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She graduated in Nursing in April 2014 with the thesis "Nursing home staff members' knowledge, experience and attitudes regarding advance care planning: a cross-sectional study involving 12 Italian nursing homes" published in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research journal in 2019.
She obtained a Master's Degree in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences in 2020 with the thesis "The Family and Community Nurse: Training Project" with a grade of 110 cum laude.
She obtained a post-graduate degree in Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Care Research Methodology.
She has been a nurse since 2014; she worked in the emergency room, in the home environment and, since December 2016, she has been a permanent employee at the AOSP eye emergency room.
Since 2020 she has been coordinator of the AIFeC Association of Nurses of Families and Communities in the Emilia-Romagna section.
"Only the dreamer can fly" - Peter Pan
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