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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
1. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "A new, convenient
improvement of a selective sylilation-desylilation sequence in
polyhydroxylated compounds by means of polymeric reagents",
Chemistry and Industry, 1983, 643.
2. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "Procedimento per
preparare la ristosamina e prodotti intermedi", Brevetto n°.
3. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Gianni Porzi, Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini -
"Procedimento per preparare la daunosamina e prodotti intermedi",
Brevetto n°. 0001194308.
4. Alessandro Bongini, Giuliana
Cardillo, Mario Orena, Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "A
regio- and stereoselective synthesis of methyl a-L-ristosaminide
hydrochloride", Tetrahedron, 1983, 39,
5. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "Novel synthesis of
a-hydroxyketones and g- or d-ketoesters from cyclic iodocarbonates
and iodolactones", J. Org. Chem., 1984,
49, 701.
6. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "A regio- and
stereoselective synthesis of methyl a-L-daunosaminide
hydrochloride", J. Org. Chem., 1984,
49, 3951.
7. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "Synthesis of rhodinose
using supported carbonate anion", Gazz. Chim. It.,
1984, 114, 325.
8. Alessandro Bongini, Giuliana
Cardillo, Mario Orena, Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "A
new approach to (±)-2-amino-2-deoxytetritols derivatives", J.
Chem. Soc., Perkin I, 1985, 935.
9. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "Synthesis of
oxazolidin-2-ones using carbonate ion on a polymeric support",
Tetrahedron, 1985, 41, 163.
10. Alessandro Bongini, Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini -
"Iodocyclofunctionalization of
(Z)-1-trichloroacetimidoyloxyalk-2-enes and
3-trichloroacetimidoyloxyalk-1-enes. Synthesis of
(±)-erythro-sphinganine triacetate and
(±)-threo-sphinganine triacetate", J. Chem. Soc., Perkin
Trans. I, 1986, 1339.
11. Alessandro Bongini, Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini -
"Iodocyclofunctionalization of (E)-1-trichloroacetimidoalk-2-enes.
Synthesis of (±)-erythro-sphinganine triacetate", J.
Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I, 1986, 1345.
12. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena, Sergio Sandri,
Claudia Tomasini - "A novel efficient synthesis of
(±)-erythro-sphingosine", Tetrahedron, 1986,
42, 917.
13. Alessandro Bongini, Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena,
Sergio Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "Factors affecting
the regioselection of allylic imidates iodocyclization", J.
Org. Chem., 1986, 51, 4905.
14. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena, Sergio Sandri,
Claudia Tomasini - "An efficient synthesis of
(R)-(+)- and (S)-(-)-propranolol from resolved
5-iodomethyloxazolidin-2-ones", Tetrahedron, 1987,
43, 2505.
15. Elena Bruni, Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena, Sergio
Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "Synthesis of chiral 1,2
diamines", Tetr. Lett. 1989, 30,
16. Giuliana Cardillo, Md. Abul Hashem, Claudia
Tomasini - "Functionalisation of unsaturated amides:
synthesis of chiral a- or b-hydroxyacids", J. Chem. Soc., Perkin
Trans. I, 1990, 1487.
17. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena, Maurizio Penna, Sergio
Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "Synthesis of
(R)-N-tosylemeriamine via chiral
N-tosylimidazolidin-2-ones", Synlett, 1990,
18. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia
Tomasini - "Synthesis of L and D a-amino acids from
chiral amidals", Tetr. Lett., 1990, 31,
19. Giuliana Cardillo, Mario Orena, Maurizio Penna, Sergio
Sandri, Claudia Tomasini - "A new approach to the
synthesis of enantiomerically pure 2,3-diaminoacids through chiral
imidaziolidin-2-ones", Tetrahedron, 1991, 47,
20. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia
Tomasini - "1,3-Asymmetric induction: highly
enantioselective synthesis of a-amino acids via 2,5-trans
disubstituted imidazolidin-4-ones", Tetr. Lett.,
1991, 32, 1971.
21. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia
Tomasini, Paola Tortoreto - "A new route to the
synthesis of amino acids through the mercury cyclization of chiral
amidals", J. Org. Chem., 1992, 57,
22. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia
Tomasini - "Use of chiral amidals in the synthesis of
6-methylperihydropyrimidin-4-ones, protected form of b-amino
acids", Heterocycles, 1992, 34, 349.
23. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia
Tomasini - "Highly diastereoselective alkylation of
6-methylperihydropyrimidin-4-ones directed towards the synthesis of
a-substituted b-amino acids", Tetr. Lett.,
1992, 33, 2725.
24. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Marta Susana Romero,
Claudia Tomasini - "Total synthesis of
enantiomerically pure a-aminoadipic acid", Gazz. Chim.
It., 1993, 123, 75.
25. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Piera Sabatino,
Claudia Tomasini, Alessandra Treré - "Lewis Acid Promoted
1,4-Addition to Chiral Imides derivatives in the Synthesis of
b-Amino Acids”, J. Org. Chem., 1993, 58,
26. Rosa Amoroso, Giuliana Cardillo, Giovanna Mobbili,
Claudia Tomasini – “Metal-Assisted Aldol Condensation of
Chiral 6-Methyl Perihydro-pyrimidin-4-ones”,
Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 1993, 4, 2241.
27. Ilaria Braschi, Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia
Tomasini – “Synthesis and Stereochemical Behaviour of
Directed Towards the Synthesis of a-Substituted b-Amino Acids”,
Tetrahedron, 1994, 50, 2955.
28. Giuliana Cardillo, Angela De Simone, Luca Gentilucci,
Claudia Tomasini – “Conjugate Addition of Chloride to
alpha,beta-Unsaturated Chiral Imides Promoted by BCl3-derivatives.
A Synthesis of 3-Chlorobutanoic Acid”, J. Chem. Soc., Chem.
Comm. 1994, 735.
29. Giuliana Cardillo, Angela De Simone, Luca Gentilucci,
Piera Sabatino, Claudia Tomasini - Michael-Type Addition of
Phtalimide Salts to Chiral alpha,beta-Unsaturated Imides,
Tetrahedron Lett., 1994, 35, 5051.
30. Ilaria Braschi, Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia
Tomasini, Roberto Venezia - "Highly diastereoselective
alkylation of perhydro-pyrimidin-4-ones directed towards the
synthesis of a-substituted b-amino acids. Part II", J. Org.
Chem., 1994, 59, 7292.
31. Giuliana Cardillo, Luca Gentilucci, Claudia
Tomasini, Laura Tomasoni - "Synthesis of New Chiral
Auxiliaries Derived from (S)-Tryptophan",
Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 1995, 6, 1947.
32. Giuliana Cardillo, Emanuela Di Martino, Luca
Gentilucci, Claudia Tomasini, Laura Tomasoni - "Conjugate
addition of chloride to a,b-Unsaturated chiral imides promoted by
BCl 3-derivatives. Part II.", Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,
1995, 6, 1957.
33. Giuliana Cardillo, Alessandra Tolomelli, Claudia
Tomasini - "Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure
syn and anti a-Hydroxy b-Amino Acids through
Diastereoselective Hydroxylation of Perhydropyrimidin-4-ones",
Tetrahedron, 1995, 51, 11831.
34. Giuliana Cardillo, Angela De Simone, Anna Mingardi,
Claudia Tomasini - "Synthesis of b,g-unsaturated
Esters from a,b-Unsaturated Acid Chlorides", Synlett,
1995, 11, 1131.
35. Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia Tomasini -
"Asymmetric Synthesis of b-Amino Acids and a-Substituted b-Amino
Acids", Chem. Soc. Rev., 1996, 25,
36. Giuliana Cardillo, Claudia Tomasini -
"Enantioselective Synthesis of b-Amino Acids via
6-Substituted Perhydropyrimidin-4-ones" in Enantioselective
Synthesis of b-Amino Acids; pp. 211-248; Ed. Eusebio Jauristi, VHC
Verlag I, 1996.
37. Giuliana Cardillo, Luca Gentilucci, Claudia
Tomasini, Maria Pilar Visa Castejon-Bordas - "Synthesis
of Optically Pure Trans Aziridine-2-carboxylates by
Diastereoselective Gabriel-Cromwell Reaction", Tetrahedron:
Asymmetry, 1996, 7, 755.
38. Alessandro Bongini, Giuliana Cardillo, Anna Mingardi,
Claudia Tomasini - "Asymmetric 1,4 Addition of
Grignard Reagents to Chiral a,b-Unsaturated Imides in the Presence
of Lewis Acids", Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1996,
7, 1457.
39. Giuliana Cardillo, Sonia Casolari, Luca Gentilucci,
Claudia Tomasini - “Asymmetric Synthesis of Alkyl
Aziridine-2-Carboxylates from Chiral 3'-Benzyloxyaminoimide
Derivatives”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.,
1996, 35, 1848.
40. Giuliana Cardillo, Alessandra Tolomelli, Claudia
Tomasini - “Enzymatic Resolution of a-Alkyl b-Amino Acids using
Immobilized Penicillin G Acylase”, J. Org. Chem.,
1996, 61, 8651.
41. Alessandra Tolomelli,Claudia Tomasini -
Critical Survey Covering the Year 1996: Recent Advances in
Functional Groups Manipulation”, in Seminars in Organic
Synthesis, Atti della XXII Scuola Estiva “A. Corbella”,
1997, pp. 309-390.
42. Giuliana Cardillo, Luca Gentilucci, Alessandra
Tolomelli, Claudia Tomasini - “Ring Expansion of
N-Acyl Aziridine-2-imides to Oxazoline-4-imides, Useful Precursors
of Pure beta-Hydroxy alpha-Aminoacids”, Tetrahedron Lett.,
1997, 38, 9653.
43. Alessandro Bongini, Giuliana Cardillo, Luca
Gentilucci, Claudia Tomasini - “Synthesis of
Enantiomerically Pure Aziridine-2-imides by Cyclization of Chiral
3'-Benzyloxyamino Imide Enolates”, J. Org. Chem.,
1997, 62, 9148.
44. Giuliana Cardillo, Luca Gentilucci, Alessandra
Tolomelli, Claudia Tomasini - A Stereoselective
Synthesis of (2R,3S)-N-Benzoylisoserine Methyl
Ester”, J. Org. Chem., 1998,
63, 2351.
45. Giuliana Cardillo, Luca Gentilucci, Alessandra
Tolomelli, Claudia Tomasini - “Formation of
Aziridine-2-amides through
5-Halo-6-methylperhydropyrimi-din-4-ones. A Route to Enantiopure L-
and D-Threonine and allo-Threonine”, J. Org.
Chem., 1998, 63, 3459.
46. Giuliana Cardillo, Alessandra Tolomelli,
Claudia Tomasini - “A New Diastereoselective
Synthesis of anti a-Alkyl alpha-Hydroxy beta-Amino Acids”,
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 1999, 155.
47. Giuliana Cardillo, Luca Gentilucci, Alessandra
Tolomelli, Claudia Tomasini - “Asymmetric
1,4-Addition of Grignard Reagents to Chiral a,b-Unsaturated Esters
in the Presence of Lewis Acids”, Tetrahedron,
1999, 55, 6231-6242.
48. Giuliana Cardillo, Luca Gentilucci, Alessandra
Tolomelli, Claudia Tomasini - “A Practical Method
for the Synthesis of beta-Amino alpha-Hydroxy Acids. Synthesis of
Enantiomerically Pure Hydroxyaspartic Acid and Isoserine”,
Synlett, 1999, 1727-1730.
49. Alessandra Maria Nocioni, Carmela Papa,
Claudia Tomasini - “A Facile and Stereocontrolled
Synthesis of syn- alpha-Alkyl alpha-Hydroxy beta-Amino
Acids”, Tetrahedron Lett., 1999, 40,
50. Claudia Tomasini, Andrea Vecchione -
A Novel Synthesis of 4-Carboxymethyl 5-Alkyl/Aryl Oxazolidin-2-ones
by Rearrangement of 2-Carboxymethyl 3-Alkyl/Aryl N-Boc
Aziridines”, Org. Lett., 1999, 1,
51. Carmela Papa, Claudia Tomasini - “Synthesis and Ring
Opening of 2-Alkyl 2-Carboxymethyl 3-Alkyl/Aryl N-Benzoyl
Aziridines: Synthesis of Polysubstituted Amino Acids”, Eur. J.
Org. Chem., 2000, 1569-1576.
52. Simone Lucarini, Claudia Tomasini -
Synthesis of Oligomers of trans (4S,5R)
4-Carboxybenzyl 5-Methyl Oxazolidin-2-one: An Approach to New
Foldamers”, J. Org. Chem., 2001,
66, 727-732.
53. Claudia Tomasini, Marzia Villa -
“Pyroglutamic acid as a pseudoproline moiety: A facile method for
its introduction into polypeptide chains”, Tetrahedron
Lett., 2001, 42, 5211-5214.
54. Cristina Peggion, Alessandra Barazza, Fernando
Formaggio, Marco Crisma, Claudio Toniolo, Marzia Villa,
Claudia Tomasini, Herbert Mayrhofer, Peter
Pöchlauer, Bernard Kaptein, Quirinus B. Broxterman - Me)Hyv:
chemo-enzymatic synthesis, and preparation and preferred
conformation of model depsipeptides”, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin
Trans. II, 2002, 644-651.
55. Fernando Bernardi, Marco Garavelli, Marco Scatizzi,
Claudia Tomasini, Valerio Trigari, Marco Crisma,
Fernando Formaggio, Cristina Peggion, Claudio Toniolo -
Pseudopeptide Foldamers. The Homo-Oligomers of Pyroglutamic Acid”,
Chem. Eur. J., 2002, 8,
56. Claudia Tomasini, Valerio Trigari,
Simone Lucarini, Fernando Bernardi, Marco Garavelli, Cristina
Peggion, Fernando Formaggio, Claudio Toniolo - “Pseudopeptide
Foldamers. The Homo-oligomers of the
Oxazolidin-2-one”, Eur. J. Org. Chem.,
2003, 259-267.
57. Gianluigi Luppi, Donato Lanci, Valerio Trigari, Marco
Garavelli, Andrea Garelli, Claudia Tomasini -
“Development and Conformational Analysis of a
Pseudoproline-Containing beta -Turn Mimic”, J. Org.
Chem. 2003 , 68, 1982-1993.
58. Gianluigi Luppi, Marzia Villa, Claudia
Tomasini - “Introduction of 4(S)-Oxazolidineacetic
Acid, 2-Oxo (D-Oxac) Motif in a Polypeptide Chain: Synthesis and
Conformational Analysis”, Org. Biomol. Chem.,
2003, 1, 247-250.
59. Gianluigi Luppi, Claudia Tomasini -
“A New Entry to Polyfunctionalised 4,5-trans
Disubstituted Oxazolidin-2-ones from L-Aspartic Acid”,
Synlett, 2003, 797-800.