(1981- )
2000-2005: BA Philosophy + MA History of Philosophy, University of Padua.
2006-2009: PhD in History of Christianity, University of Padua.
2009-2014: post-doctoral research program in History of Christianity at the Bologna Foundation for Religious Sciences.
International experience
2007-2008: Fellow at Julius-Maximilians Universität, Würzburg.
2010: Visiting Scholar at Smith College, Northampton (MA).
2016: Guest Scholar at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley (CA).
Work experience
2009-: member and coordinator of the editorial board of the projects Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta del Corpus Christianorum (project, set up by Brepols publishers, of critical edition of the decrees of the main church councils): editor of vols III, II (two tomes) e IV (three tomes).
2011/2013: editor (scientific supervision and coordination) of the three volumes Treccani work on the figure of Emperor Constantine (Costantino I - Enciclopedia Costantiniana sulla figura e l'immagine dell'imperatore del cosiddetto editto di Milano).
2009-18: Collaboration with an external center of production of the "Dizionario Biografico deli Italiani" (Treccani). 2014-18: responsible.
2014-18: responsible of Andreatta College at the Bologna Foundation for Religious Sciences.
2015-19: junior assistant professor of History of Christianity at the University of Bologna
2017: National scientific habilitation as an associate professor (History of Christianity)
2017-18 and 2021-: director of the G. Dossetti Library atthe Bologna Foundation for Religious Sciences
2019-2022: senior assistant professor of History of Christianity at the University of Bologna
2022-: Associate professor of History of Christianity at the University of Bologna
2023-: National scientific habilitation as a full professor (History of Christianity)
Awards and competition based programs
"Marilena Amerise 2010" award (01/03/2011).
FFABR 2017
Fellow at the Bologna John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences.
Member of AIEP/IAPS (Association Internationale d'études patristiques/International Association of Patristic Studies).
Member of the Italian Research Group on Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition (Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su Origene e la Tradizione Alessandrina, G.I.R.O.T.A.).
Board member of ASSRI (Associazione per lo Sviluppo delle Scienze Religiose in Italia).