Leporini R.; Pastorello D., Quantum-Inspired Classification Based on Voronoi Tessellation and Pretty-Good Measurements, «QUANTUM REPORTS», 2022, 4, pp. 434 - 441 [Scientific article]Open Access
Zardini E.; Rizzoli M.; Dissegna S.; Blanzieri E.; Pastorello D., RECONSTRUCTING BAYESIAN NETWORKS ON A QUANTUM ANNEALER, «QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION», 2022, 22, pp. 1320 - 1350 [Scientific article]Open Access
Pastorello D.; Blanzieri E., A Quantum Binary Classifier based on Cosine Similarity, in: Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, QCE 2021, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, pp. 477 - 478 (atti di: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, QCE 2021, USA, 17-22 Oct. 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access
Pastorello D.; Blanzieri E.; Cavecchia V., Learning adiabatic quantum algorithms over optimization problems, «QUANTUM MACHINE INTELLIGENCE», 2021, 3, Article number: 2 , pp. 3:2-1 - 3:2-19 [Scientific article]
Leporini R.; Pastorello D., Support vector machines with quantum state discrimination, «QUANTUM REPORTS», 2021, 3, pp. 482 - 499 [Scientific article]Open Access
Patent n. 102020000005521, Apparato di produzione di fotoni comprendenti stati di singolo fotone in correlazione quantistica.
Matteo Pasini; Nicol?? Leone; Sonia Mazzucchi; Valter Moretti; Davide Pastorello; Lorenzo Pavesi, Bell-inequality violation by entangled single-photon states generated from a laser, an LED, or a halogen lamp, «PHYSICAL REVIEW A», 2020, 102, Article number: 063708 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access
Pastorello D., Geometric viewpoint on the quantization of a fuzzy logic, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS», 2020, 17, Article number: 2050201 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access
Azzini S.; Mazzucchi S.; Moretti V.; Pastorello D.; Pavesi L., Single-Particle Entanglement, «ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES», 2020, 3, Article number: 2000014 , pp. 2000014-1 - 2000014-33 [Scientific article]
Pastorello D., A geometrization of quantum mutual information, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION», 2019, 17, Article number: 1950011 , pp. 1950011-1 - 1950011-11 [Scientific article]
Pastorello, Davide, Entanglement, CP-Maps and Quantum Communications, in: Quantum Physics and Geometry, Basel, Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 43 - 70 (LECTURE NOTES OF THE UNIONE MATEMATICA ITALIANA) [Chapter or essay]
Davide Pastorello; Enrico Blanzieri, Quantum annealing learning search for solving QUBO problems, «QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING», 2019, 18, pp. 303-1 - 303-17 [Scientific article]
Pastorello D., A geometric approach to quantum control in projective Hilbert spaces, «REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2017, 79, pp. 53 - 66 [Scientific article]
Pastorello D., A quantum key distribution scheme based on tripartite entanglement and violation of CHSH inequality, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION», 2017, 15, Article number: 1750040 , pp. 1750040-1 - 1750040-15 [Scientific article]
Moretti, V; Pastorello, D, Frame functions in finite-dimensional quantum mechanics and its Hamiltonian formulation on complex projective spaces, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS», 2016, 13, pp. 1650013-1 - 1650013-32 [Scientific article]