Foto del docente

Dario Zanelli

Adjunct professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Research fellow

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: IUS/10 Administrative Law

Short Bio

PhD in Legal Studies, 36° cycle, curriculum in Administrative Law (IUS/10), at the Department of Law of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

Graduated in Law in 2017 at Faculty of Law - University of Bologna, discussing a thesis in Administrative Law entitled "The principle of maximum participation in the new Code of Public Contracts" (Vote: 110/110 with honours)
Go to the Curriculum vitae



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Via Zamboni 27/29, Bologna - Go to map

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Il ricevimento ha luogo tutti i venerdì, dalle ore 11.30 alle ore 13.00, alla SPISA o sulla piattaforma "Teams", previo appuntamento via mail all'indirizzo sopra indicato.

The reception is set every Friday, from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm, at SPISA or on the application "Teams", by e-mail appointment (address above).

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