 [Chapter or essay]

Busetta G., Campolo M.G., Panarello D., Non è un Paese per stranieri: discriminazione degli immigrati di prima e seconda generazione nel mercato del lavoro italiano, in: Un mondo da riscrivere: Storie di sbarchi, accoglienza e integrazione, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2019, pp. 77 - 97 [Chapter or essay]

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