Foto del docente

Dario Modenini

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Curriculum vitae


Dario Modenini is an Assistant Professor at University of Bologna – Aerospace Campus Forlì - in the field of Aerospace System since 2015.


2008 Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering (Univ. of Bologna)

2012 PhD in Aerospace Engineering (Univ. of Bologna)

2012-2014 Post Doc Researcher at Università di Bologna


Courses taught at Università di Bologna since 2010:

Past Courses

- Flight Dynamics – Module 2 (BSc - 3ECTS), a.y. 2010-11 to 2012-13 – taught in Italian

- Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control – Module 2 (MSc – 3ECTS), a.y. 2013-14 and 2014-15 – taught in English

Current Courses

- Aircraft On-board Systems - Module 2 (BSc – 3 ECTS), since a.y. 2016-17 until now – taught in Italian

- Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control (MSc – 6ECTS) since a.y. 2015-16 until now – taught in English


The research activity of Dario Modenini, performed both in the academic environment and in collaboration with space agencies and national and international aerospace companies, has been carried out mainly in the field of microsatellites and micro space systems.


He has been the supervisor or co-supervisor of 19 theses, during the period 2010-2019


UniBO internal projects:

2006-2009 STARS – Standalone Three-Axis oRientation Sensor – Responsible for the H/W and S/W design, prototyping and experimental validation of an innovative Earth sensor for autonomous three axis determination of LEO satellites

2008-2012 Study on the navigation anomaly of Pioneer 10&11 probes

2013- AMGS enhancement – Design, assembly and test of a highly automated Mission Control Centre in support to the ESA ESEO microsatellite mission, operating at UHF and S-band.

2014- Development and experiments on H2O2 monopropellant microthrusters

2017- Algorithms for optical navigation from images of celestial bodies

2017 – Development of a dynamic test-bed for nanosatellites attitude determination and control system verification

2018-19 Development of a novel horizon sensor based on a miniature infrared camera

Projects with private companies:

2016-2017 C3S LLC Hungary – Analysis and simulations of Attitude Determination and Control subsystem for nanosatellite

2016- Sitael – Development of the Ground Center and Mission Control Center for uHet all electric satellite

2018-2020 Sitael – Design of the Spacecraft Control Center for STRIVING IOD/IOV Service

2019- BFSpace - INFINITY Space Telescope Mission Phase A Study.


2008-2009 ARMADA - Autorotation In Martian Descent And Landing

2013- ESEO – European Student Earth Orbiter. Ground Segment and Mission Control Center development

2015- DustCube - Asteroid Impact Mission (AIM) Cubesat Opportunity Payloads (COPINS)

2009-2011 RT-LANDER: Radio Tracking of a Landed Spacecraft: Determination of the Spacecraft Position and the Planet’s Ephemeris and Orientation in Space


2015-16 Investigation on the physics and microfluidics of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in MEMS microthrusters.


He is reviewer for the following international journals:

Elsevier, Aerospace Science and Technology

Elsevier, Advances in Space Research

IEEE, Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

IEEE, Transactions on Mechatronics

MDPI, Aerospace

Springer, Aerotecnica, Missili & Spazio


He is a member of the Editorial Board of:

2019- MDPI Aerospace


Dario Modenini is author/co-author of some 40 papers, 28 of which indexed on Scopus. His papers have gained a total of 113 citations, achieving an H-index of 8 (Scopus, August 2020).

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