Foto del docente

Daniele Pascale Guidotti Magnani

Ricercatore in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Dipartimento di Architettura

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CEAR-11/A Storia dell’architettura


Visit to UNESCO porticoes - October, 28th

Dear students, Here is the order for the visits of October, 28th, as listed below: 9.30am meeting at Piazza Cavour, in the garden, close to the fountain Morning: - visit to porticoes of via Farini - visit to Piazza Maggiore Transfer by bus (bus 20 from piazza Malpighi to Meloncello) or ...

Pubblicato il: 27 ottobre 2024

October 21st - visit postponed

Dear students, According to a general instruction of the Rector, tomorrow we have classes online. The afternoon visit will be postponed to next week. Please let everyone informed of this communication. Thank you. Best regards, Daniele Pascale

Pubblicato il: 20 ottobre 2024

Construction History 24/25 - First day of the course

Students of the “Construction History” course are advised that the start date of the course will be Monday, September 30th. Students who cannot be present on that date are invited to contact the professor via email ( PLEASE NOTE. Contrary to what is indicated in the general ...

Pubblicato il: 20 settembre 2024