Foto del docente

Davide Morselli

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ING-IND/22 SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DEI MATERIALI


Argomenti di tesi proposti dal docente.

  • Molecular design, synthesis and characterization of bio-additives to modify properties of polymers and biopolymers.
  • Preparation and characterization of biopolymer-based materials for various technological applications. In particular, our group is focused on materials for food-packaging, water remediation and active-coatings for infection reduction among others.
  • Preparation of scaffolds and hydrogels for supporting biological tissue growth and bone regeneration.
  • Modification of biopolymers' primary structure to obtain thermoset polymers.

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