Short Scientific CV
Born: November 16th, 1950 in Napoli (Italy)
Citizenship: Italian
Work address: Dipartimento di Biologia evoluzionistica
sperimentale, Area di Antropologia, Università degli Studi di
Bologna, Via F. Selmi 1, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Phone: +39 051 2094192
Fax: +39 051 2094191, +39 051 2091208
E-mail: pettener@alma.unibo.it
Fields of study: Human population genetics, Human ecology
Current position: Full Professor of Anthropology, University of
1974. Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Bologna
1975-1982. Research Assistant, Institute of Anthropology,
University of Bologna.
1982-1988. Assistant Professor, Institute of Anthropology,
University of Bologna.
1988-2000. Associate Professor, Department of Biology,
University of Bologna.
2000- present day. Full Professor of Anthropology, Department of
Biology, University of Bologna.
1980-1995. General Secretary of the Unione Antropologica
1996- 2008. Member of the Board of the Associazione
Antropologica Italiana
1996-1998, 2000-2002, 2008-2011 President of the Italian
Anthropological Association.
Member of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna.
Founder Member of the European Anthropological Association.
Socius Honorarius of the Societas Antropologica Croatica
Head of the Department of Evolutionary Experimental Biology
Coordinator and member of the PhD Program Committees in
Anthropological Sciences and in Biodiversity and Evolution, Bologna
University .
President of the degree in Biodiversity and Evolution
Human population biology
Human ecology
Human evolution and biodiversity
National and local Coordinator of research projects financed by
CNR, MIUR-PRIN and by the University of Bologna (Strategico
2006) in the following main anthropological research areas:
- Biodemography and genetics of isolated populations
- Human adaptability to high altitude of Central Asian and
Andean populations
- mtDNA and Y chromosome variation in Italian, Central Asian,
SouthAmerindian and African populations.
Group leader of the Lab of Human Biology of the Dept. of
Biology, University of Bologna. The Lab has obtained the
"Excellence" qualification (Peer review 2005).
The research activity is carried out in collaboration with
European and American labs. Is author of more than 100 papers also
published in international journals with high IF. Two of these
papers were included among the best 20 scientific publications of
the Area 05 (Biology) or the Unoversity of Bologna (CIVR 2005).
SCOPUS 2018: Sum of the Times Cited : 1981; h-index: 21.