Cristian Torri received his Master’s Degree in Environmental Science in 2006 and was awarded the title of European PhD (Doctor Europaeus) in Environmental Science in 2011 from UNIBO. He carried out research activities as a fellow / post-doc at the University of Bologna (2006-2013), fixed-term researcher (2013-2021) and associate professor (2021-now) at the “Giacomo Ciamician” chemistry department. At the beginning of his career, his research activity focused on the development of new analytical methodologies in the field of waste and residue enhancement. In this field, he developed new analytical methods for the characterization of complex materials obtained from thermochemical conversions (e.g. pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction and carbonization). Starting from the study of high temperature processes, he was involved in research related to the design and analysis of processes and, more generally, in applied industrial research and scale-up. More recently, his research activity has focused on the field of hybrid thermochemical-biological approaches, i.e. the coupling of thermochemical and biological processes to obtain new materials (bioplastics or agricultural amendments) and fuels from by-products, waste and energy. renewable (Power To Chemicals). In this field, he actively works on direct design and development of new processes, including the production of small-scale demonstration plants and knowledge transfer activities. His research activity concerns the development of thermochemical and biological processes to address environmental problems. He is the author of 69 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, two Italian patents and one international patent. He coordinated or joined several international, national and regional research projects on the valorisation of agricultural and industrial residues. As follow up of the B-PLAS DEMO project he founded a University Spin-off (B-PLAS sbrl) which markets a new process for Sludge-To-Polyhydroxyalkanoates conversion. He currently helds courses of "Biofuels", "Analysis and environmental management of waste" and "Chemical analysis of environmental quality" in the Master's degree course in Environmental Analysis and Management and "Marine Pollution" in the Master's degree course in Marine Biology and Offshore Engineering.