Foto del docente

Cristina Chiavari

Associate Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: CHEM-01/B Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE of Cristina Chiavari

July 2024

Cristina Chiavari was born in Bologna on 29/3/1972.


Since 11/10/2021: Associate Professor in CHEM-01/B Chemistry of the Environment and Cultural Heritage, at the Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna.


Interaction of materials constituting cultural heritage with the environment. Study of degradation and protection of materials (metals, glass and stone) from outdoor and indoor atmospheres. Biodegradation. Diagnostics for the conservation of cultural heritage. Archaeometallurgy.

Use and processing of data from the following analytical techniques: Optical, stereo, electron microscopy (SEM/FEG/TEM and EDS), Potentiostats (electrochemical tests), Raman and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray Diffractometry (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, X-rays Photoinduced Spectroscopy (XPS), Atomic Absorption (FAAS), Thermoluminescence.


-In 2023, he obtained the national scientific qualification (ASN) as a full professor in SSD CHIM03\A1.

-In 2017 he obtained the national scientific-disciplinary qualification (ASN) as a full professor in SSD CHIM03\A1 and CHIM03\A2.

-In 2013, he obtained the national scientific-disciplinary qualification (ASN) as a full professor in SSD ING-IND22.


-February 2003: Doctor of Philosophy in Electrochemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, University of Ferrara, Department of Chemistry, 'Aldo Daccò' Corrosion Centre. The title of the thesis is as follows: A study of the corrosion of traditional and innovative alloys used in the production of modern artistic castings. My doctoral supervisor was Professor G. Brunoro.

-June 1997: Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from the University of Bologna. The title of the thesis is as follows: The study of luminescence centres in Si:Er. The candidate was supervised by: Professor A. Cavallini.


-September 2011: The International School of Corrosion Science, organised by Prof. Leygraf of KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.

- January 2010: Workshop and training school, 'Electrochemistry in Historical and Archaeological Conservation', 11-15 January 2010, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands.

-July 2007: The basic course, entitled 'Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) for Metallurgists', was held at the AIM in Milan, in collaboration with the Istituto IENI-CNR.

-February 2001: Seminar Course in Metallurgy, AIM, University of Cassino.

-September 2000: Modular Course 'Corrosion and Protection of Metals' held by Prof. Mazza, AIM, Milan.

-September 1999, Summer School of Archeometry entitled "Physical Methods for Cultural Heritage" (Castro, LE).


I am currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural Heritage at the University of Bologna, where I teach in the CHIM12 programme.

-From October 2018 to October 2021: RTD-B Researcher in CHIM12, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna.

-From January 2016 to October 2018: RTD-A Researcher in CHIM12, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna.

-From July 2011 to December 2015, research grant at the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research (CIRI-MAM), University of Bologna. The grant was awarded for research into the degradation and protection of metal alloys for both industrial and artistic use.

-2005 - 2011: Research grants at the Department of Metal Science, Electrochemistry and Chemical Techniques, University of Bologna. Subject: ‘Copper, tin and bronze artefacts: study of corrosion processes’.

-2003- 2005: Research grant at the Institute of Metallurgy, University of Bologna, as part of the European Project COLLAPSE (Corrosion of Lead and Lead alloys of Organ Pipes in Europe; ), coordinator Dr. Carla Martini.

January-June 2003: research contract at the Department of Industrial and Materials Chemistry, University of Bologna, under the guidance of Prof. L. Morselli.

-2000-2003: research activity (PhD) carried out at the ‘Aldo Daccò Corrosion Centre’, Department of Chemistry, University of Ferrara, under the supervision of Prof. G. Brunoro and Prof. A. Frignani, as part of the European Project BRONZART (FP5, ‘Artistic Bronzes: selection of alloys, protective evaluation using conventional and advanced techniques’).

-1997-1999: CNR grants, Progetto finalizzato per i Beni Culturali, carried out at the Department of Materials Science, University of Milan, under the guidance of Prof. M. Martini and Dr. E. Sibilia. Topic: ‘Dating of archaeological finds of a ceramic nature using the thermoluminescence method’.

-1997: Four months of experience in conservation science at the analytical laboratory of the Gnudi Foundation in Bologna. Topic of work: Analyses on paintings. Binders, pigments (chemical analysis, UV microscopy and scanning electron microscope). Porosimetry.


Member ICOM-CC (International Council of Museums-Conservation Committee) and member of the ICOM-CC Working Group ‘Metals’.

SCI (Italian Chemical Society) member.


-2007 Winner ‘Improta Prize 2007’ of the AiAr association for young researcher in the field of Archaeometry.

-2017 Deserving of funding from ANVUR under the ‘Fund for basic research activities “FFABR -2017”, as documented in .


-From January 2024 to September 2025, Organisation as member of the Scientific Committee of the 11th interim meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, METAL 2025, to be held in Cardiff, Scotland in September 2025.

-From September 2022 to January 2023, Organisation of the Study Day Metal France, ICOM France 2023, ‘Protection du patrimoine métallique: entre efficacité, réversibilité, esthétisme et illusions’ Paris, 16 January 2023.

-January 2021 to September 2022, Organisation as a member of the Scientific Committee of the 10th interim meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, METAL 2022, held in Helsinki, Finland from 5-9 September 2022.

-March 2019 Organiser and Chair of the Workshop ‘Conservation of outdoor works of art: influence of environmental parameters on the degradation of metals, glass and stone and related protective materials: a state of the art’, 6 March, Dipartimento Beni Culturali, via degli Ariani 1, Ravenna.

-2017/2019 Organisation as a member of the Scientific Committee of the 9th interim meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, METAL 2019, to be held in Neuchatel, Switzerland from 2-6 September 2019.

-11-01-2017 - 10-09-2018 Organization as member of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium 13 ‘Electrochemistry Applied to Cultural Heritage’ (Division of Analytical Electrochemistry, Division of Electrochemical Materials Science, Division of Molecular Electrochemistry) within the ‘69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry’, 2 - 7 September 2018, Bologna, Italy.

-1-01-2016 - 12-04-2016 Organisation as member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference ‘New strategies for the conservation of metallic cultural heritage’, held in Paris on 11 and 12 April 2016 at the Institut National du Patrimoine, Galerie Colbert, Paris, France.

-11/09/2016 - 15/09/2016. Participation as Chair Person of the session Archaeological and Historical Artefacts at the congress ‘Eurocorr 2016: Advances in linking science to enginnering’ held in Montpellier (France).

-11-04-2016 to 12-04-2016 Participation as Chair Person of session of the Congress ‘New strategies for the conservation of metallic cultural heritage’, held in Paris on 11 and 12 April 2016 at the Institut National du Patrimoine, Galerie Colbert, Paris, France.

-15-1/6/2015 Participation as Chair Person of the session ‘Corrosion in Cultural Heritage II’ at the National Conference on Corrosion and Protection, AIM, Ferrara.


-Since 2023: member of the research unit of the PRIN 2022 PNRR project entitled ‘Novel sustainable BIOactive COATings to preserve metal surfaces in Cultural Heritage and Healthcare (BIO-COATCH)’, Project Code P2022HBPNC_001, CUP J53D23015870001.

-Since 2023: member of the research unit of the PRIN 2022 Project entitled ‘Safe, eco-friendly and durable coatings to prevent deterioration of heritage stones’ (SECURE-COATS), Project Code 202288LY27, CUP: B53D23008600006.

-2020-2023: Local PI (UNIBO) in the framework of the European Project JPI CH, PROCRAFT (PROtection and Conservation of Heritage AirCRAFT) involving GPLA - Arc'Antique (AA) (coordinator), Nantes (France); University of Ferrara, Ferrara (Italy); Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague (Czech Republic); CNRS - Centre d'élaboration de matériaux et d'études structurales, Toulouse (France); University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy).

-2022-2023: Scientific Responsible for the Alma Idea 2022 Project, won on a competitive call launched by the University of Bologna for innovative research ideas. The Project was funded by a research cheque for which I am tutor, started on 1 January 2022 and concerns the study of glass degradation in outdoor environments.

- 2015-2017: Participation in the European Project M-ERANET, B-IMPACT (Bronze-IMproved non-hazardous PAtina CoaTings")involving the University of Ferrara, the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (Slovenia); the company Geida d.o.o. (Slovenia); ECAMRICERT S.R.L., (Italy); TRACES Laboratory Toulouse University (France); PYLOTE SAS, France; C2M Aurochs Industrie, (France).

-2017 Awarded funding by ANVUR under the ‘Fund for basic research activities “FFABR 2017”.

-2/2016 Participation in the winning group of the research project entitled ‘Outdoor bronze corrosion: nanoscale XPS investigation of protective coating on representative Substrates’ (n° 20150149) for the use of machine time on the ANTARES line of the Soleil synchrotron at L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin (France). The project led to the publication of the work: [MASI, G., BALBO, A., ESVAN, J., MONTICELLI, C., AVILA, J., ROBBIOLA, L., BERNARDI, E., BIGNOZZI, M.C., ASENSIO, M.C., MARTINI, C., CHIAVARI, C. ‘X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy as a tool to investigate silane-based coatings for the protection of outdoor bronze: The role of alloying elements’ Appl. Surf. Sci., 433, pp. 468-479, (2018)].

-2/2015 Participation in the winning group of the research project entitled ‘XPS and XRF nanoscale investigation of gilded bronze corrosion’ (n° 20140296) for the use of machine time on the ANTARES line of the Soleil synchrotron at L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin (France). The research group includes researchers from various Italian and French research institutions: The results obtained during the research were published in [G. MASI, C. CHIAVARI, J. AVILA, J. ESVAN, S. RAFFO, M. C. BIGNOZZI, M. C. ASENSIO, L. ROBBIOLA, and C. MARTINI, ‘Corrosion investigation of fire-gilded bronze involving high surface resolution spectroscopic imaging,’ Appl. Surf. Sci., vol. 366, pp. 317-327, (2016)].

-2011-2013 PRIN 2009 Participation in the Research Project ‘Innovative methods for the conservation of gilded bronzes’, coordinated by Prof Cecilia Monticelli, University of Ferrara. The Project involved several national universities and research centres: University of Bologna, responsible Prof. Carla Martini; University of Ferrara, responsible Prof. Cecilia Monticelli; Politecnico di Milano, responsible Dr. Sara Goidanich; IFAC-CNR (sesto Fiorentino) responsible Dr. Andrea Mencaglia. Carrying out research activities consisting in designing and carrying out the artificial ageing of samples and in analytically characterising the samples before and after ageing to identify the mechanisms of degradation and protection.

-2010-2012 PRIN 2008 Participation in the project: ‘Low temperature cementation of stainless steels’ coordinated by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of ROME ‘Tor Vergata’.

-2006-2007: MARCO POLO PROJECT Awarded by UNIBO within the Marco Polo Project of a research fellowship to be carried out at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie (Dr L.Robbiola), Paris and at the LISE (Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimique), UPR CNRS 15, of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (Dr H.Takenouti). Topic: ‘Monuments exposed outdoors: study of corrosion’.

-2003-2006: Participation in the European Project COLLAPSE (Corrosion of Lead and Lead alloys of Organ Pipes in Europe; ). Participation in the European COLLAPSE (Corrosion of Lead and Lead-Tin Alloys for Organ Pipes in Europe) Project, contract no. EVK4-CT-2002-00088 (V FP), 1/01/2003-30/06/2006. Carried out research activities consisting in designing artificial laboratory ageing to reproduce indoor atmospheres rich in organic acids and in characterising and identifying the degradation mechanisms of lead alloys in such environments by means of spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques.

2002-2005: Participation in the European BRONZART Eureka Project E! 2210 -EUROCARE (‘Artistic Bronzes: selection of alloys, protective evaluation using conventional and advanced techniques’). Carried out research activities dedicated to studying the behaviour of the alloys under examination and their protective agents in an urban environment reproduced in the laboratory, by means of electrochemical and spectroscopic analytical techniques.

2001: Scientific Responsible for the Young Researchers Project in the year 2001-2002 (Ministerial Funds charged to e.f. 2000), financed by the University of Ferrara. The project ‘Selection and experimental evaluation of the efficiency of organic compounds as corrosion inhibitors for copper and bronze alloys for artistic use’ included a research period, under the guidance of Prof. Philippe Marcus, at the Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Surfaces, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France. The research stages envisaged by the project took place in November 2001, June 2002, March 2003 and concerned the application of the XPS (X-rays photoelectron spectroscopy) surface analysis technique to investigate the interaction mechanisms between inhibitor molecules and the surface of bronzes and the study of film degradation following exposure to aggressive atmospheres.

1997-1999: Participation in the Progetto Finalizzato CNR ‘Beni Culturali’ (1997-2000) ‘Dating of archaeological finds of a ceramic nature by means of the thermoluminescence method’, at the Department of Materials Science, University of Milan-Bicocca, in the research group of Prof. Marco Martini.


The candidate carries out institutional teaching activities as holder of the following courses:

- ‘Chemistry of the Environment and Cultural Heritage’, SSD CHIM12, 30 hours/6 credits, at the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage, in the first year of the Degree Course in Cultural Heritage, starting from the academic year 2015-2016.

- ‘Chemistry of Restoration’, 30 hours/6 credits, SSD CHIM12 at the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage, 3rd year of the Degree Course in Cultural Heritage, starting from the academic year 2016-2017.

- ‘Chemistry and Conservation of Materials’, 30 hours/6 credits, SSD CHIM12 at the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage,Master's Degree Course in Archaeological, Artistic and Landscape Heritage: history, protection and valorisation, starting from the academic year 2018-2019.

- ‘Diagnostics of Materials in Musical Heritage’, 25 hours, SSD CHIM12 at the School of Specialisation in Musical Heritage, University of Bologna, starting from the academic year 2021-2022.

- “Chemistry and Diagnostics of Cultural Heritage I”, 6CFU, LMCU Single-Cycle Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (qualifying under Legislative Decree no. 42/2004), University of Bologna, starting from academic year 2023-2024.


-From 2001 to date, she has been co-author of more than 40 Bachelor's and Master's theses on issues concerning the mechanisms of degradation and protection of metal alloys in different exposure environments for the Departments of Industrial Chemistry, the Degree Course ‘Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage’ and Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, Department of Cultural Heritage.

-Over the last 6 years she has been the supervisor of 13 Bachelor's theses from the Department of Cultural Heritage and 4 Master's theses. During the same period, she was co-rapporteur for 4 degree theses in the Single-Cycle Master's Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage qualifying under D.LGS. N. 42/2004, 4 degree theses in Industrial Chemistry, 1 degree thesis in Energy Engineering and one in Mechanical Engineering.


-2022-2025 the undersigned is currently supervisor of the PhD scholarship within the Interdepartmental Doctorate ‘The Future of the Earth, Climate Change and Social Challenges’ (cycle XXXVI), entitled ‘New Strategies for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage under Climate Change conditions’, PhD student Elena Cofini.

-2020-2023, the undersigned was the supervisor of the doctoral fellowship within the Interdepartmental Doctoral Program ‘The Future of the Earth, Climate Change and Social Challenges’ (cycle XXXVI), entitled ‘Influence of climate change on the mechanisms of decay of materials constituting Cultural Heritage’, PhD student Andrea Timoncini.

-2014-2017 She was co-rapporteur of the PhD thesis in Materials Engineering entitled ‘Atmospheric corrosion of outdoor bronze: mechanisms of decay and conservation strategies’ by Giulia Masi, at the University of Bologna (DICAM Department

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