Foto del docente

Davide Pastorello

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-04/A Mathematical Physics


Pastorello D., Geometric Hamiltonian quantum mechanics and applications, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS», 2016, 13, Article number: 1630017 , pp. 1630017-1 - 1630017-21 [Scientific article]

Pastorello D., Open-loop quantum control as a resource for secure communications, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION», 2016, 14, Article number: 1650010 , pp. 1650010-1 - 1650010-15 [Scientific article]

Pastorello D., A geometric Hamiltonian description of composite quantum systems and quantum entanglement, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS», 2015, 12, Article number: 1550069 , pp. 1550069-1 - 1550069-21 [Scientific article]

Pastorello, D, Geometric Hamiltonian formulation of quantum mechanics in complex projective spaces, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS», 2015, 12, pp. 1560015-1 - 1560015-8 [Scientific article]

Moretti, V; Pastorello, D, Generalized Complex Spherical Harmonics, Frame Functions, and Gleason Theorem, «ANNALES HENRI POINCARE'», 2013, 14, pp. 1435 - 1443 [Scientific article]

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