Foto del docente

Claudio Cerchione

Adjunct professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Short Bio

Dr Claudio Cerchione graduated and completed his fellowship and PhD programs with honors in University Federico II - Naples - Italy.

Many international experiences - Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität - Bonn - Germania, Universitade de Coimbra - Portugal, and MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston - USA, where he was nominated International Ambassador of SOHO (Society of Hematologic Oncology).

Author of more than 100 papers in international journals, member of many Editorial boards of international scientific journals and of many scientific societies, President and co-founder of SOHO Italy.

In 2018/2019 he won Clinical Research Training in Hematology - EHA.

Since September 2018, he works in Hematology Unit - IRST IRCCS, where he is leading Multiple Myeloma clinic and research activities in Romagna and is Principal Investigator of many pre-clinical and clinical trials.

Go to the Curriculum vitae



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Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie
Via Belmeloro 6, Bologna - Go to map

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